Fourteen - Steven

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Ch14 - Steven

Steven's phone rang loudly from his desk-top at work. Looking out at the sun, just beginning to rise over the Seattle skyline, he reached over to answer it.

"Hello, is this Mr. Steven Austin?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

"Yes, this is he," he answered, taking a sip of coffee. He was careful not to drink too much - caffeine was a nasty habit, but some mornings he needed a little pick-me-up.

"Hello, Mr. Austin. This is Deputy Chief Timothy Young from the Seattle Police Department. I am calling to inform you that there is a fire in progress at 4211 Nottingham Terrace. That is your residence, sir, am I correct?"

Steven sat up straighter in his chair. "Yes, it is," he answered, goosebumps covering his flesh. "My wife is at home. Has she gotten out safely?"

"I'm sorry, sir. I am not aware of the specifics at this time. The fire department is currently at the scene. The blaze has spread to a neighboring residence."

"Thank you for calling. I'm on my way."

Steven ended the call and quickly gathered his belongings, spilling coffee down the front of his starched, white button up. He was out the door and in his BMW in a matter of seconds.

'Please let Sarah have gotten out,' he silently prayed, pushing a shaky hand through his carefully combed brown hair. He had tried to reach her on her cell phone with no luck.

A cold sweat covered his body as he imagined his beautiful wife, sleeping alone in bed as he left the house only an hour and a half earlier.

Loosening his shirt and tie, he tried to contact her again on the phone.


Why wasn't she answering? What the hell had happened?

"The stove," he whispered to himself. No, it couldn't be! Could the frayed wire have caused a fire?

Overcome by emotion, he broke down in the privacy of his car. 'Please, God. Let her be okay,' he silently pleaded. His mind raced to the smoke detector positioned in the kitchen. He hoped it would have been loud enough to wake her.

The morning traffic was getting thicker as he raced through town. He had to get home quickly. He needed to make sure that Sarah was safe.

"Come on!" Steven screamed impatiently at the onslaught of cars.

"Dammit! Hurry up!" He gritted his teeth until his jaw ached from the pressure.

He tried Sarah on her cell once more, unsuccessfully. Why wasn't she answering?

Fear sat in his stomach like a large, heavy boulder, unwilling to move. What would he do if she was not alright? What if she had been harmed - or worse. Would he be able to live without her? Sure, they'd had their share of problems, but they were happy together. Very happy.

Sarah had been trying so hard as of late to be the kind of wife he deserved. He had even been contemplating the thought of expanding their family. Yes, the time had come for Sarah to have his baby. He knew she would be pleased, and she would make a wonderful mother - with a little help from him.

He imagined the little boy he was certain they would have. Handsome, self assured and strong - just like his father. He even had his name picked out. Steven, Jr. He was planning to share the exciting news with Sarah this weekend over a romantic dinner. They could start trying immediately. He would be the king of his castle - not that he wasn't already - and the thought pleased him.

Steven envisioned the three of them living together; he, his son and his wife. It would mark a new beginning for them. He was certain Sarah would abandon all of her foolishness for good once she had his baby. No longer would she instigate arguments with him. She would be a proper wife and mother, and proper wives and mothers did not behave inappropriately.

His thoughts drifted to his own mother. God how he missed her! She had been so wonderful to him, like an angel, and he'd loved her dearly. His father was a damn fool for having treated her the way he did. Elizabeth Austin had been a blessing. He never could understand how his father was unable to appreciate that, and had never forgiven him for treating her badly. Finally, he'd severed all ties with him after she had passed. It had been many years since they'd spoken.

Steven had always hoped to end up with a woman just like his beautiful mother. But those were big shoes to fill, and he didn't really expect that anyone would be able to meet that challenge. Sarah might have it in her, but it was obvious he would need to show her the right way.

He entered the gated community and pulled up to his street, unable to drive any further. Fire trucks and police cars blocked the way, and dozens of people loitered about. Tragic circumstances always brought out the vultures. He parked the BMW and ran the rest of the way home on foot. When he rounded the corner, he stopped abruptly and stared in disbelief.

No... it couldn't be!

The house was engulfed in flames. It would be a total loss.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thank you for reading and helping The Secret rank #25 today in Mystery/Thriller! Don't forget to hit that star if you liked this chapter!

So tell me, what do you think of Steven after getting to peek inside his head for the first time?

This chapter is dedicated to reader @ABbYcupcake_ for always being so sweet and supportive. Thank you! :)

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