Thirty Seven - Steven

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Ch37 - Steven

Steven tapped the tips of his fingers together impatiently as he waited for his plane to board. He wasn't sure how the fat bastard had done it, but O'Reilly had given him a lead on Sarah that seemed very promising.

After pouring through hours of surveillance footage from every mode of transportation Seattle had to offer, the detective believed he may have found a match. A young woman, not quite fitting Sarah's description in outward appearance, but certainly in age and build, was seen alone and boarding a bus to Montana in the early morning hours the day of the house fire. According to O'Reilly, the timing would have worked out perfectly with the crime in question. The detective had saved a couple of still shots for Steven to review, and he'd had to admit, there was a strong possibility it was her. This woman wore wire rimmed glasses and her hair was much different from Sarah's, plus the clothes worn were not her typical style, but who's to say she hadn't made some changes? As far as Steven was concerned, the resemblance was uncanny. If her plan was to outsmart him—she'd better try a whole lot harder than that! It amused him greatly to know that Sarah had attempted to get away with her evil transgressions.

Steven leaned back in his chair, folding his hands in front of himself, and mulled over the information he had been given. This mystery woman did not stay in Montana for long. She had immediately boarded a different bus leaving for Nebraska, and then finally one to Florida. The southern tip, to be exact. How ironic that it was as far away from Seattle as a person could get without leaving the country. Sarah had always lacked creativity; she'd been extremely predictable—and boring. The more Steven thought about the course of this unknown woman's actions, the more he was convinced it had to be her.

After tracking down the young woman's whereabouts, O'Reilly had somehow produced a name. Natalia Grace Nicholson. This here was yet another clue. After investigating the origins of that very name, the detective learned that Natalia had been born in the same city, one year before Sarah, but had died in a car accident at the tender age of three. Had his lovely wife assumed the identity of a deceased toddler? The good detective seemed to think so. Apparently, it wasn't terribly difficult to purchase a corpse's identification from the Social Security office. "Ghosting", O'Reilly had called it—it actually had a name. But that was so morbid! Had Sarah actually sunk that low? It was beginning to look as if she had. 

Steven was also given the name of an establishment. The Ivy House. A bed & breakfast in some podunk town near the Florida Everglades. According to employment records submitted by the owner for tax purposes, Sarah has been working there for the past several months. Or at least, Natalia Nicholson has been.

Absentmindedly, he cracked the knuckle of each finger as his thoughts lingered on his wife. My dead wife, he mused. Oh, Sarah's going to wish she were dead once I find her. 

Steven had never felt so much hatred toward anyone as he did in that very moment. The intensity surprised even him, as he had loathed his father since he was a young child. With every breath that he took, Steven's rage grew. The feeling made him sick, physically ill, and all he could do was focus on the release that would be rewarded once he'd made Sarah pay for her sins.

Sarah didn't care about him—her husband, that much was painfully obvious. Maybe at one time she had, at the very beginning of their marriage, but that had died long ago. Even then, she had never loved him like his mother had. Hadn't Mother always told him while he was growing up that no woman would ever be good enough for him? How right she had been.

I should have listened to her... Steven thought now, shaking his head.

His mother was probably so disappointed in the choices he had made, starting with getting involved with Sarah in the first place. Why had he ever decided to marry? He should have known it wouldn't work out. No one, in his eyes, could compete with the love his mother had shown him. She had been so adoring and compassionate, with her gentle way of rearing him. She'd given him the confidence he needed as a young boy and taught him how to forge ahead, even if the cards were not in his favor.

His father would get so angry with him, always screaming that his maternal attachment was unhealthy. But what did he expect? Dad treated her so horribly, always yelling and pushing her around. Steven had taken on the role of her protector from a very early age. He'd had no other choice; he found it impossible to sit there and watch his father's misconduct and do nothing. She didn't deserve the mental and physical abuse she'd been forced to endure. She had been nothing short of an angel, and he couldn't bear to listen to her whimper after the frequent arguments that took place in their home. Often times, in his youth, Steven found that he was the go-between for his parents. The mediator in their endless battle. It was a big responsibility for someone so inexperienced, but Steven took the role very seriously. 

Living with his father had been a nightmare, it was no wonder he and his mother had sought comfort in each other. They'd shared such a closeness, a bond that was unbreakable, no matter how hard his father had pushed to destroy it. No one would ever understand their relationship; it was a very special kind of love, a love different from that of most mothers and sons. He would have done anything for her, may she rest in peace.

I bet she's rolling over in her grave right now, Steven seethed. Mother would want me to move ahead and tackle this problem head on. Just as she encouraged me to do so long ago...

The sound of the speaker overhead interrupted his thoughts.

"Last call for United Airlines Flight 112, now boarding for Miami International Airport."

Steven sighed and pushed his hands through hair, restlessly. He stood from his chair, grabbed his carry-on and made his way toward Sarah. 

It won't be long now...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Yikes—looks like the detective and Steven may have pieced the puzzle together! I know how you sickos like these Steven chapters (lol)—what do you think? ;)

Steven revealed a little more of his sad and twisted childhood in this chapter. It would appear as if he may have been abused by both of his parents, but in completely different ways. That would be enough to screw a person up, I think. Don't you?

If you liked this chapter, please remember to vote, and as always thank you for reading The Secret! I update every Tuesday and Friday.

For the curious and skeptical, I have added a link in the comment section that will take you to one of many articles I found about identity "Ghosting", it's a real thing used by criminals. Of course, our Sarah is no criminal, she's just a desperate and scared girl trying to escape her abusive husband. :)

I would like to dedicate this chapter to the amazing author @BrittanieCharmintine. Her featured story, Mermaids and the Vampires Who Love Them, is a high-ranking WP super-story you won't want to miss!

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