10: Bdubs

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I changed the PoV of this so many times before starting to write.


We arrive home in silence.

Tango comes along too. We managed to find him, in tears, dragging the unconscious Impulse out of the area. Impulse's best friend Skizz arrived too once I'd called him. And Tango's boyfriend Jimmy. And Jimmy's roommate, Martyn, decided to come too. Apparently he and Cleo knew each other. Also, apparently Scar knows Jimmy from Fledgling training. Scar only briefly mentions it. Any other day he'd be shouting it to the rooftops. 

So it's me, Scar, Tango, Skizz, Jimmy, Martyn and the unconscious, badly bleeding Impulse that arrive back at our cramped flat, 10 storeys up. Silent. Skizz lays Impulse on the table, the nearest place he can put him. I bring bandages. With him and Tango distracted by that, I can talk with Scar. 

'Are you alright, Scar?' It's the wrong question. Scar glares at me before pushing his box of planes off the sofa to make space to sit.

'This is all my fault,' He replies. Tears shine in his eyes. 'I told Grian.'

'I know.' Part of me wants to blame him. The rest of me, the part that's raised him and looked after him all these years, knows he can't handle it. 'But that's in the past. Grian's the real snitch. He told the Watchers.'

'I'm so stupid...' Scar buries his head in his knees, starting to cry. I pull him into a hug.

'Come on... you're not stupid. You just made a bad decision.'

'I killed Cleo.'

I hear the gunshot as grief shoots through me. Tears blur the room.

'Shh, it's ok. You didn't know it would end up like this...'

'...at least CALL someone!' Tango's raised voice cuts through Scar's sobs.

'I KNOW what I'm DOING, TOP!' Skizz shouts back. 'He's my FRIEND! The Watcher's have done enough.'

'Skizz, he needs professional help! Bdubs doesn't have any of the right supplies... we need to think rationally about this! Besides, the Watchers don't own the health system. That was all... cr*p.'


'The best medical help was in the Blindfold.'

'What?' Skizz's tone turns deadly. 'What do you mean the Watchers don't have health... Isn't that All-protecting?!'

'All-protecting is the army. The closest we get are all-creating Watchers like me who can cover injuries with metal and mechanics.'

'I'm not making Impulse a CYBORG!'

'Guys, Tango, Skizz. I think I know someone who could...'

'SHUT UP MARTYN! You're not part of this!'

Footsteps. A moment later, Martyn's joined me and Scar on the sofa. I smile at him, wondering if we've ever really met before. 

'I'm sorry about today,' he says, awkward. I just silently nod. 'And for... barging into your house with everyone else. I'm just... morbidly fascinated by how far the Watchers will go to openly oppose basic human rights and morality.'

'It's alright. You're not doing any harm.'

'Have we even met before? I've got some vague memories of seeing you at a party a couple years back... Jimmy let Tango invite a couple people and... I think he invited you.'

'Yeah, I remember that! The one with the boxes everywhere... didn't Jimmy fall into a pile of them.'

'Oh yeah!' Martyn laughs. The noise sounds wrong with Scar still crying in my arms and Skizz screaming at Tango about Impulse. He quickly stops.

'Is your friend ok? Scar?'

'He thinks this is his fault. A Watcher Officer he was training with came around for dinner the other night... Scar told him about The Blindfold.'

'S***... so he's a Hawk? How's he finding it?'

'He loves every second of it.' I stare at the toy planes now lying strewn about the floor. 'Well... he certainly did...'

'I didn't see any Hawks at the Blindfold today. Just soldiers on the ground. I'm sure every Hawk goes through some kind of test of faith.' He's speaking to Scar now. 'It must be hard working for the Watchers.'

'It's been his dream since he was young,' I explain. 'Applied 154 times before they let him in.'


Scar looks up, his eyes red from crying. He's still fighting sobs as he speaks.

'I heard the planes.'

Me and Martyn don't speak. Skizz and Tango are still arguing behind. It sounds like Impulse is only getting worse. 

'I literally know someone who can help...' Martyn mutters. 'They're not letting me help... why wouldn't they let me...' 

'They're worried about Impulse. They don't know how well you know him.'

'I shared a floor with him! Impulse literally introduced Jimmy and Tango to each other. Why wouldn't they let me help?!'

'Could you just call the person you know?' I suggest. 

'Are you alright with more strangers in your home?'

I nod.

'If they're saving Impulse's life...'

Martyn starts calling on his holoscreen. I turn to Scar, who's picked up his VX_5 again, playing with the little plane. 

'This is Officer Cub, in the VX_5 plane CF_135,' I whisper. Scar smiles. 

'We are clear for take off,' he finishes the line with.

'As soon as you can, ok?' I look back at Martyn. He finishes his call, looking grave.

'How long will it take?'

'They've got... they're already handling casualties from the attack. It'll be a while until they get here...'

'Oh Notch... you look after Scar. I need to see Impulse.'

I leave the sofa, approaching where Impulse his still lying, breathing laboured. Blood still dribbles constantly from the bullet hole by his shoulder, despite the tissues and tape- the best we had, covering it. Skizz has run out of ideas, head in his hands, muttering to Impulse. Jimmy's got an arm around Tango's shoulder, clearly concerned. 

'Can I...?'

'Yeah, yeah, do whatever.' Skizz replies hoarsely. I sit on one of the chairs next to Impulse. My friend and business partner doesn't move. 

'I- Impulse? We care for you, ok? We're here. You'll get through this... just have to wait. Martyn's got someone who can come in... it's in a while, but it's ok. You'll hang on until then, right?'

'I think it's infected as well, Bdubs. There's nothing we can do.' Skizz looks up. 'We... we can't save him.'

'I'm not losing anyone else,' I reply. 'I can't.'

'Skizz's right. We've done our best. Unless help arrives in the next 30 seconds...'

'We'll have time!' I insist again. 'We'll... we'll... oh Notch...' 

'I just wish I knew which d*** did this so I can...' Skizz mimes breaking someone's neck. 'How many people even died?'

'Too many,' I reply hollowly. 'Far too many. And the Watchers will deny assistance to the survivors, because of course they will, and...'

Impulse gasps for breath and my heart jumps. Is he waking up? Is he...

He starts coughing. Violent, horrible coughs, gasping breaths until...


I had to do this chapter.

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