Forty One - Ms. Wilson

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Ch41 - Enid Wilson

Ms. Wilson hummed to herself as she went about her dinnertime chores. She couldn't have been more pleased with how things were working out with Talia. The young woman was so pleasant to be around, and a hard worker, too. She never stopped moving! Whether she was taking care of the garden outside or tending to the house guests, she did it with a smile. It was obvious that Talia took pride in her position at The Ivy House and even seemed interested in learning how things were run. Enid couldn't have chosen a more responsible and enthusiastic employee!

She had to admit, she'd had her doubts there for awhile. When Talia first came to town, she'd been so aloof, but she'd loosened up quite a bit over the past few months. Ms. Wilson was even able to catch glimpses of her true personality, when she'd let down her guard enough to allow it to show. The young woman was very bright, and witty, too. She still didn't share very much about herself or her past, but her private nature didn't weigh on Ms. Wilson as much as it had in the beginning. She'd been very curious about Talia before, to the point where she just wanted to shake the girl and tell her to spill the beans! But she'd restrained herself. She figured in time Talia would open up more, or at least she hoped she would.

Enid was especially pleased with the friendship growing between her new employee and Charlie. It was so good to see her boy smiling again! She'd caught him watching Talia on more than one occasion with that special twinkle in his eye. And to be perfectly honest, she'd found Talia looking at him, too. This arrangement could not have worked out better than if she had planned it all herself! In fact, Talia was even watching over Winston while Charlie was visiting Emily's parents in Atlanta. That had to mean that the two were seeing each other outside of The Ivy House! How else would these plans have been made? She'd ended up sending Talia home early that afternoon to tend to the matter. The poor dog had been stuck alone at her house all day, something he definitely wasn't used to. Charlie normally took him to work whenever he could, Winston was probably going nuts there all by himself!

She smiled to herself as she stirred the chili, cooking on the stove. Ms. Wilson knew it was a little balmy outside to be making such a hearty meal, but she just couldn't help it. There had been a chill in the air for days, no matter how pleasant the weatherman insisted it was. Unless maybe she was coming down with a cold? Well now, that wouldn't be good, she was much too busy to get sick.

I guess only time will tell, she sighed, wrapping her sweater a little tighter around herself.

She'd been so deep in thought that she hadn't noticed the man enter the house until he was standing in the kitchen doorway, staring at her.

"Heavens to Betsy!" she exclaimed, jumping. "I didn't even hear you come in! May I help you?"

The stranger stood there and regarded her through hooded eyes. "I'm sorry, ma'am" he said at last, "I didn't mean to startle you."

She shook her head, trying to regain composure. "It's nothing," Ms. Wilson said with a wave of her hand. "I was just lost in my own thoughts." She laughed awkwardly. She wasn't sure why, but he made her feel uneasy. "Is there anything I can help you with?" she asked again.

"Yes, as a matter of fact there is. I was hoping you might have a vacancy tonight."

Ms. Wilson watched him for a moment, trying to decide what to say. There was something in his eyes she didn't like, something that made her feel abnormally cautious. She swallowed nervously before answering, "Were you the one I spoke with earlier on the phone?"

"Yes," he replied. "I called and asked if there was a room available and you said there was. I assume that's still the case?"

She wasn't quite sure how to get out of this one, he had just phoned within the hour. "Yes, of course," she acknowledged, forcing a smile. "How long do you plan on staying with us?"

The polished man hesitated before responding, "I'm really not sure. I guess it all depends on how much I like it here."

Ms. Wilson nodded her head, irritated by his condescending tone. "I see. Well, I'm afraid we're completely booked this weekend," she lied. "I won't have any available rooms then."

He gave her a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I suppose I'll just have to finish what I came here to do then."

"Very well," she said, moving away from the stove. "Follow me and we'll get you settled in."

Enid hesitated a moment before walking past him through the door. She was relieved to find the other house guests gathered in the great room. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she knew she did not want to be left alone with this man in her home. There was something about him that made her hair stand on end.

Ms. Wilson lead the way through the house and to a small room she used as her office. Taking a key from the hook, she handed it over to him. "I'm going to put you in The Green Room," she announced with a tight smile. "I think you will find it very comfortable. It's the largest suite we have."

"That will be just fine," he said, reaching for the offering. "I'm sure it will suit my needs."

"And what did you say your name was?" she asked before writing up his receipt.

"It's Austin. Steven Austin."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Eek—Steven is so close now! Ms. Wilson seems to be right on with her intuition, but I'm not convinced that her insight will help them much at this point. And he's staying in the Green Room no less—the very room Talia stayed in when she first came to town!

Thank you for reading The Secret — you have made it #1 today in Action!!! If you liked this chapter, please give it a vote! I update this story every Tuesday and Friday.

This chapter is dedicated to reader @SaLmaStyles125 for all of her support. And she is a writer as well. You can check out her story Same Feeling by visiting her profile page. :)

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