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Anaya flipped the book close and stretched her body across the couch, smiling from ear to ear. The main characters lived happily ever after, but she was left feeling hollow. She wanted more chapters, which would never be possible unless the author decided to publish a sequel in the future. With a long sigh, she slid the book back into its original place on the shelf and walked with a spring in her step to Icarus' office.

It was nearly time for dinner, and she was starving. She knocked on the door before pushing it open. Her lips parted, and she felt the ground beneath her slip at the sight of Gina sitting across Icarus's lap. They had their arms around each other.  She was kissing him like there was no tomorrow, and from the looks of it, he was responding just as eagerly. Gina tilted her head and smirked, throwing a wink at Anaya.

She staggered back, gasping for breath. Tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. She bolted from the room like she'd been burned. She didn't know where she was going, but she found herself leaning against the door of her room. Her legs gave out and she tumbled to the floor. The scene unfolded in front of her eyes, inflicting pain like no other. Her heart was racing at an abnormal rate and she couldn't breathe. If this was how heartbreak felt, then she did not want to experience it. It was tearing her insides apart.

She couldn't believe it. She refused to. But she also couldn't just ignore what she saw. Eyes never lied, words did. Icarus lied. Every time he expressed his love, he was betraying her trust. And she was a fool to believe him.

How could he?

Her head pounded, and rage obscured her sadness. She should have confronted him, but here she was crying for someone who did not deserve her tears. Taking a deep breath, she wiped her cheeks and stood up as the door opened, colliding with her back and forcing her forward from the impact. She winced, her arms flailing at her sides in an attempt to grasp something. Fortunately, Icarus' arms caught around her midriff, pulling her against his chest.

"Shit, sorry. Are you okay?" He rubbed his palm against her head, smoothing out her hair.

Anaya froze. His concern confused her. His hold, his touch, and everything about his presence made no sense. 


She took a step away and turned around. "I saw you, Icarus. I saw you with her."

"Huh?" It was then he noticed her tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes. "Why were you crying? Did someone say something to you?"

Did he not realise she had seen them?

"You were with Gina in your office. Don't deny."

"What?" He shook his head. "I was upstairs with Immanuel."

"Stop," she said. "Stop lying to me. You were kissing her."

His brows furrowed in confusion. "Immanuel dropped Ellie off and came to hang out. We were in the game room. I didn't bother you because you were engrossed in a book."

"Right, and I'm a fool."

"Why don't you trust me?"

"I did. I trusted you, and look what happened."

Icarus pursed his lips and stared at her. "Would you like to ask Immanuel?"

She stared back at him and shook her head slowly. When Icarus was guilty, he avoided her eyes, so what she saw... "I must have hallucinated."

"Come here." He took her hands in his and wrapped them around his neck before hugging her. She relaxed under his touch. "You consume my thoughts, Anaya, so never think there will be anyone else in my heart."

She finally managed a small smile as her stomach fluttered with butterflies.

"Did you take the medicine today?"

"No," she lied. She had taken it first thing after they returned from the packhouse, but she couldn't tell him. If the medication was working, what she saw was not a hallucination. Casey and her dirty mind games were to blame. She did not understand what her problem was or why she was so adamant to break their relationship, but the girl was starting to get on her nerves. Anaya had enough. "I will take it now."

"Okay. Can I take you out for dinner?"

That got her smile to widen "Sure. I'll be ready in no time."

"I'll meet you downstairs. Immanuel won't leave without greeting you."

"Icarus?" she called as he opened the door. He paused and turned around to face her. "What's your relationship with Gina?"

"Gina," he started. "Her mate was the Beta of the BlueMoon pack. He died in a war between werewolves and vampires seven years ago. She attempted suicide because she did not want to live without him. She came to Imperial Royale packhouse at Evan's request. Dad was the Alpha king at the time, so I had no duties. She and I became good friends. She had lost her mate and I hadn't found mine. Somewhere along the way, we ended up spending a lot of time together. I did not love her, but she took away my loneliness."

She nodded. Her heart clenched, but she couldn't blame him or her. And it had been a long time.

"I am sorry. I should have waited—"

"It's okay." She closed the distance between them and cupped his cheeks. "It's in your past. I asked because I was curious. That's all."

Once he left, she locked the door and yelled, "Casey, wherever you are, come here right now!" Receiving no response, she tried again in a much harsher tone. "I know you can hear me."

"Fine. What do you want?" Casey appeared in front of her with a bored look.

"Really? Don't you feel ashamed of yourself?"

"I did it for us. I told you to focus on your task but no, you don't care whether we die or live!"

She blinked. "Can you stop talking nonsense? What task? Why should I care about you?"

"You haven't regained your memory." Casey frowned. "Did you not eat the berries?"


"The berries I kept for you in the kitchen."

She was relieved that she had eaten outside. "Your berries can go to hell. You know your cheap tricks will never work. I am asking you nicely to stop meddling in our lives."

Casey gaped at her, hurt glistening in her eyes. "You once found them cool and wanted to learn more about them. You're calling them cheap tricks today. "

Anaya looked at her as if she had grown two heads. She couldn't recall ever meeting Casey before. "Have you lost your mind?"

"Look in the mirror," she suggested, "perhaps it will help your memory."

Anaya did not budge. Casey huffed and gripped her shoulders, turning her around to face the mirror. She was shocked to see a red-orange fox towering over her, with white around its eyes that extended all the way to its pointy ears. Its nine tails wouldn't stop swinging left and right, almost encircling her.

"No." She exhaled shakily and slapped her cheeks. "I am hallucinating again."

"That's me, Anaya. Is the stone in my head familiar?"

She looked back and forth between Casey standing behind her and the fox in the mirror,  not paying attention to her words. "But how? I-I thought...you are not a werewolf."

"I am a fox shifter. Can you recall anything?"

Anaya closed her eyes, refusing to fall into her trap. "No, no, no."

"It's time for you to meet Rasharaya then."


She regarded her coolly. "Your mother."

Her breathing ceased. Did she hear her right? She opened her mouth to ask, but Casey vanished in a flash of orange, leaving her bewildered.

Big revelations in the coming chapters! Are you excited? Do comment to let me know your thoughts. Thank you for reading.

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