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"I saw him running off towards the woods. But you wouldn't care, now would you? What's on that computer anyway?" Stan asked the shocked boy.

"No time to explain, I gotta' go !" Dipper told the man, as he took off towards the woods in the direction where McGucket supposedly went.

He found himself a few feet away from the edge of the forest and scanned the land for any sign of McGucket and his parts. The blue-vested boy saw a flash of color against the trees heading north. That must be McGucket! I'm sure of it.

Dipper sprinted through the forest, trying his best to catch up to the point of light, but he stopped in his tracks as a large monster he'd seen before came into his line of sight.

Gremloblin! Dipper screamed in his head, terrified. It had dark green spotty skin, sharp yellow tusks, and menacing eyes that glowed amidst the shadows.

Dipper immediately turned in the opposite direction, knowing not to look it in the eye, and ran as fast as he could in his escape, praying that it hadn't yet seen him. The thumping of the Gremloblin's feet and the crashing and snapping of brambles alerted him of the creature's dreaded pursuit, a crazed fear jolting him faster and deeper into the woods. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, his efforts to escape thoroughly intensified. It seemed as if the beast was breathing hot air onto the back of his neck, but it could have simply been an effect of the mid-summer weather.

The boy dived into a bush hoping not to get caught . Phew, I made it! Dipper silently remarked, smiling. He carefully glanced through the leaves of the bush, expecting the monster to be near, but the Gremloblin was nowhere to be found.

"Ha! I lost him!" The twelve year-old whooped, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Dipper crawled out from under the bush, terrified to find that the thing of nightmares was only a few inches away from him, it's yellow gaze staring into his own. There wasn't much he could do about it, because the world was already fading into a dark haze, closing in on him and his last worries as he struggled to keep his grip on his mind. Then everything went black.  

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