Chapter 29

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I cried for a few more minutes. Then Alesa quietly asks me something. "What's it like in the lower castes?" "Trust me, you're not going to like my answer." I warned. "I want you to be honest with me." Alesa said quiet, but firm. I sat up slowly. "Have you ever been hungry? Not like before dinner hungry. Just like, starving? Desperate to do anything for your next meal?" Alesa looked at me quizzically. "No. Wait, does that actually happen to people?" I didn't answer her, I just kept talking. "In the lower castes, we normally get over looked. There are times where you're so desperate for food you'd do... Well, anything." Alesa gasped. "Like, what?" "I've seen girls do things they don't want to do so they can get a mouthful for themselves, or their families." Alesa was speechless. I kept on going. "I remember this one incident where I watched a kid who was so hungry and desperate, that he stole food from a cart. He was caught later, but the whole town watch in horror as an officer literally beat him in the square." Alesa covered her mouth in shock, and you could see tears in her eyes. "It's not as bad for me as it is for others, but it's still bad enough. It's the worst for eights in the social castes. They don't even have jobs, so they usually fight or steal for food. And even then they never get enough." Alesa sat quietly taking everything in. After a while she spoke. "I-is.... Is this all true?" "Every word I breathed in this conversation is true." I said forcefully. Alesa nodded. "Thank you for telling me all of this." Alesa said quietly. "Good night sir Adam, you may go to your room now." Alesa gave me a wave. I felt sympathy rush over me like a tidal wave. She needed time to take this all in. "Get inside at least." I said. "I don't want anyone assassinating you at some point." I half-joked. Alesa nodded wordlessly and we walked inside with a chilly silence.
I felt good the next morning. It was a nice feeling to be able to get everything off my chest. I never realized that the cage I was in would be the only place I could really set myself free. My maids helped me get ready for the day in an efficient silence. Today's outfit was a white shirt with gold strings sewn latitudinal wise on my chest. To go with it, I wore navy blue pants, with deep dark black shoes. Ashley told me I literally looked like a prince today. I awkwardly thanked her and headed down for breakfast. Breakfast was pretty uneventful, I didn't even really chat with Mitch much. I guess we were all taking a bit to wake up. Breakfast was really tasty, as usual. We didn't have anything to do today, because it is a Saturday. I decide to go hang out with Mitch in the Men's Room. Mitch I cried for a few more minutes. Then Alesa quietly asks me something. "What's it like in the lower castes?" "Trust me, you're not going to like my answer." I warned. "I want you to be honest with me." Alesa said quiet, but firm. I sat up slowly. "Have you ever been hungry? Not like before dinner hungry. Just like, starving? Desperate to do anything for your next meal?" Alesa looked at me quizzically. "No. Wait, does that actually happen to people?" I didn't answer her, I just kept talking. "In the lower castes, we normally get over looked. There are times where you're so desperate for food you'd do... Well, anything." Alesa gasped. "Like, what?" "I've seen girls do things they don't want to do so they can get a mouthful for themselves, or their families." Alesa was speechless. I kept on going. "I remember this one incident where I watched a kid who was so hungry and desperate, that he stole food from a cart. He was caught later, but the whole town watch in horror as an officer literally beat him in the square." Alesa covered her mouth in shock, and you could see tears in her eyes. "It's not as bad for me as it is for others, but it's still bad enough. It's the worst for eights in the social castes. They don't even have jobs, so they usually fight or steal for food. And even then they never get enough." Alesa sat quietly taking everything in. After a while she spoke. "I-is.... Is this all true?" "Every word I breathed in this conversation is true." I said forcefully. Alesa nodded. "Thank you for telling me all of this." Alesa said quietly. "Good night sir Adam, you may go to your room now." Alesa gave me a wave. I felt sympathy rush over me like a tidal wave. She needed time to take this all in. "Get inside at least." I said. "I don't want anyone assassinating you at some point." I half-joked. Alesa nodded wordlessly and we walked inside with a chilly silence.
I felt good the next morning. It was a nice feeling to be able to get everything off my chest. I never realized that the cage I was in would be the only place I could really set myself free. My maids helped me get ready for the day in an efficient silence. Today's outfit was a white shirt with gold strings sewn latitudinal wise on my chest. To go with it, I wore navy blue pants, with deep dark black shoes. Ashley told me I literally looked like a prince today. I awkwardly thanked her and headed down for breakfast. Breakfast was pretty uneventful, I didn't even really chat with Mitch much. I guess we were all taking a bit to wake up. Breakfast was really tasty, as usual. We didn't have anything to do today, because it is a Saturday. I decide to go hang out with Mitch in the Men's Room. Mitch notices me as soon as I enter the room, and waves me over to a couch. I join him eagerly. "Hey bro! We haven't talked in a while." I exclaimed flashing him a grin. "Ugh I know, I guess I just got busy." Mitch admitted. "Yeah, same here. What's up?" I asked nonchalantly. Mitch looked around. "I have some exciting news." He muttered quietly. I leaned forward, eager to hear what he had to say. "I had my first date with Alesa the other night." "Mitch that's great!" I practically squealed like a little girl. "Not so loud!" Mitch whispered fiercely, looking around. "Sorry." I whispered. "How was it?" "Magical!" He whispered back awestruck. "First we walked around chatting, and we found out we like the same movies. So we went down to the movie theater. You need to see it sometime it's huge! Anyway, we went down there and watch the Hunger Games together." I tilted my head. I had never heard of that movie before. Mitch laughed. "I'm not explaining the concept right now. Anyway, I tried to be all romantic and make some popcorn. Well I ended up spilling butter all over me. I felt super embarrassed, but Alesa just doubled over laughing, and made a fresh batch for us. Then we watched the movie together. I mean, that's about all that happened, but it was super fun!" "That's sounds amazing Mitch!" I told him. "I'm happy for you dude!" "Yeah, I enjoyed it." Mitch replied leaning back and looking at the T.V. I noticed a bunch of guys were glaring at me all of a sudden. I shrank back, unsure of why they were. "Mitch." I whispered. "Why is everyone staring at me." "It's cause you're the only one who's had two dates with Alesa." He whispered. I groaned. I was in for a storm if people actually knew. I tried to ignore the stares in the room, but deep down I felt the small twinge of self-conscious knowing people are upset with me over this.

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