Chapter 7: Are you scared?

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(First POV)

I looked around and closed my eyes and breathed slowly until i hear three heart beats. Hearing they're heart beats beat in fear made me laugh. "Come on out lets have some fun, didnt you say you wanted to have fun"!? I said jumping in front of the man that cut my hoodie. "You ruined my hoodie why did you do that?" I said crouching down the too mans level, which made him cower back in fear of what i would do to him. "I-i-im sorry I-ill buy y-you another o-one." He said reaching into his back pocket and grabbing his wallet then handed it to me. I grabbed his wallet and toke out all the cash, I got a toal of $300 from his wallet and held the wallet out which made him move back in fear. I slowly stood up. "You know, I can smell your fear I can also hear your out of control heart beats and its intoxicating." I said as a smile that could give anyone chills appeared on my face and my eyes turned crimson red, my fanger nails turned into long claws and my teeth were razer sharp. I tackled him and grabbed his wrists then pined them above his head with one hand. "Let me go! What are you going to do to me?!"

As soon as he finished talking I grabbed his chin and turned it away, I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Here in the forest dark and deep, I offer you eternal sleep." I moved my head down then i ripped his neck out with my teeth. I looked over my shoulder to see the other two men starring at me in fear. I stand up, lick my lips and make my way to the two men.  "Y-your a c-canible, m-monster, f-freak!" The so called leader said, I smirked "Here in the forest dark and deep, I offer you eternal sleep." I said as I put my face in front of the so called leaders face smirking, showing my razer sharp teeth."S-stay away!" He said as he raised his hand to hit me. I caught his hand before it could hit me. "Dont. Touch. Me!" As each word passed i slowly crushed his hand and coverd his mouth to muffle his screams and calls for help. I let go of his fist and grabed his throat and crushed it. I let go of his dead body and turned around to the third man shaking and crying in fear. I let a creepy giggle escape my lips and looked at him. "Awww are you scared?" I said as my eyes turned a dark crimson red almost black. And watched as the man started to bleed from his nose, eyes, and even his ears he trys to scream but nothing comes out then he dies. I pick up the bodys and throw them into the ditch/ sewer drain and watch the bodys float into the dark.

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