Chapter 13: your welome

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"I love you guys to bye". I said as i waved them goodbye and walked back into the cafè. I looked around the cafè, i see BEN, Toby and Brian but no sign of Tim anywhere, I walk up to our table and sit down. "Hey guys sorry i took so long it took long". I said as a sincere smile appeared on my face. "Its fine but are you ok, you just left with those kids and you've been gone for a half an hour". BEN said with a look of concern on his face.

"Y-ya and *tic* y-you l-looked m-mad, *tick* are y-you ok"? Toby said with worrie in his eyes. "Am i ok"? I said looking over to Toby. "NO im not ok im still pissed"! I said standing up and slamming my hands on the table. "Just because your not perfect those fucking kids think your a freak and it pisses me off"! I said with anger and hatred in my voice. Toby looked at me in shock and so did BEN and Brian.

I sensed someone behind me so i turned around to see Tim standing there in shock as well. "I...*sigh* im going out side for a breather". I said and walked out of the cafè and started to make my way to my car but i was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I grabbed the hand and put it behind the mans back. "Oww uncle uncle"! BEN said in pain, i let go of BEN and he rubbed his arm.

"I. Am. So. Sorry, i didnt know it was you and it was just my reflex". I said looking at bens arm with a sad look in my eyes. "Its fine I've seen you fight and should've known better". BEN said with a painful smile on his face. I heard my phone buzz so i took im phone out and i received a text message from a number i didnt know. "The fuck is this"? I said clicking the text it said. "your time is almost up, the real fun will begin soon prepare your self my dear".

"Fuck already". I said in my head as i looked at the time it was 6:52p.m.. "Hey do you guys wanna come over to my place and hang out some more, i wanna make it up to y'all for running out on y'all.......twice". I said as i put my phone away, the boys looked at each other and shrugged. "Sure we dont have anything better to do". Tim said and stretched his arms. "Ok them lets go my cars not far".

I said walking to my car, as we were walking Toby went beside me and looked at me. "I w-want *tic* to t-thank y-you for *tic* s-sticking up f-for *tic* m-me". Toby said and looked away with a slight shade of pink on his faced, which made me giggle. "W-whats so *tic* f-funny"? Toby said with a bit of annoyance plastered in his voice. "Oh nothing, nothing at all".

I said smiling innocently, i looked over and saw my car and waved the boys over. I walked over to my car and opened the door. "Oh ya thats right i forgot to mention this but two of you will have to sit in the bed of the truck.....sorry". I said scratching the back of my neck. "Its fine". Brian said and jumped into the bed, followed by Tim.

I looked over to Toby and BEN and smiled. "Well it looks like you boys are up front with me. I said getting into the truck, BEN sat beside me and Toby sat in the passenger seat. "Im not taking them to that bitch and dickheads house, gess ill go to my hideout". I thought to my self as i drive to my hideout. "Uhh where are we going (Y/N)"? BEN said with a confused voice. "To my hideout, i cant take you to where i normally live cause i cant stand that place". I said gripping the steering wheel and clenching my teeth.

"I-is it t-that *tic* b-bad t-there"? Toby said with concern in his voice. "Bad cant explain how hard it is to live in that house, I have to live with those fuckers who claim to be my adoptive parents". I said, the words spitting out of my mouth like venom. I look down the road and see the spot where i normally park. I park the car and hop out. "We have to walk from here." I said walking into the woods.

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