Chapter 12: Freak, me?

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I flap my large black wings and i float off of the ground. I look down at the 5 teens to see them trembling and crying in fear. I smirk at their fear and start laughing. "Humans are such fragile things, all it takes is a snap of my fingers and the 5 of you are dead, but where is the fun in that"? I said as my left eye started to glow crimson red and my right eye glowed golden yellow. "Y-your a f-freak"!

The first boy said, unable to say it without stuttering. "I am a freak but im proud to say that, but im also your worst fear come to life"! I said hovering right over him, i lifted my hand and threw him behind me. "Come my friends, it's time to feast"! Once i said that the shadows started to laugh and growl, then the shadows started to form into my friends.

"Would you like to meet my friends they want to meet you"? I said as my friends closed in on the 4 teens and started to eat and rip them to shreds. They're screams are all that could be heard, i turned around to the first boy. "You, all i was looking for was an apology but it's to late for that now, your death wont be so quick". I said as fire formed around him, i flicked my finger and in an instant he was engulfed in flames.

His screams were the most pleasant sound i had heard in a long time. My friends gathered around me with pleased looks on they're faces. "Im so sorry its been a while since you last had a feast huh"? I said bending down to pet my demon wolf friend, Ray on the head. "Its fine, you dont have to worry about us so much (Y/N)". Vepar said changing into his human form. (Vepar is the 2nd demon pick up there^)

"But i love you guys and i worrie". I say standing up. "We love you too but you need to let lose some times". Ray said changing into his human form also along with jay.

"I know, i know but you guys have always been there for me, ive know y'all since i was a baby". I said scraching the back of my neck. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time i had been out here for 30 minutes . "Shit fuck shit"! I said, time put my phone away and snapped my fangers and all the evidence went away.

"What is wrong you seem panicked"? Vepar said as he gave me a worried look. "I have people inside wating for me and ive been out here for 30 minutes". I said as my wings disappeared and my eyes changed back to their original (E/C) color.

"Ok well then we wont keep you waiting we'll see you later love you". Vepar said walking into the shadows with Jay and Ray following him not far behind. "Bye love you". Ray said waving. "Next time we'll have to get every else to come love you bye"

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