Chapter 8: Am I alone?

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I turn around and hear movement in a bush. "What the hell is that, did some one see me"? I think to myself as I make my way over to the now silent bush. I reach out and push the branches down to see a dog with a smile cut into his face with human teeth. "Uhhhh..." I said as the dog walks out of they bush and runs unto the woods (there are wood and ditch/sewer behined the store)

"Ok thats not weird at all". I said as i pulled out my phone, it was 7:18. "Shit I need to get back too work". I said as I started to walk away I realized I need to change back I toke a deep breath and focused then I started to glow (A/C). I grabbed my phone and brought up the camera and pointed it at me to make sure I look "normal".

"Okay then let's go inside". I thought to myself as I snapped my fingers making all the blood and any evidence vanish. As I walked to the front of the store I felt like I was being watched so I looked over to the gas pump and see one of the four guys there. "Why the fuck are they still here, did he see me"?!?!

I thought to myself, as I walk back into the store I see Jess and the 3 guys cleaning the mess, Jess turned around to see me standing at the door. "(Y/N)"! She ran to me and hugged me. "Are you ok, I saw you go outside with those fuckers". She said pulling away from me and checking to see if I have any injuries. "Im fine ok, and it's not me you have to worry about".I said as I smirked.

"What do you mean?..........Please tell me you fucked them up"! She said with a wide smile and hope in her eyes. "Hell ya I did, they got exactly what they deserved". I said as I ran my fingers through my hair. "Oh"! Jess said as she turned around to face the 4 guys in front of me. "(Y/N), this is BEN, Toby, Tim and Brian they helped me clean up the mess".

She said pointing to each of them. "Oh, well then hi im (Y/N)". I said with a smile and waved. "You were AMAZING and your fucking ripped". BEN said with a glint of amazement in his eyes. I starred at him for a bit. "Uhhhh.....thanks". I said looking over to Jess for help. "Uhh BEN I think your making (Y/N) uncomfortable".

Jess said resting her hand on his shoulder. "Oh sorry I didnt mean too". BEN said as he took a step back. "Its fine, thanks for helping jess clean up". I said as I looked at the three. "No problem we were here anyway". Tim said

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