Forty Two - Talia

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Ch42 - Talia

Talia stretched her muscles as she laid in bed, letting the sheets fall away from her in the process. There were plenty of reasons why she was enjoying Southern Florida and one of them was the intense, humid heat. Turning toward the open window, she closed her eyes as the soft morning breeze made it's way inside her room. Seattle's heat was humid, too, only the temperature rarely spiked over the mid eighties. In fact, you were lucky if it made it into the eighties at all! She had always been fond of warmer weather, having spent many vacations during her childhood in the southwest.

She let her hand fall off the side of the bed and nearly jumped when she felt something furry nuzzle up against it. "Winston!" Talia laughed. She'd forgotten the dog was in her room.

Brushing her nose up to his she said, "I slept so good last night, Winston. No nightmares. Maybe it's because I feel so safe with you around," she crooned, caressing his soft, pale coat. "Do you need to go outside?" Winston's ears perked up with interest, recognizing the question.

"Alright," she chuckled, "I'm getting up." Talia slipped out from under the covers and stood up, reaching for her robe. She put it on and walked out of the room, Winston following in close pursuit.

When they made their way into the kitchen, Talia turned on the coffee maker, and let Winston out the back door. "Charlie promised you would stick around the yard, so don't wonder off too far," she warned the Labrador before shutting the door. "As soon as my coffee is ready I'll join you."

Winston stood on the deck, staring at her before turning toward the stairs and walking into the yard. Talia watched him from the screen door, marveling at his intelligence. Owning a dog of her own was definitely something on her bucket list, especially after having Winston as a house guest. She could not get over the feeling of security he provided, it had been a long time since she had felt this safe. It was nice having Charlie next door, too, but nothing could compare to having a trained hunting dog with an excellent sense of hearing, sleeping next to your bed.

After watching him gallop around the yard for a few minutes, she turned toward the counter and shut off the coffee maker, pouring herself a cup. Talia smiled and inhaled deeply as the steam released a rich hazelnut scent. It was so nice to revel in the small things, things she hadn't been able to appreciate for a very long time. Three long years she had waited to savor a cup of coffee, and now that she was free to do as she pleased, it didn't take long to form a caffeine habit. But who didn't enjoy a fresh cup of joe every morning?

Steven, that's who.

Talia shook her head as she thought of her husband. Correction, her former husband. Even though she hadn't been allowed to divorce him properly, she no longer considered herself married anymore, not to that monster. That part of her life was over now, thank goodness, and a new part was just beginning.

She took her mug and opened the back door, stepping out onto the wooden deck. It was still hard for her to believe that she lived there, on the beautiful piece of property surrounded by the marshland. Charlie had done an amazing job refurbishing the old house and the landscape was tastefully manicured. She loved spending time outdoors, wandering around the yard. Talia sat on the cushioned outdoor couch and took in her view. The tall trees, swaying in the wind, and the neatly trimmed bushes that decorated the perimeter of the house were picture perfect. She almost had to pinch herself to believe it was true! And Charlie had been the one who'd made it all happen. He had made living there affordable for her, and without knowing, he'd saved her life. Talia truly believed that. Not many people would have given her a beautiful home to live in and a job to work at without so much as one reference. But the Wilson's had, and they had done so without any hesitation. She would be forever grateful for their trust in her.

Talia watched Winston in the yard, sniffing at something on the ground. He's probably picking up the scent of some wild animal, she mused. God only knew what creatures ventured into the yard when she wasn't watching. Just as long as the crocodiles stay far away in the water where they belong!

Talia let her thoughts drift back to Charlie. She had been thinking about him a lot, wondering how things were going in Atlanta. He hadn't called, but she didn't expect him to. He had enough on his plate right now without having to worry about phoning her. Although, she had to admit, she was curious about what he was doing and if Emily's father was alright. It warmed her heart to see how much he still cared for his deceased wife's parents. He was such a good guy.

Suddenly, her stomach began to tickle as she thought back to the kiss they had shared the night he left. She hadn't been expecting the embrace, but those kinds of bombshells were always the best ones. There was a lot to be said about the element of surprise, and there was a lot to be said about Charlie Wilson, too. Talia had been trying so hard to avoid thinking about their moment of passion, but it was nearly impossible not to. In fact, she'd played it over and over in her mind since he had left.

I wonder if he's thinking about it, too? she wondered to herself. Probably not, he's too busy in Georgia. I'm sure he doesn't have time to think about kissing me!

A smile played on her lips as she lost herself to the memory. Talia bit her lip, secretly pleased with what had transpired that evening. After leaving Seattle, she'd sworn she would never fall in love again, but how could any woman not fall in love with Charlie? He was such a good person, hard-working, and thoughtful. And gorgeous. Charlie was the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on. Every time he spoke she would have to force herself to pay attention and not get lost in his eyes, his lips...

Oh my goodness—look at you! You're being ridiculous. What if you're reading too far into that kiss? she scoffed. Maybe it meant nothing to Charlie; maybe he just got lost in the moment?

But she sensed that wasn't true. Talia had a feeling that Charlie liked her, almost as much as she liked him. She'd noticed how he watched her while she was working at The Ivy House, a stolen glance here, a secret smile there. She could feel his eyes on her, making her heart race with anticipation. Could he tell how she felt about him? The thought made her heart flutter!

Talia glanced at the watch on her wrist and gasped. She hadn't realized it had gotten so late! She needed to hurry if she was going to make it into work on time.

Standing up from the couch, her eyes scanned the yard, looking for Winston.

"Winston, what are you doing?" she called out to him with a giggle. "You don't have time for a nap!"

Talia walked down the patio steps in her bare feet, heading toward where Winston lay on the soft grass. "Come on, boy, we need to get moving. I don't want to be late for work."

She frowned when she realized Winston didn't move at the sound of her voice; it was very unlike him to ignore a command.

"Winston?" Talia called out again, quickening her pace. He was starting to worry her. What dog takes a nap out in the middle of the yard like that?

Talia's heart lunged into her stomach when she reached the Labrador Retriever. "Winston!" she screamed, kneeling down before him. She was no expert, but she could clearly see that his breathing was shallow, labored.

"Oh my God," she breathed as fear made its way into her heart. She cradled the dog's head in her lap and stared into his slack face. Winston's mouth drooped to the side and his eyes didn't focus on her when she spoke to him.

"What's wrong?! Breathe, Winston," she encouraged as she rubbed her hand down the length of his back.

Talia sat on the ground rocking him, not knowing what to do. What had happened to him? Should she call Ms. Wilson? Charlie? She needed to get him to a vet quickly, but how? She didn't have a car!

"Okay, Winston. I have to leave you for a minute but I won't be gone for long," she explained softly as she rubbed his ear. She knew that dogs were able to sense fear and she didn't want to induce any anxiety that might make the situation worse. "I have to call Ms. Wilson," she soothed. "She'll come to get us and we can get you to the doctor. Everything's going to be okay, boy, don't you worry."

Talia gently laid Winston's head on the grass and stood up, preparing to sprint into the house and toward the phone. "I'll be right back," she promised, taking one more look at him. That's when she noticed the chewed up piece of meat, laying next to the faltering dog.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

OMG, Steven! What did he do to poor Winston? If you liked this chapter, please give it a vote!

*** P.S. No animals were hurt in the making of this story. *** ;)

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