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He could still hear the man's reply through the wood: "Uh huh. Definitely grumpy."

The boy growled again, storming away from the game room with shaking fists. Well, I might as well go and try to find the laptop on my own. Not thanks to Soos. Once he made it out of the living-space, Dipper found Grunkle Stan selling fake gift shop merchandise to the some of the daily tourists that visited the Mystery Shack.

"Come one, come all, to see the mysteries of Gravity Falls! Over to the right we have the mysterious Cornicorn!" Stan announced to the interested crowd, when one of them shook their head at his strange dramatics. "I don't know; I'm tired."

Interrupting Stan's presentation, the impatient boy cleared his throat.

"Dipper?" Stan looked over in irritation. "What do you want? I'm in the middle of ripping people off. Is it money? 'Cause if it is, you're not gettin' any."

The brown-haired boy simply frowned. "No, that's not what I want. Do you know where the laptop went?"

"What laptop?" Stan questioned Dipper, gazing across the crowd if any of them had loose change he could get.

"The one that Bill broke down into a hundred million pieces. That laptop." Dipper informed his great uncle.

"I saw a disturbing old man running around with some parts saying, 'I got a piece of a doohickey! Ye he he he!'" Stan replied, mimicking the tone of the mentally unstable.

Dipper's eyes widened. Stan could only mean one person.

"Old man McGucket!"  

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