Chapter 28

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Our hug lasted for a while. To break the silence, Alesa asked me something. "Adam, have you ever been in love before?" I froze. Dawn. Could I even speak of her without bursting into tears. "I'll take that as a yes." Alesa said. "Tell me about her. Not just her, tell me about life outside the walls." I didn't even know where to begin. Where should I begin? "I guess... I'll start with my first love." I said.

"Aha! I win!" A little 10 year old Adam said proudly. All the other kids glared at him, except one. A girl with blue and pink hair. She stared at him intently. "You cheated!" One of the kids declared indignantly. "How do you even cheat in tag?" The 10 year old Adam yelled back. "I don't know, why don't you tell us, cheater?" The other kid said, kicking Adam down. The other kids joined him, kicking the little Adam and beating him till he was down, bruised and bleeding. Then they left, cheering and high-fiving. Adam laid down on the ground, stunned. "Are you okay?!" A squeaky voice said. Adam looked up. It was the girl with pink and blue hair. "Those guys are meanies." She said. "Let me help you up." The little girl helped Adam up. "Let's get you some band-aids, you look beat up!" The little Adam said nothing, he just complied with the girl. She helped him get cleaned up, and fixed up. "Uh thanks." Adam said in a squeaky voice. What's you're name?" He asked awkwardly. She looked at him with her green-blue eyes. "My name is Dawn."

"That was just how I met her." I said to Alesa, shifting awkwardly. We had a lot of fun times together. The best part, or worst part, was that we always met in secret. My parents never found out. But I liked it you know? It was something I could have just to me? You kind of understand?" I asked. Alesa kept on listening intently and nodding, wide-eyed. "How did you two break up?" She asked quietly. I sighed, getting ready to replay everything that happened.

"We've been meeting in secret for about two years now, and I want to ask you something. You know as well as I do I'm not making it into The Selection, I'm not royalty material. I want you to know you truly make me the happiest guy on earth. So Dawn, will you marry me?" I finally popped the question, and a look of horror was locked onto Dawn's face. "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked, scared I had done something wrong. Dawn didn't say anything for a few minutes. Then she looked me straight in the eye. "I'm sorry to say this Adam, but, there's someone else."

"She flat out cheated on me!" I said, as tears starting to form in my eyes. It gets much worse." I choked.

I felt like I had been smacked in the face with a bat. Dawn... Had been seeing someone else... "It's nothing you did Adam, I still love you, it's just the whole caste issue. If I married you, I would have to move down a caste, and I wouldn't want to do that. It's not you trust me, because I sill love you. I just don't want to move down a caste. "Who is he." I said softly, on the verge of tears. "His name is Justin, and he's a two. So, I'm going to marry him so I won't move down a caste. Sorry Adam, but don't think I don't love you still." "If you did love me, there wouldn't even be this other guy in the first place!" I struggled to keep my voice down, because if we woke people up there'd be hell to pay. "I didn't expect you to understand, Adam." Dawn sighed. "You cheated on me." I felt tears streaming down my face. "No I didn't, but I would expect you to understand." Dawn started climbing down the ladder of the treehouse. Before she left, she looked at me again. "Bye Adam." She said. "Thanks for everything, I guess since that was all you could afford to give." Then she left in the moonlight.

"Hold up." Alesa stopped me. "You realize it's illegal to be out at night in Minecraftia right?" "You should know I broke curfew regularly." She shook her head and sighed. "That's sounds awful Adam." I looked at Alesa, fully crying by now. "Alesa, I hope you find someone you can't live without here. I hope you truly find your soulmate here, and I hope they'll love you until the end of time." I finally collapsed with a sob. Alesa looks around uncertainly. "Is this a good time to comfort you and pat your shoulders?" I gave a weak laugh, and finally collapsed into Alesa's arm, with my cries echoing through the night.

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