Chapter 1: First Day On The Job

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Hey guys its cody here and i wanna thank you for reading my story this is my first Creepypasta X reader story so i hope that you like it bye

*Beep* *Beep* *Beed*
"Ugghhh!" I said with an annoyed and sleepish tone. I sat up with an annoyed look in my eyes. I slammed my purple pillow onto the alarm clock and stood up, "Why in the world did i set my alarm for 5:00a.m. its saterday?" I thought to myself, i walked over to my calendar and my eyes shot open with shock. "SHIT!" I yelled and started to rush to get dressed. "I almost forgot that I start my new job today!" I said with a little panic in my voice, once i was dressed (the pick below is what your wearing)

I started to do my hair and brush my teeth, i had (H/L) (H/C) hair with (F/C) strands in my hair. I finished fixing my hair then i started to brush my long fluffy dark gray tail and my fluffy ears (this is what colour your ears and tail are)

I looked at myself in the mirror then sighed, i looked at my golden yellow eyes

My (S/C) skin, my long fluffy grey tail, fluffy dark grey ears, sharp white teeth, and my tattos and pearcings that were visible
(This is on your left wrist)

(This is on your left eyebrow)

(This is on the right side of your nose)

(This is on your lower leg)

I looked at the time on my phone, i sighed it was 5:30 a.m.. "Time to make breakfast." I thought to myself, when i had just started eating my "mother" walked in. "Hello freak." Karen said. "Hello Karen." I growled through my teeth. "Me and your 'father' are going on a trip tomorrow and since we cant discipline you then since we won't be here, im going to discipline you now." She said then smiled evily at me. Then my "father"walked in. "Oh hey babe....freak". He said with hatred. "Hello Matt." I said with anger in my voice i knew that i was about to get beat for no reason again, and i hated it, i kept on telling myself that they're gonna die. I didnt realize that my 'mother' was trying to talk to me. "HEY BITCH!" I felt a sting across my face, she had slapped me and that made me hate them even more. "LISTION TO ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU SLUT!" She had started to kick me in my gut over and over until my stomach was bruised. Then my 'father' walked over to me and slamed my head into the wall. I felt something warm go down my forehead, it was blood. I was furious, they looked at me and smiled like they were pleased with they're 'work' and walked away.

When i had finished eating and cleaning myself up i looked at the time it was 5:40 a.m. I cleaned up my area and filled a glass with water. After i had something to eat and drink i started to get ready to leave. "I need to take those pills with me just in case"(the pills can help you control your wolf side if you ever lose control) I went up stairs to go look for the pills, and my bag full of my 'toys'. Once i had gotten to my room i looked in my nightstand and found the pills, i shoved the pills into my bag along with clothes, water, food, a first aid kit, bandages and blankets. Once the bag was full i looked under my bed, i grabed a plain black bookbag. And a dark smile appeared on my face. "There you are, I wonder how long has it been sice i last, played with my toys." I said and my voice darkened at the end, i looked at the time on my phone it was 5:45 a.m., i sighed. "I gess I should leave." I stood up and grabed the bags then sat them down at the front door then i realized that i still have ears tail and sharp teeth along with my golden yellow eyes. I closed my eyes breathed slowly, and focused, soon my ears and tail disappeared my teeth changed to normal ones and my eyes changed to a (E/C) colour.

I looked into the mirror just to make sure everything was hidden. I grabbed my bags and put them in my car the first bag was for when i would run away and the black one, well that one i was saving for tomorrow so that i could have some 'fun'. I grabed my keys and started my car, but little did i know 3 little mice were watching me the whole time. Then after mt car was out of sight they slowly went back into the woods that were behined my house.

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