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The packhouse was as vibrant as always, but there were fewer members in the main hall than usual. Anaya recalled Icarus explaining to her about the morning training that every werewolf was required to take if they wanted to become a pack warrior. After a certain amount of time, which was set by Mason, they had to give an exam. Those who failed were assigned other duties based on their interests and capabilities. She thought it was fair, and she felt proud of Icarus for leading the pack so well.

"Anaya!" yelled a familiar voice. Ivy rushed down the stairs, her excitement knowing no bounds, and hugged Anaya. They hadn't gotten to know each other because of their conflicting schedules, but the little girl felt close to her, which warmed Anaya's heart. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have classes right now. Bye!"

She was gone before either of them could respond.

"Your sister is a ball of sunshine."

"More like a storm," he remarked, making Anaya chuckle and shake her head.

"Hurry up! We've been waiting for you," Immanuel called from the balcony. They climbed the stairs and met him halfway. Anaya waved at him, causing him to lose his frown and smile. "I was about to send a search party."

"Who else is here?" she asked, referring to the loud voices coming from his room.

"See for yourself."

Immanuel's room wasn't small, but his family took up most of the space. Anaya's steps slowed upon seeing Chloe and the baby in her arms. How could she have nurtured him with her touch? If Casey's words were true, she shouldn't go near him, but she did not have a choice unless she wanted to cause a scene. Fortunately, Ellie stood up and walked over to Anaya, a huge grin on her face. "I am so glad to see you."

"I can tell that." Anaya smiled, wrapping her in a hug before stepping back. "How are you?"

"Good," she said. "I'm not going to ask you because your glow says everything."

Anaya's cheeks flushed, and her gaze involuntarily drifted to Icarus. He smirked and raised his brow, as if he recognised the thoughts racing through her mind.

That drew Ellie's attention to him. It was comical to watch her eyes widen in surprise when he'd been standing right there the whole time. "Should I curtsy?"

His blank expression made her feel awkward. She let out a laugh and wrung her hands together. "You know, King and all that jazz?"

"Go ahead," he said.

Immanuel threw him a dirty look, wrapping his arms around Ellie and pulling her to his side. "It's not necessary."

Ellie did not want to offend Icarus, so she waited for his confirmation. She couldn't really point out how she felt, but his presence exuded a sense of power. Like, he could end the world with a snap of his finger or something, urging her to surrender to him. She didn't know how Anaya stood before him without cowering. What was even more unexpected was his sheepish smile when she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Can't I joke with your mate?"

"Only if you know how," Anaya said.

"It wasn't funny," Immanuel added.

"Keep your voice down," Chloe seethed as the baby stirred and started crying. "It took me 30 minutes to get him to sleep."

"Give him to me." Immanuel stretched his arms out in front of his sister. She gave him a sceptical look before handing him the baby. "Watch me." 

Anaya had dealt with babies at the orphanage, so she could almost predict what Immanuel would do and how it would backfire. He made funny faces at the baby, which seemed to frighten him and exacerbated his cries.

"I shouldn't have trusted you." Chloe took the baby back and rocked him back and forth, all the while glaring at Immanuel who raised his hands up and mouthed, "Sorry, sis".

She was so absorbed in watching the exchange that she hadn't noticed Alpha Evan leave his seat and walk up to her side. "Luna." He bowed to her. "Can you spare a moment?"

Anaya nodded and walked out of the room with him.

"Please accept my apologies, Luna." He lowered his head to the ground. "I don't know what got into me that day. I hope I didn't cause any inconvenience."

"Don't worry about it." She was glad Evan was unaware of what had occurred between them; otherwise, he'd feel guilty for something that wasn't in his control.

"Thank you."

They were greeted by complete silence inside the room. Evan returned to his previous seat beside Chloe, while Anaya joined Icarus on the couch. When she opened her mouth, he shook his head and tucked her hair behind her ear before leaning in to whisper. "Be quiet."

She made a motion of locking her mouth and throwing away the key.

"All right," Chloe said in a hushed tone. "He is asleep."

Anaya made the mistake of shifting her gaze to the baby and couldn't deny the sadness she felt for having to keep her distance from him.

"Do you want to hold him?"

She dreaded the question and hoped it wasn't directed at her, but when she raised her head, Chloe was staring at her expectantly. Her mouth opened and closed several times, trying to come up with an excuse. Chloe interpreted her silence as a yes and pushed the baby toward her, forcing her to wrap him in her arms.

She eventually relaxed and a smile spread on her lips. "Congratulations. What's his name?"


His name seemed to stir him. They waited for his cries to surround them. But he simply blinked at her and opened his mouth in a toothless smile. Her heartbeat quickened, and she could not stop herself from leaning in and planting a kiss on his forehead. He was adorable, cocooned in a baby blue blanket that matched the color of his eyes. He touched her cheeks with his tiny hands and made a sweet sound that resembled a giggle.

"Aww, he adores you."

"Does he?" She blinked her tears away and swayed him side to side. "Are you Carson?"

He giggled again in response.

"Are you fond of kids?"

She nodded earnestly.

"Do you want your own?"

She was about to nod again when she recalled the hallucinations that had taken over her life. She could never be ready for the responsibility of raising a child. But if they could find a cure—no, she could not dwell on the impossible because it would only lead to getting her hopes up and crushed.

"I haven't thought of it."

She could feel Icarus' eyes on her. At the very moment, she wished he'd found someone better than her. The Moon Goddess should have chosen someone worthy for him. Someone who wasn't screwed up in the head to not be able to distinguish between reality and illusion.

When she finally mustered the courage to look at him, the frown she was expecting wasn't there; instead, he was smiling, his eyes twinkling with a myriad of emotions.

He pressed a kiss to the side of her head.

She could fool everyone but him. Never him.

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