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Icarus' head spun hearing Alpha Evan's words. His mate wasn't any ordinary human? That was impossible. He had spent so much time with Anaya and not a single thing about her had felt out of place. If his own judgement wasn't proof enough, he still had the blood test report which clearly stated that there was no trace of supernatural blood in her veins. He responded to Alpha Evan when his initial shock subsided and received the explanation about the delivery taking place sooner than the due date after Anaya's touch. Icarus wanted to say it was nothing but a goddamn coincidence, after all it wasn't unlikely for a baby to be born before time, but he kept quiet as he pondered over it. Anaya had been in heat, that was strange. No human had experienced heat before, they only went through the menstrual cycle.

The ride back to the Imperial pack was painful. Zarina and Immanuel tried their best to strike up a conversation but failed. After dropping them at the pack house, Icaus zipped through the clear road blindly. He wanted to be alone, so he could think this through and find evidence against her, only then he would be able to confront her. He wondered why Anaya was hiding her identity from him. Who was she trying to protect? He had enemies but that was because of his position as the Alpha king. Power hunger drove other high ranked werewolves to challenge him every now and then, but he didn't have any conflict as such with other kinds; they all shared the sentiment of eternal peace.

"I'll see you later." He took off in the direction of his office without a backward glance, leaving Anaya alone in the empty hall.

Her shoulders slouched and she let out a sigh, climbing up the stairs to her room. She trusted Icarus, but with what transpired today, she decided to stay away from him. Just because he made her feel like she was the only significant person in his life, didn't mean it was true. She knew what she saw. There was Jina and maybe many more. If Icarus was a human like her, she would have let this go without a second thought. That's how her world worked, trial and error until they found a partner suitable for them. But in Icarus' case, he knew he had a mate somewhere out there. He could have waited for her. Anaya would have, if the roles were reversed.

At times like these she missed aunt Anita and her roommates so much more. They would have been awesome to give some valuable advice, but they weren't with her nor did she have her phone. The feelings bubbling within her were a new territory, and she wasn't sure if she was overreacting, or that's how she was supposed to feel. She had never been affectionate towards any man and the only time she was starting to feel, it brought her here, hurt and confused.

A few tears slipped from her eyes and she drew her knees closer to her chest, hugging her legs tightly. She thought she was finally settling in the Imperial pack, but the coldness that seeped through the cracks of her heart told her otherwise. The foreign feeling returned and her chest grew heavy, like it was being weighed down by a sack of stones.

"Anaya!" There was a knock on the door and she quickly wiped the wetness from her cheeks when Icarus barged in. She didn't want to worry him despite everything. 

"What happened?" She looked up at him to find his gaze narrowed at her, a sneer on his face. 

"What are you?" 

"What do you mean?" She frowned and got out of the bed, now standing in front of him.

He backed away. "You're a witch, aren't you?"

Her frown deepened and she slowly shook her head from side to side. Did he lose his mind? What sort of question was he asking?

"Wait!" Nick came bounding towards them and placed a hand on Icarus' shoulder. "Don't do this." 

"The safety of my pack comes first. She has left me no choice."

"She is your mate, Icarus," he said gently, his remorseful eyes meeting Anaya's for a split second before turning to Icarus.

"You can go. I'll handle this." 


"Leave, Nicholas."

"Y-yes, Alpha."

Anaya swallowed hard. The rage in Icarus' voice startled her and she flinched when he shut the door and locked it, leaving them caged in the room. Some other time she would have been ecstatic, but today, she wanted to escape from his predator like amber eyes. So, his wolf was doubtful of her too. What had she done?

"Who sent you here? What is your intention?"

"You brought me here, Icarus. I didn't even know you before that night."

"Bullshit!" He growled. "Stop lying. You were at Immanuel's bar because you knew I would be there. Then you acted to be homeless, so I'd follow you and bring you with me to the Imperial pack. Clever plan but you're exposed."

"You've got it all wrong."

He chuckled and caught her wrist, pulling her to him. His fingers trailed up her arms to her neck, setting her skin on fire. "Hmm, are you my true mate? Or, is this some spell you've put on me?" 

"Are you done?" She choked out, tears blurring her vision. This was what he thought about her?

He pushed her away and she stumbled backwards, falling on the bed. "I have called the healer. Now that I know you're a witch, it will be easier to find out more about you."

"You don't trust me at all, do you?" She felt sick. "I would never betray you, but if that's what you think, I'll leave right now."

He arched a brow, smirking. "Ah, scared of the healer?"

Speechless, Anaya curled up on the bed. Sobs erupted from her as tears rolled down her cheeks. She had never been so hurt in her life as she was now. She felt crushed. This wasn't the same man she was falling for. Icarus cared for her, showered her with sweet kisses and stared at her as if she held his world.

"That's it then?" She met his eyes through the curtain of tears, and he pinched the bridge of his nose, looking away.

A couple minutes later there was another knock. Icarus unlocked the door to let the Healers inside. Mr. and Mrs. Hans talked to Icarus in hushed tones, but Anaya heard them clearly. The process was going to be stressful. Icarus said he didn't care.

She had stopped crying, drained to her bones. Icarus hadn't batted an eyelash, it was as if he had gone blind to all her pain, but hearing his casual words was a bitter confirmation that brought a fresh round of tears. Might as well torture her then? 

"Luna, is it okay if I take a sample of your hair and fingernail for tests?"

"You don't need to ask her. Just do it." Icarus drawled out, leaning against the door as he watched the scene unfold. 

"The reports should be here in a few hours." Anaya's scalp throbbed when Mrs. Hans detached a strand of her hair from the root, then proceeded to cut her nails. She slid them in different plastic bags and handed to Mr. Hans. He gave her a guilt ridden smile and left. 

"Will that prove she is a witch?"

"No, the test is to track supernatural blood. Sometimes a blood test is not enough."

She stared into the space, her face devoid of emotions. She had made up her mind. She was leaving after whatever test he wanted to do and never returning. She couldn't be with a man who did not have an ounce of trust in her. She knew she was human and he would know too.

"But that's not required. I know she is not a human. If you could just confirm she is a witch and not my mate."

Mrs. Hans' eyes widened and she cleared her throat. "Why do you insist she is a witch?"

"She made my sister go into labor, and she was in heat. I think she may have also cast a spell on me."

The healer let out a breath, sending a sad look towards Anaya. It seemed as if everyone trusted her except for the person who was supposed to trust her. "There is a way but it's not safe."

"What is it?"

"We tie her hands and legs and throw her into the water. If she drowns, she is a human and if she floats, she is a witch."

"Good. We can do this."

"But Alpha, it's dark outside and the water is freezing. Luna will catch a cold."

"She is a witch. She'll be fine." 

The day couldn't get any worse she thought but Icarus was determined to make it hell for her. Her breath caught in her throat and she looked up at them with horrified eyes, tears pooling in them. Icarus used to be so worried about her health. He even blew her hair dry and made tea for her. What happened now?

Healer hesitated, Anaya's expression breaking her heart. She wished she could do something but against the Alpha king, she was a nobody. Her fingers trembled as she handed the rope to Icarus from her briefcase and bowed. "I'm sorry. I can't do this to my Luna." She rushed out. 

Icarus grumbled incoherently under his breath. He walked to where Anaya sat and kneeled down in front of her, tying the rope around her ankles tightly. 

"I don't know how to swim." She whimpered and struggled to break free when he began to twist the rope around her left and right wrists, bringing them together.

"Doesn't matter. You're going to float."

Anaya wobbled, nearly losing her footing when he forced her to stand up. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and another below her knees to pick her up. 

"Icarus, please!" She felt vulnerable and completely at his mercy. 

He carried her down the stairs and outside, jogging across a vacant road till they reached the training ground. Anaya heard the ripples of water and felt chills run down her limbs. She was afraid of deep water bodies. She had drowned once in her childhood which had inflicted a scar in her memory. She couldn't do this. She could die and if by miracle she survived, she would never be the same. But there was no one who would save her. She didn't trust Icarus anymore. In fact, she hated him so much. He was acting insane to prove she was a witch.

"Don't do this to me!" Anaya screamed, thrashing in his arms. "Leave me, please!"

"I have to do this." Terror gripped her heart but before she could react, she was thrown in the lake. A loud splash echoed through the atmosphere, cutting the deafening silence of the night. One second she could see the surface and next second she was swallowed wholly. She blinked repeatedly to clear her vision but water kept getting into her eyes. Fear clogged her throat when she kept falling further and further in the endless lake. She couldn't breathe and the burning in her lungs intensified as water rushed through her mouth and nose. It was then she realized she was going to die and panic seized her senses. Desperate gasps escaped her lips, forming tiny bubbles in the water and her eyelids felt heavy. She tried to fling her body around one last time before giving up, then ever so slowly everything faded to black.

Another update is here!✨This chapter is longer than usual, I hope you don't get bored. Icarus treated her badly here, how do you feel about that? I feel angry and upset honestly. Our poor Anaya, will someone save her or that's her end?

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