Chapter Two

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Ang squealed in delight at the news, catching the attention of a few stray bladers that were still in the cafeteria. Cooza was immediately wrapped in a tight hug, Sisco being pulled into it as well.
"That's amazing! Congratulations!" She said in excitement, pulling away and cradling the small male's face in her hands. Cooza smiled slightly, laughing.
"Thanks Ang, but try to keep it down..." He said softly, looking at his boyfriend.
"Yeah, we're keeping it a secret until he starts showing..." Sisco said after, keeping an eye out for the stray bladers that might be listening.
"Your secret's safe with me. To be honest, I always figured there was something going on between you two. Sisco wasn't the nicest blader I've seen until you joined the team Cooza. He sure was stubborn." Sisco flushed red, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. Cooza giggled, rubbing Sisco's arm and smiling.
"I've heard stories, but nothing changes my attitude to him." Cooza said, a wide smile on his face. Sisco groaned and looked away, crossing his arms as his cheeks burned darker.
"Lighten up Sisco. You're gonna be a dad." Ang said, ruffling his green hair. The tall blader chuckled and smiled slightly.
"I guess I can't be upset when I'm having a child, can I?" He asked, placing a gentle on his boyfriend's shoulder.
"Of course not! This is really something else though. Men normally don't get pregnant..."
"Well, you can definitely say that I'm blessed."
"For sure! And Cooza, I don't know if you've been told yet, but there are some things that you need to be careful of while you're pregnant." Ang said, making Cooza nod.
"Chris said she was going to find me a parenting book to read so I know what to avoid."
"And she's right. From now on, you need to eat pregnancy-safe foods. It'll help to make sure the baby is growing healthy and steadily."
"You got it Ang, thank you." Cooza rubbed his eyes gently, suppressing a yawn. "I think it's about time we get back to our room. I'm really starting to get tired..."

Ang clasped her hands together, smiling.
"Yes, of course. While your pregnant, rest is important. I'll see you boys in the morning." She said, waving the two off. Cooza yawned and waved, Sisco smiling at her and waving as well.
"Night Ang."
"Good night Ang..." The two said, making their way out.
"Good night you two!"

Sisco and Cooza made their way back to their dorm room, Cooza yawning again as they walked into the room. The taller male closed and locked the door behind them, running a hand through his messy green hair and turning off the light as he made his way over to his bed, Cooza already there.

They laid down, Sisco taking off his glasses and holding his smaller, pregnant lover close, kissing his head softly.
"Love you Cooza... I'll see you in the morning..." He said softly. The small yellow-eyes male smiled slightly, turning and burying his head into Sisco's chest.
"I love you too Sisco... See you in the morning..." Cooza mumbled, sleep having already consumed his mind and body. Sisco held him close, his eyes fluttering shut as sleep also overtook him.


Their morning alarm went off, Sisco slamming a hand on the clock to shut it up. He sat up and stretched, yawning softly and rubbing his head as he turned to face his lover.

He blinked, finding the space next to him empty.
"Cooza?" He called, taking his glasses off the table and slipping them on. He looked around, noticing that Cognight was still resting on the dresser. 'Must've gotten up early...' He muttered in his thoughts.

Sisco breathed out, getting out of bed and grabbing his clothes for the day, getting dressed. He yawned again, making sure he had Satan and his launcher before walking out of his room to breakfast.


"Sisco, have you seen Cooza?" Chris asked after everyone had breakfast and it was time to train. The green-haired blader shook his head.
"Nope, I haven't seen him since last night. After we had gotten back to our room." He replied, stretching out his arms. "I just figured he got an early start on the day."
"I checked with Ang and she said he never came to breakfast. Did you notice anything different in your room?"
"Nothing too unusual besides the fact he left Cognight and his launcher on the dresser. That's a little weird considering he always has his bey with him."
"Sisco, I'm concerned. If no one has seen him, something might've happened to him."

Sisco ran a hand through his hair, rubbing his head slightly.
"God Chris, don't say that. You're gonna give me anxiety." He said with a slight chuckle.
"Sisco, I'm serious." Chris replied bluntly, crossing her arms. "I'll ask the rest of the team, and if none of them have seen him, I'm reporting him missing."
"You're the boss." Sisco said, walking off with a wave of his hand.

Chris lived up to her plan about Cooza. Before everyone was let loose for training, she had asked if anyone had seen the small black-haired male yet this morning. Much to her and Sisco's dismay, everyone shook their head and said they hadn't seen him since the day before.
"Alright, since no one has seen Cooza and he never informed me that he was going somewhere, everyone spread out and search the town. If we don't find him, I will report him missing." Chris explained, her arms crossed but a sad look in her eyes.

Fear was building up in Sisco's chest, a nervous look in his eyes as he watched everyone break away to look around for their teammate.
"I'm sure they'll find him Sisco. Let's try and stay positive." Chris said comfortingly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. The green-haired blader shrugged her hand off, looking at her with emotional blue eyes.
"Staying positive isn't an option until I know he's safe." He growled, a glimpse of tears in his eyes. "Until I know he's not hurt and okay, staying positive is the least of my worries!"
"Sisco, I know you care about him, but please calm down."
"I can't calm down!" Tears started coating the green-haired blader's cheeks, leaving Chris and himself shocked. Sisco wiped his eyes, turning and running away, away to help find Cooza.


Hours later, no one found any leads on Cooza's mysterious disappearance, forcing Chris to report him missing.

Sisco was devastated, trudging back to the BC Sol campus both crushed and exhausted. He kept his hands in his pocket and his eyes to the ground, his hair a ruffled mess and a small yawn escaping his lips as he walked. He was questioning everything, the biggest being himself for not paying attention.

Why would Cooza disappear like that?

He sighed and kept walking, stopping when he seen something shine in front of him. He bent down and retrieved it, tired blue eyes looking over- a bracelet?

His eyes went wide when he found it to be the bracelet he got Cooza a couple months ago, the memory of giving it to him hitting him hard. Tears filled his eyes again, the tall male look up and looking around.
Everything became clear

Cooza didn't just disappear.

He was kidnapped.

NightBear15 signing off...

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