Thirty - Talia

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Ch30 - Talia

Sarah squeezed her eyes shut and raised her pudgy arms toward the sun. She began to twirl in circles, enjoying the feel of her new polka-dot sundress, as it swirled around her knees. The lovely summer day had been filled with lots of love, laughter and sunshine - as most of her days were - and she thought she just might be the luckiest little girl in the whole wide world. The sensation made her feel dizzy with contentment.

Suddenly, she heard her mother call out, "Where's my little Sarah-berry?"

Mommy's voice was so lovely, it sounded like a beautiful song! Sarah felt as though she could listen to her talk for hours and never grow tired. She squealed happily as Mommy scooped her up into loving arms. Together, they laughed and turned, enjoying the special bond they shared. She loved it when Mommy played fun games with her. Her mother was the prettiest woman in all of the universe - even more beautiful than a princess! When she grew up, she wanted to be just like her.

Sarah had spent the happy day outdoors, playing and picnicking with her parents. How much fun they always had together! Although every once in awhile she wished that she had a little brother or sister to play with, but she knew if she had one she would have to share her parent's attention - and Sarah didn't like the thought of that. She adored having Mommy and Daddy all to herself.

Sarah hugged her mother tightly as they danced around in circles, giggling at the shadows they cast on the ground.

But all at once, big, black storm clouds covered up the sun's warm rays, and a harsh breeze stirred about, causing Sarah to feel uneasy. Her mother stopped spinning and looked up toward the sky. Using her arm as a shield, she attempted to cover them from the strong winds that rushed past. Turning toward Sarah, she looked deep into her eyes, a worried expression covering her youthful face.

"You must be very careful, my baby girl," Mommy warned gravely, her eyebrows creased with concern.

Sarah was not used to her mother looking so serious and her heart began to pound in her chest. What was going on? Something was very wrong, she could feel it.

Confused, she asked, "But why must I be careful, Mommy?" She didn't understand why her mother had stopped playing with her. Why was she suddenly so unhappy?

"Because he's out there," Mommy whispered fiercely into her ear, "and he's looking for you."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Another nightmare! Do you think it's just a coincidence that Talia is dreaming of her mother, or could it be a warning from beyond the grave?

Thanks for tuning into The Secret! If you liked this chapter please remember to give it a vote! I update this story every Tuesday and Friday.

This chapter dedication goes out to one of my favorite readers (although I hope she considers me more of a friend) @letlifein and her beautiful poetry. I appreciate her opinion and insight more than she'll ever know. Thank you!!! <3

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