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Anaya felt the fullness in her lungs ease, and slowly but steadily she could breathe again. The validity that she was still alive jolted her awake and she let out a sharp gasp, struggling to ease the scratchiness in her throat. Her head was throbbing and there was a heaviness in her stomach that caused her discomfort when she sat up. 

Her eyes landed on Icarus perched on a chair beside the bed, his head drooping to one side as he dozed off. He was lightly holding her left hand in his which made her flinch. She instantly pulled away and rolled out of the bed, awakening him. He straightened and looked at her, relief flashing in his eyes. 

"You're awake," he whispered and scampered towards her but she held out her hand, halting him mid-way. Regret appeared on his face followed by shame over his actions and he dropped his eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry."

She snorted as if he had cracked a funny joke. His apology meant nothing after how he mistreated her. He obviously realized that his accusations were false, and here he was, trying to win her back with a simple sorry. But the thing was, life wasn't so black and white. His behavior hurt her exceedingly and there was no excuse for that. With nothing left to say and no reason to stay, she made her way into the walk-in closet and grabbed her suitcase. She was only going to take those clothes she had with her when she was brought here.

"What are you doing?" Icarus followed behind her, his heart thumping in his chest when he saw her packing.

"Do you remember what I had said once? Hurt me again, and I'll be gone from your life." The arrogance of this man, did he think she would overlook everything and go back to playing house with him? What an ass! Without sparing a glance his way, she dragged the suitcase into the room.

"Anaya, please. Please don't go," he said softly, blocking her path with his hands stretched out. She met his eyes and suddenly, she saw red. Hot rage filled her to the bones, and she couldn't stop her subsequent action. The man who was deemed to love her had slaughtered her dignity in a jiffy, and yet he had the nerve to show his face. A loud smack echoed through the room, and Icarus' face whipped to the side in shock, a red imprint on his cheek. Anaya gazed down at her trembling hand, then back at his face, feeling her eyes water. The look of pure anguish and resignation didn't help to soothe her aching heart, if anything, she felt awful for hurting him.

He cradled his cheek and stepped back. "I deserved it."

"You did."

She clutched the suitcase once more and trudged out of the room with quick steps. But he darted after her and wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his face in her neck. She stilled, losing the grip on the suitcase handle which tumbled down the stairs with a thud and jerked open from the force. She turned around and glared at him. "Don't you fucking touch me!"

Startled by the shrillness of her voice, he winced and raised his hands up."I'm sorry. I know you hate me because of what I did yesterday. But it's for your safety. You could get kidnapped and killed for being my mate."

She saw the moisture in his eyes as he stared at her pleadingly and somehow that tugged at her. If only she could hate him, she wouldn't be standing here and considering his words. "You're right. I hate you, Icarus! I hate you so much. I don't want to see you ever again."

"Then you won't see me," he spoke hoarsely. "I-I promise to stay out of your way all the time, just don't leave, please? I don't want something to happen to you."

"You have done enough yesterday." She gave him a sardonic smile before letting out a resigned sigh. "Fine, I'll stay. But if you think we will be normal again in a few days, you're highly wrong."

He nodded and came forward to hug her. She pushed him away with all the courage she could muster up and pinned him with a scowl. He awkwardly shuffled and left in the direction of his room after mumbling another sorrowful apology.

Anaya sighed and on cue, her stomach grumbled. She walked down the stairs, searching for Lisa but when her eyes found the clock hanging on the dining hall wall, she realized why the house had been silent through the storm. It was hardly past four in the morning and Lisa wouldn't be awake until six which left her no alternative but to prepare breakfast herself. She had not cooked after coming to the Imperial pack, given that she was never required to. So, it was highly astonishing when she entered the kitchen and felt like she was in the arms of luxury. Pristine white walls and marble island greeted her and she was in awe with how neat and spacious it was. She looked up to see brass pendant lanterns dangling from the ceiling, casting a soft glow that appeared like sunlight. She opened several cabinets to find them all hoarded with silver and stainless steel utensils on one side and spices, cereal boxes and food packets on the other side.


Basically, she could make whatever she wanted. She rummaged around for pancake mix and finding it, she grabbed a bowl to make the batter which hardly took a few minutes as all she had to do was add water. She poured it into the greased pan and cooked until bubbles began to pop on the surface. Likewise, she fixed 3 more pancakes, then took out strawberries and chocolate syrup from the fridge. It reminded her of the breakfast she'd shared with Icarus just yesterday and her mood dwindled. The day had started on such a good note she would have never expected for it to end so bitterly. The recollection of being thrown in the lake and drowning made her shudder. It was a sort of experience she would never be able to obliterate from her memory. It brought the fear of dark abyss and forlorn cold water.

Shaking her head, she quickly ate her breakfast, washed the plate and escaped from the kitchen but not before gathering bags of chips, chocolates and cookies. Her suitcase was still on the floor, which took a great deal to close after stuffing all the clothes and junk food. She hauled it upstairs and into her room, bolting the door so that Icarus could not enter. 

She let the clothes be, not in the mood to unload just yet while she settled on the bed with the potato chips. When she was on her own, she hardly got to eat any food of her choice, sometimes it so happened she had to sleep on an empty stomach to save money to pay bills. But now, there were no restrictions. Icarus made sure the kitchen was well stocked all the time. As soon as her mind drifted towards Icarus, she cursed herself. She did not want to think about him or his actions, yet he continued to occupy her head.

She opened the chips packet and shoved the chips in her mouth, tears springing in her eyes and flowing down her cheeks as she chewed with silent sniffs. She didn't want to cry but it was like the tear gate wasn't willing to close so soon. Her shoulders shook and it was a struggle to breathe. The packet fell from her grasp and she couldn't even bring herself to clean up the mess just like she couldn't wipe away her own tears. The fight in her had left after she'd raised her hand against Icarus.

Feeling devastated, she pushed herself from the bed and searched for the pendant given to her by Icarus' grandmother. She had said the stone would change color to show her the right path. Anaya didn't know how it worked but the stone was her only hope. She had put it inside a small box and shoved it in one of the drawers in her closet. She found it beneath a pile of sweaters. Looking down, she clasped the pendant in her hand and furiously rubbed the stone between her fingers, praying for some guidance but nothing happened. She tried repeatedly before finally giving up with a terrorized scream and tossing away the stone. So, Icarus was right. The pendant was a sham.

Her knees weakened and she plummeted to the carpeted floor, holding onto herself tightly as she sobbed harder. There was no telling how much time she'd spent inside the closet, eventually falling into a senseless slumber.

New update!✨Do you think Anaya did the right thing by staying or should she have left him and the Imperial pack? And what about that pendant, is it really fake? Share your thoughts!

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