Chapter 41: The Man In Red

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I stood up and rubbed my temples as my face cooled down. "No way." I thought to myself as i closed my eyes. "(Y/N) looks so badass, theres no way shes into me." BEN thought to himself. "(Y/N)'s a hell of a fighter, and she looks hot as hell." BP thought to himself. "Ok ok i get it." I mumbled as i looked up at the sky. "You just got back home and your already risking your life." I said as Jamie stood beside me. "We fight together remember?" He said as he hugged my arm, i turned and hugged him. "I know just.. i just got home and got yall back. I dont want anything to hurt yall." I said as Jamie hugged me back. "You've fight for us (Y/N), let us fight for you." We parted as we both smiled. "You and Arthur always protect us, now its our turn to protect you big sis." I smiled as he left. I went back inside and called everyone over. "I think it would be better if we waited until tomorrow, a lots happened today and it would just be a good idea to relax a little." I said as everyone nodded their heads. I left the house and walked down a dirt path. "(Y/N) how much do you remember?" Anna asked as i stopped and sat by a tree. "Running away, some of the experiments, leaving with the others, running away again and meeting Zalgo. Umm being adopted by those assholes again, training, meeting the man in red and everything else is blurry."

I said as Anna formed beside me and sat down. "Just like i thought. We both have memories that are blurry but almost everything you said i dont remember." I looked at her shocked and turned to her. "H-how is that possible if we're the same person?" I asked as she leaned on the tree. "I remember everything but running away again, and almost everything thats happened recently." I tilted my head in confusion as she continued. "When Jess called she knew about the man in red. I dont know how she knows him but that name sounds familiar." She said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Ok well before we get into that fill me in on anything i dont remember and vis versa." She added as i nodded my head, about 30 minutes later Anna sighed and leaned her head back. "Ok so my turn i guess, do you remember the third time we came in contact with the man in red?" I looked at her confused as i shook my head. "I only remember the first two times." Anna nodded her head in response. "Thats what i thought, the last time we came in contact with him he kidnapped us and put us in an attic with another girl. She was a neko but i cant remember her name, the man in red told us she was someone we loved and missed dearly."

Anna rubbed her temples. "Thats what we were told, turns out he also knows where our parents are." I looked at her in shock as she looked up at the sky. "I dont understand why he would want Jess, he was only hunting our family and those we hold dear but you just met her right?" She asked as she looked back at me. "Ya i dont remember meeting her before any of this." I answered. "So if neither of us remember meeting her before then how is she someone we care about? And from what you told me to me she was way to friendly, it felt like you've known her for years right?" I nodded my head in response. "So what if we did meet her before but we just cant remember right now? Theres gotta be a reason he wants Jess. And when Jess called you, you got really protective. If she was a stranger why would you be protective? Somethings not adding up here." I looked at the ground as i took in what she said. "He only takes people that can benefit him. And those people aren't human, but Jess is human?" Anna slightly smiled. "What if she isnt? What if we do know her and our memories are just so bunched up we dont remember how we know her. If we find her and get her safe then maybe we could ask her some questions."

We both looked at each other and nodded our heads. "Lets get back before the others start looking for us."  I said as Anna slowly faded away. "Lets go." She said as i pictured her smiling. I got up and started walking back to the house. I pulled out my phone and checked the time, 3:00pm. I texted Maggie and told her i was home then i put my phone away. I looked up and saw the house i went in and closed the door behind me. "hey guys im-" My eyes widened in shock, there was blood everywhere. I ran all over the house looking for everyone. "BP, Jill, Selena, guys where are you? Are you ok?!!?" I yelled as i stopped at my door, i slowly opened it as the door creaked. There was a pile of dead bodys, i took a step back and tripped. "No no no no NO! YOU CANT HAVE THEM!!" I screamed as i got up and ran towards everyone, the man in red appeared in front of me and threw me away from them. I picked myself off of the ground and charged at him. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" I screamed as i turned into a giant gray wolf, i bit his arm and threw him out the window. I jumped after him before he could teleport away and cut his chest open with my claws. His body disintegrated as he chuckled. "You cant escape who you are." I opened my eyes, sprung up onto my feet and looked around.

"W-what?" I mumbled as i looked around and saw i was still at the tree. "Did we doze off?" Anna asked as i looked down at my hands. "It felt too real." I responded, i looked i looked up as i heard faint chuckling. "Oh no." I mumbled as i ran back to the house. "I bursted through the front door and looked around. "Guys where are you?!" I yelled as i looked through the house. I looked at the backyard and saw everyone, i ran to the backyard and bumped into Jason. "Hey, whats wrong? You ok?" He asked, worry and concern plastered on his face. "I-is everyone ok!?" I asked as i grabbed his arms and pulled him down to my height. "Y-ya everyones ok, w-we just thought we saw someone." He said, slightly blushing as he looked away. "Jade and Jeff walked over to us, Jade put her hand on my shoulder as Jeff glared as Jason. "He's fucking with my head!" I said as i let go of Jason and turned to Jade, she hugged me protectively and looked around. "Can she sleep with yall tonight? Arthur and the rest of us are going to look for something." She said as the two slightly blushed and nodded their heads. "Thanks, we'll be back soon." She said as she kissed my forehead and left. I looked down at the floor as the sight of my dead friends kept replaying in my head. Jeff stepped infront of me and grabbed my shoulders. "(Y/N) whos fucking with your head?" I looked up at him as tears started to form in my eyes. "T-the man in red, the person i was gonna go fight." Jason put his hand on my head and smiled. "We'll protect you from now on." I smiled slightly and rubbed my eyes. "Thanks guys, im sorry to put yall through this." I said as i hugged them both, they blushed and hugged me back. "N-no problem." They said in unison.

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