Chapter 40: Im Not Scared Anymore

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I took a couple deep breathes as i got out of my truck. "Hey you guys ready?" I asked as i forced a smile. "Yep! But how are we all gonna fit?" Jill asked as she looked at my truck. "Two of yall can sit up front with me." I responded, Jill and Nina jumped in the bed of the truck as i looked at everyone else. "We'll sit in the back." Clockwork said, she got in the back a long with Nurse Ann. "Looks like you two are with me." I said as i looked at Jane and Judge Angels, the three of us got in the truck. I start the truck and drive off to a sports bar, once we were there i parked. We all got out, we went inside and got a booth. We all sat down and started looking at the menus. Once the waiter came we ordered drinks, i looked at everyone and smiled. "So how did yall make yourselves look so normal?." I asked as Nurse Ann smiled. "Slender gave us a drink that l lets us look 'normal' for 12 hours" She said quietly as i nodded my head. We got our drinks, i took a sip of mine and looked at my drink. "Am i gonna be the only one drinking alcohol?" I asked, Nurse Ann smiled. "Angels and I dont drink, but im sure Jill, Jane, Clockwork and Nina kill have some drinks with you." She said as the rest nodded. A couple moments later the waiter came back and took our orders, we ate our food.

"That was good." Jill said as i nodded my head, Clockwork stared at the dance floor. Nina and i looked at each other and smiled. "Alright c'mon lets go." Nina said as she got up and started pulling Clockwork out of her seat. "W-what?" She questioned as i helped Nina. "We saw you staring at the dace floor so lets dance." I smiled as she got out of her chair and rolled her eyes playfully. We paid for our food and went to the dance floor. As we were all dancing a couple guys started looking at me and whispering. "Oh yay, my oh so favorite people are here, the high school rich mommy boys." I though to myself as i smiled at the boys and turned to the girls. I explained what was going on as they looked at the guys. "Wait when was the last time you went to school?" Jane asked as i pulled out my phone. "I guess Friday so, im just missing today." I said as i saw 20 unread messages from Maggie, i panicked as i clicked on one. (Y:You/ M:Maggie)

~ Friday ~
M: Hey how was work other day?
M: (Y/N)?
M: Its not like you to not answer.
M: I swear if those assholes hurt you again.
~ Saturday ~
M: Please, just be ok
M: Call me as soon as you see this
M: Please be safe (Y/N)
M: (Y/N)?
M: Just let me know your ok
~ Sunday ~
M: I went to your house, the assholes are gone and your truck was too. M: If i dont hear anything from you im gonna brake into your house.
M: Im in, did you run away?
M: Most of your stuff is gone
M: (Y/N) please answer me.
M: God i hope your ok
~ Today ~
M: (Y/N)?
M: Ok now im really scared, you never miss school.
M: I drove passed your house and no ones there again.
M: Thats it im tracking your phone.
M: Im coming to you now.

"Oh shit!" I thought to myself as i heard someone call my name behind me. "I was scared something happened to you and your out partying." Maggie said as tears streamed down her face. "Ill be right back." I told Clockwork, she nodded her head. I walked over to Maggie and grabbed her hand, she pulled away. "Look i know im an asshole, but we cant talk here." I said as she hesitatly nodded her head. We went to the bathroom, i looked in all the stalls and then locked the bathroom door. "Ok look-" "No! Do you have any idea how worried i was?! I thought those assholes hurt you or worse! All you had to do was text me back, i dont know whats going on with you anymore. You never tell me anything these past couple days." She exclaimed as tears streamed down her face once again. "Maggie im so sorry i really am. A lot of shit has happened in the past three days. I will tell you whatever you want to know." I said as she observed me. "Are you safe?" She looked at me with worry in her eyes. "About as safe as i can get." I answered as she sighed. "When did you go?" I looked at her and smiled. "I went home." Her eyes widened as she looked at me. "T-thats great, so you found your family?" She asked, i nodded my head in response. Maggie smiled and hugged me.

"Im sorry for yelling at you." I smiled and hugged her back. "Im sorry for making you worry." A couple moments later we parted. "Tell me everything thats happened." She said as she sat on the floor and pulled me down with her. About 30 minutes later i finished explaining and Maggie looked overwhelmed. "(Y/N) im sorry, ill do everything i can to help you and help you find your parents." She said, i nodded my head in response. "So you believe me?" I asked as she laughed. "I trust you even if it does sound like a movie." She smiled as i looked around. "I can prove it if you want." I stated as Maggie stop smileing. "Um ok go for it." I stood up and closed my eyes, i grew gray wolf ears and a tail, sharp shark like teeth, and golden yellow eyes along with my razor like claws. "Holy shit." She mumbled as she looked me up and down. I turned back to normal as she stood up too. "If i ever need someone to beat up someone for me ill come to you." She joked as i laughed. "Sounds good. I said. "I better get going, ill call you when i get home." She said as she hugged me. "Love you asshole." I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully. "Love you too." I responded as we parted, we left the bathroom and Maggie left the sports bar.

I went back to the dance floor. "A friend?" Nurse Ann asked. "Yep." We went back to dancing, about 30 minutes later my phone vibrated, i took it out and saw a message from Maggie. "Im home." I smiled and texted back. "K ill let u know when i get home. Love u." "Love u too." She texted back, i checked the time, 1:25pm. I put my phone away. "I think im all danced out yall ready to go?." Jane said as everyone agreed, we left and got in my truck. Once we were back at the mansion i stayed in the truck. "Your not coming?" Angels asked as i shook my head. "I have to do a couple things but i should be back in a couple hours." She nodded her head and said goodbye as i drove off. "(Y/N)? Please tell me your not doing what I think your doing." Anna said as i pushed down on the gas pedal. "Yes i am." About 15 minutes later i stoped at my hide out and ran into the house. "W-we haven't even gkne for a test run yet, a-and we cant go in there alone!" Anna said as i went up to my room and grabbed a change of clothes. "Look Anna you know what he'll do if we bring anyone into this. Im not gonna let my family get hurt again because of me." I told her as i changed and put my other clothes on my bed.

I opened my door and stoped. "But isnt family supposed to stick together?" Selena asked, i looked at her shocked as i saw the other four and the pastas. "H-how?" Jade smiled and scratched the back of her neck. "W-well i might've read your mind." She laughed nervously, i sighed. "You know what he's capable of and you still wanna come?" I asked as my pack smiled. "He might not want us but hes gonna have to kill us to get to you." Arthur said as the other four nodded their heads. "I was afraid you would say that." I sighed as i looked at everyone. "We lost you once i think i speak for everyone shen i say we dont want to lose you." Slendy said as everyone else nodded their heads. "Then i suggest yall do any last minute things, we leave in one hour." I said as i walked past everyone and went on the balcony. Jason followed and leaned on the railing beside me. "You know most of us like you a lot." He said as he looked up at the sky. "Thanks i like yall too." I smiled and leaned on the railing too. "Thats not what i mean." He said as he took a step closer to me. "Look (Y/N) we might've not talked much but i really like you." He said as he put his finger under my chin and lifted my face. "I will fight with you untill i die." He said as he kissed my cheek and left the balcony. My face flushed red as i crouched down and covered my mouth. "Holy shit...what the fuck!" I thought to myself as i fanned my face.

This is what your wearing btw and holy shit this story is still growing hella fast. And yes ik i stopped updating for a little bit. But i had to leave my house and temporarily move in with my grandparents because my grandfather just got out of the hospital, and they need help around the house so im gonna try to work on this. And ive really put a lot of work into this chapter i thinks this is the longest one ive done and hopefully they stay like this. And since im here ill do the Q&A answers too since theres only a couple.
AnLoyalFriend: How is your quarantine going, and are you going to write more because of the time we all now have?
Well its not that bad since i still see my friends and go out but it still sucks cuz i cant really go to the places i really wanna go to and it kinda sucks cuz i cant do anyhting on my birthday the 16th. And like i said i have to help with my grandparents so i will try to work on this as much as i can but i hopefully can work on this at least 2-4hrs every day depending on what time they go to sleep but i will be going home for a week the 26th so i might take all day to work on this.

Jaydoes: top 3 favorite creepypasta characters?
Probably Ticci Toby, Puppeteer annndddd Jason the toy maker i gess. I like them all but they're the first ones that came to mind.

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