Chapter 2: being watched?

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When i started driving i kept looking in the rear view mirror because i felt like some one was watching me. I shook the feeling off when i saw the corner store that i would be working at from now on. I pulled into the parking lot and parked in the back i looked at my phone it was 5:57a.m. I was just a tad early since i was supposed to be there by 6:00a.m. i went over to my black bag and grabbed a pocket knife just in case then i went up to the front door and knocked jess, one of the employees there noticed i was outside and opened the door. "Hey! (Y/N) so are you ready for your first day on the job?" "For the most part yep but im not ready to deal with people's rudeness."  I said with a tried tone. "None of us are when we first came here but we got used to it and we dont waste our time on them anymore." Jess said with a smile. "How the fuck can you be this happy so early in the morning." I said with a confused face. Jess laughed, "Well i gess its because ive had my coffee, its kinda like my life sorce and im not exactly the nicest person when i dont get my coffe."

Jess laughed nervously. "Ohh i get it." You said as you laughed a bit. "Well lets get the store ready." Jess said going to the back. "Ok, hey wait up!" You said joging after her, after 10 minutes of setting everything up, the store was ready. "Hey (Y/N) what time is it?" Jess asked at she looked at the brocken clock on the wall. I pulled my phone out and look at the time. "Its 6:15 a.m." I said as you put my phone away. "Ok so 5 mins until we have to open up..oh! Before i forget to tell you." Jess says as she looks at me. "Hmm?" I ask wondering what she will say. "Well...theres a couple guys that come in here that act...strange."  She says as she looks outside. "What do you mean strange?" I asked curiosity taking over. "Well they just...they always hide they're faces and dont speak much i even saw one of them twiching a lot and i swear i kept on hearing a ticking noise when the were in here so i thought that one of them had a bomb in here and the other one had on a mostly ya like i said they're strange." Jess said as she was looking at the security cameras.

"Thanks for telling me now lets open the store." I said as i walked to the door. "No, ill let you do the honors since its your first day." Jess said as she threw me the keys. "Thanks jess." I said as i walked to the door but i got that felling that im getting watched again, i put hands in my pants pockets and gripped the pocket knife as i unlock the doors. I went back behind the register to Jess.

Jess lookes at me then says, "Oh! And i need to warn you some times there are a couple of guys that come in here and try to flirt with new employees so please be careful when you do shifts by your self ok?" She said with a worried look in her eyes, like the look of an older sister who was worryed for her younger sister. I smiled warmly at her, "Dont worry i can take care of my self believe me on that one." Once i said that she looked less worried and i laughed before i could stop myself. She looked at me and asked, "whats so funny?" I looked at her and smiled, "Nothing big sis." I said and laughed a bit. She looked at me then laughed pushing me sofly away. I stoped laughing when i felt like i was being watched again so i looked outside the door and there was 4 guys looking into the store, i grabbed jess's arm and asked her if the guys out there are the "strange" guys she was talking about. "Uhh hey jess"? I asked and she looked at me. "Ya?" She said looking confused. "Are those the guys that you said were uh "strange." I asked motioning outside, she gulped and said in a shaky voice. "Y-ya thats t-them." She said looking a bit scared but i dont understand, whats there to be afriad of? I looked at her and said, "Look i promise nothing will happen ok?" She looked at me and tryed to put a smile on. "O-okay." Then the doors open.

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