Twenty Nine - O'Reilly

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Ch29 - O'Reilly

Walking around the charred rubble of the massive structure, O'Reilly ran a hand over his thinning hair.

This must have been some place, he snorted to himself. It wasn't often he set foot in a gated community like this. That television set he had come across, sitting in what appeared to be the great room, probably cost more than his car! If only he could quit gambling his money away, maybe he would be able to afford something a little...nicer. Damn those stupid scratch-off games!

He noticed several identifiable pieces of Steven and Sarah's life together strewn about the still smoldering remains, including a wedding photo that barely managed to escape destruction. He picked it up, giving it a quick brush off. The custom made frame fell to pieces in his grubby hands, leaving behind a broken shard of glass and the photo itself.

"Ah, the happy couple," he mocked, as he stared at the smiling newlyweds.

Happy my fat ass!

If there was one thing that O'Reilly knew for certain it was that The Austin's were, in fact, not very happy at all. If they had been, Mr. Fancy-Pants wouldn't be so sure that his beautiful bride had run off somewhere, leaving him alone with his dick in his hand.

Ha! Just the thought of Mr. Perfect with a hard-on is almost laughable!

The detective continued to survey the scene before him and let out a frustrated sigh. O'Reilly hated it when his cases forced him into a laborious position. He liked it best when he was sitting in his comfy office chair, behind his large mahogany desk. At least when he was there he didn't have to get his hands dirty. Plus, he could snack on all the Twinkies he desired, and maybe even pull up some porn on his laptop. He had a hankering lately for ethnic women, the more exotic the better. Preferably with some meat on their bones. He could feel himself getting excited just thinkin' about those delicious beauties! Yeah, what he would give to be sitting at his computer right about now...

But he didn't have that luxury today. No, today it was mandatory for him to work out in "the field" as he liked to call it. No doubt that Mr. Designer-Duds would be expecting a full report soon. At least he was making enough bread with this case he could afford to hire some minions to do most of the dirty work for him. It was a good thing, too. That wooded area behind the house would need to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. It was probably four, maybe even five miles deep. And rummaging around in nature was not his forte.

Letting out a long belch, O'Reilly tossed aside the wedding photo and continued to search for something of interest; anything that might strike him as being suspicious.

Vaguely, his mind wandered to the pretty, little blonde that was the source of all this trouble. Women were always trouble - and the prettier they were, the more stress they caused. He had seen it plenty in his line of work. The female gender was the reason for most of the discontent in the world today. Crimes of passions; crimes of rage. There was always a pretty little thing - and sometimes, not so pretty - in the center of all the chaos. Wasn't it Eve who had started it all in the first place when she had taken a bite of the forbidden apple in the Garden of Eden?


He didn't understand what the big deal was. In his experience, women weren't worth the struggle. O'Reilly preferred his females to be spread out as a centerfold in some dirty magazine, or perhaps adorning the screen of a XXX rated movie. That way he got to enjoy all their feminine wiles and  avoid their constant nagging and senseless desire to shop. He figured he was smarter than the average man because most guys were still hung up on the real thing. Oh well, that was their problem, not his.

Today, his problem was finding out if this little hussy was still alive, and if she was, where the hell she had run off to. O'Reilly wasn't worried though. One way or another, the truth always found it's way out.

And he would be rakin' in the dough when it did.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So, what do you think of Detective O'Reilly? Is he smart enough to figure everything out? Shoot me a comment and tell me what you think!

Plus, it's double chapter day! Please turn the page for Chapter 30, and as always...thank you for reading! Please do not forget to vote if you liked this chapter. XO

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