Thirteen - Talia

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Ch13 - Talia

Talia felt apprehensive as she boarded the back seat of the motorcycle. She had never even sat on a bike before, much less ridden on one! She struggled with her sundress and finally decided the only thing she could do was hitch it up higher onto her thighs. The helmet felt somewhat cumbersome, and she clumsily tried to adjust it on top of her head.

"Are you ready?" Charlie asked, looking back at her.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she answered, and heard him chuckle.

What am I doing? Talia wondered, drawing in a deep breath and resting her hands lightly on his waist.

"Make sure you hold on real tight," he reminded her, and turned the key in the ignition. The bike shot forward, and a tiny yelp escaped from her lips. She wrapped her arms more firmly around his waist, abandoning her bashfulness.

As they drove through the downtown area, she attempted to relax. It really wasn't so bad - once she recovered from the initial shock. The ride was surprisingly smooth and before long she found that she was almost enjoying herself.

They drove in silence down the country roads, and she took in the sites of her new town. It really was a lovely area. Not in the lush palm tree sort of way one normally imagines when thinking of Florida, more like a subtropical wilderness, showcasing an exceptional earthy landscape.

Before long, the bike began to slow and Charlie pulled into a long drive. She was barely able to make out the house from the road - it was set so far back. Tall sycamores and cypress trees decorated the large front yard, making the house seem even more remote. A little seclusion was definitely something she had been hoping to find.

They pulled up to a small, gray home, pleasantly lit by the sunlight, peeking through the enormous trees. Talia couldn't help but smile. So far, she really liked what she saw. Attractive, quiet and just off the beaten path - it couldn't have been more perfect. In that moment, she felt like she was a lifetime away from her Steven and her troublesome past.

Once they parked the bike on the stone path leading up to the house, Charlie killed the engine and Talia removed the helmet, giving her short hair a shake. He dismounted the motorcycle and offered her his hand. She noticed him studying her carefully as he helped her off of the bike - almost as if he was gauging her reaction. She made sure to keep a poker face; she didn't want him to realize she had already fallen in love with the place and decide to jack the rent up.

"Would you like to see the inside?" he asked, already looking for the key on his ring.

Nodding, she followed him up the steps and onto the spacious porch. She could already picture a bright, flowery wreath adorning the front door and a two seat swing off to the side. He opened the door and allowed her to step inside first.

Talia lifted a hand to her mouth to hide the gasp that threatened to escape. The place was absolutely gorgeous! A big, beautiful bay window was featured in the front room, and hardwood floors throughout. She couldn't believe her luck.

"May I?" she asked, before exploring the residence.

"Take your time," he answered, and stepped back out onto the porch, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

She was pleasantly surprised to see that the house had a small attic and came fully furnished, including the queen size bed in the master bedroom. The kitchen was bright and airy and she could almost picture herself baking chocolate chip cookies and enjoying them in the cozy breakfast nook, overlooking a beautiful wooden patio and tree filled estate.

The backyard was just as appealing as the front yard, and she could just make out the river in the background. Suddenly, she was anxious to check out the property.

Walking toward the front door, she noticed Charlie gazing off thoughtfully into the distance. She quietly observed him from the doorway.

There was no denying the fact that he was extremely good looking, in a ruggedly handsome sort of way. Tall and lean, with broad shoulders; he was attractive enough to make a girl stop dead in her tracks. Her thoughts drifted to what Mrs. Wilson had shared with her the day before. How horrible it must have been for him to have lost both his young wife and baby on the same day. Her heart ached for him.

As if sensing her nearby, Charlie turned, meeting her gaze. Blushing at being caught, Talia opened the door and stepped out to join him on the porch.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"Do you mind if I walk to the water's edge?"

"Sure. As long as you promise to be careful. We do get the occasional crocodile up on shore."

"Crocodile?" Talia gasped.

"Yes," he chuckled at her bewilderment, "My mother likes to refer to this as the river, but it's actually part of the Everglades. She doesn't come down here much; she forgets how dangerous it can be."

Talia felt her eyes widen, "Is it safe to go look?"

"Absolutely. They don't bother you unless you bother them. So that means no swimming," he smiled. "Come on, I'll take you down there - just be careful if you go out onto the dock. There are a couple pieces of wood I still need to replace."

She nodded her head and followed him around to the back of the house. The closer they walked toward the shore the more she could tell it wasn't your typical river. Tall saw-grass poked it's way through the top of the water, as well as greenery sporting tiny yellow flowers. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

Suddenly, a melodic tune escaped from Charlie's pocket and he reached inside to retrieve his cellphone. "Excuse me, please, I have to take this."

Talia nodded and he walked a short distance away. She could just barely hear him speaking with a client about a job he was supposed to work on the following day.

Giving him his privacy, she made her way to a small dock, extending out over the water. Carefully, she walked onto it, remembering what Charlie had said about there being weak spots. She peered down into the water and noticed a small turtle making it's way into the brush. She walked farther out onto the platform, trying to watch it as it scurried away.

A tiny school of fish swam by and she bent down to get a closer look, fascinated with the wildlife that inhabited the area. The thought of living out in the open like this, among nature, appealed to her immensely.

In the distance, she could make out something a bit larger, slowly making its way toward her through the grassy wetlands.

A crocodile? she speculated.

Talia stared, mesmerized by the approaching creature. She didn't hear the creaking noise until it was too late and before she could step aside to safety, the board she had been standing on gave way, causing her to fall through the dock and into the dangerous water below.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hello and thank you for reading The Secret! And thank you so much for your reads, votes and comments!

I'm dedicating this chapter to reader @Tania_Ellis! I can always count on her to come back and vote and comment! Thanks, Tan, for all of your support. :)

And here's a little something for those who like to argue: a quote from The National Park Service: "Crocodiles and alligators belong to a group of reptiles called crocodilians, which are the largest of the living reptiles. Of the 23 different species of crocodilians in the world, 2 species are native to the United States, and south Florida is the only place where both of these species coexist."

I try to do all the research I can before I include information in a story. That doesn't mean I'm always right, but this time I am!!! ;)

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