Thirty Eight - Talia

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Ch38 - Talia

"Looks like it's just you and me," Talia said, looking down at Winston. He thumped his tail against the wooden porch and regarded her through deep brown eyes. They watched Charlie's truck as it pulled away down the long and winding drive, and Talia could feel the nervousness build in her stomach. She was amazed at the displeasure she felt by Charlie leaving town. He had really grown on her over the past few months and the thought of not seeing him left her feeling disheartened.

What ever happened to swearing off men forever? she scolded herself, and then chuckled softly. It was just like her life, always throwing a curve ball, but this time the surprise had been a happy one. Talia hadn't expected to meet a man, and she never could have predicted having feelings for one. When she'd left Washington state, she was content with the thought of living on her own and never falling in love again, but here she was. Although, "love" was such a strong word. "Like" felt much safer, and all she was willing to admit to at the moment. She liked Charlie very much. Maybe a little too much.

Talia stood on Charlie's porch, enjoying the breeze as it moved off of the water, caressing her skin gently. Who ever would have guessed that she would have found everything she needed in southern Florida? Had fate somehow brought her here? She could have chosen any place in the whole wide world to escape to, but this was where she had ended up. Running away had been one of the best, and most difficult, decisions of her life. She'd been forced to do some very unsavory things to make it happen-things that made her feel ashamed. The fire, faking her death, changing her identity, lying. The list went on and on, but she pushed the unpleasant thoughts from her mind.

"Stop it!" she criticized out loud. "You promised yourself you would never go there again." She needed to move past all of that and concentrate on what was happening to her right now. Building a new life was the only thing that mattered, and letting Charlie become a part of it might be a good place to start.

Swallowing hard, Talia wondered if keeping everything from him was the right thing to do. What if they continued to grow closer, and even fell in love one day? Would it be wrong of her to keep such big secrets from him? She was a firm believer in building a relationship on a solid foundation. How solid could a foundation possibly be if it were built on dishonesty, crime and a falsified identity?

But how would Charlie react once he learned the truth? Would he understand why she'd made the decisions she had; would he be able to move past her choices enough to trust her again? And what about Mrs. Wilson? Would she ever be able to accept the crimes she had committed? Talia worked for her at The Ivy House, her pride and joy. Would the older woman fire her for having lied?

Goosebumps covered Talia's flesh and she wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to calm the escalating discomfort. She couldn't let her insecurities get the better of her, not now, after all she had been through. She'd worked too hard to let her past ruin the life she was carefully constructing. Talia had done what she needed to do to survive, it was as simple as that. Steven allowed her no other option. As long as her plan didn't come crashing down around her, she would continue to push forward.

Besides, what if Charlie and Mrs. Wilson didn't understand why she had chosen the route she had? Or worse, what if they didn't believe her story? They were such instrumental parts of her life right now, and she needed them-she wasn't sure if she could take their rejection. Watching Charlie leave for Atlanta had shown her just how much she wanted them both in her life.

No, she could never tell them the truth. As much as she hated lying she would have to keep her secrets tightly concealed, and never allow them out. Not ever. She had run away from Steven so he wouldn't be able to hurt her anymore and yet here he was, continuing to manipulate her life.

Damn him!

He still had such a strong hold over her. Would she ever feel free from him? Would she ever be able to live a normal life, like a normal person?

Talia looked down at Winston who sat patiently at her feet, waiting to follow her next move. She crouched down and gently grasped his face in her hands. "What do you think, boy? Would Charlie be able to forgive me?" she asked, giving his ears a ruffle.

Winston shook his head vigorously, attempting to move his disheveled hair back into place.

"I didn't think so," Talia sighed. "Come on, let's get you back to my house. You're going to stay with me for awhile, I hope you don't mind. We're going to have lots of fun together-I'll even let you sleep on my bed as long as you don't tell Charlie!" she whispered into his ear, secretively. "It will be nice having the company."

Talia stood up and the yellow lab pranced around her legs, excited to be on the move. She grabbed his belongings that Charlie had set aside and made her way down the porch stairs, with Winston in pursuit.

She pushed her concerns aside; there was no point in worrying about them now. Talia was in too deep to be anything but extremely cautious. The thought of Charlie turning away from her was too much to think about. And what if, God forbid, she told him the truth and he turned her into the police? She couldn't have that!

Coming clean was not an option she had at this time, there was way too much risk involved. Talia would just have to live with her actions, and take her secrets to the grave.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

How do you feel about Talia keeping her secrets to herself? I'd love to know what you think!

If you liked this chapter, please give it a vote! I update this story every Tuesday and Friday. Thanks for reading!

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to the AMAZING @TEJJohnson!! He is such a supportive person and an extremely talented writer! Check out his story Cataindar: The Discovery on his profile page. In his words it's "a dark mash-up of Narnia, Kick-Ass and Pan's Labyrinth" - definitely a story you don't want to miss!

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