Chapter 31

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"So the last time you saw him he was crying?" "Yeah I couldn't figure out why. He just told me to be careful what I said about others around Alesa." It was after the daily school lesson and all of us were hanging out in the Men's Room. Bashur had mysteriously gotten kicked out after his date yesterday. No one could place why. "He must've insulted Alesa." Seto declared. "That's probably why she kicked him out." "I bet he said something bad or boring about politics." Ant commented. Everyone was giving their input on the situation. While I on the other hand was playing Mitch in a game of chess. I moved my knight over a few spaces. "Check." I said grinning. "Shut up, mister sophisticated." Mitch replied sarcastically, moving his king out of the way. Bad move on his part. I used my rook to take out his king. "I win." "DANGIT!" Mitch shouted. Everyone turned our way. Mitch started blushing, and I was trying hard not to laugh. Thankfully, to break the awkwardness Victoria came rushing in. "Mail time!" She hollered, passing out letters to everyone. I excitedly grab my letter, and rushed to my room so I could read it.

Hey Adam! It's Rachael! I hope you still remember me even though you've been in that palace for just a few weeks!

Wow does she really think I would forget my family that easily?

I'm excited to see you again on the Report this Friday!

Oh yeah, the Report was in a few days.

You're gonna look so handsome! Haha I bet Alesa thinks you're cute. How's like over there? Do you have many friends? Is Mitch still there? I bet Alesa thinks he's a cutie too. Have you and Alesa kissed yet?

Jeez, does Rachael really think I've already kissed her? Good Lord!

Anyway, everything is still the same here. Mom's bossy still, and George seems to like painting. Maybe he'll choose that as his career! Anyway, bye Adam! I miss you big brother!

I felt a wave of nostalgia rush over me. I missed Rachael. I looked out my window and sighed. This was all harder than it looked on T.V.
It was later in the afternoon. I was relaxing in my room and reading. I was bored out of my mind. Where were my poker playing maids when you need them? "Maybe I should go see Alesa." I murmured to myself. I decided to write her a note.

Brushing my hair out of my eyes. Whenever you're free.

I decided that the note was cryptic enough. No one would understand our signal so we could meet up and chat. I passed it off to a servant, knowing very well they would read the note on the way to delivering it. I was satisfied that they would be confused by my wording. It didn't take Alesa long to get down here. I heard a knock on my door about ten minutes after giving the note to the servant. I opened it and let Alesa in, who looked worried out of her mind. "Oh my gosh what happened Adam?" She said worriedly. "Nothing happened, I just wanted to see you." I said sheepishly. "You... Wanted to see me?" Alesa asked, confused. "Well you see, that's how the whole friend thing works." I said sarcastically. Alesa giggled. "Thank you, Adam. You got me out of a budget meeting, and I loath those." "Oh if you need to get back seriously please do, or else I could get in trouble." I said. "Nah, I think I'll take a break with you." Alesa said, beckoning me to a bench in the halls. I sat down with her. "Anyway, what's so bad about these meetings?" I asked. "Oh where do I begin !?" Alesa exclaimed. I have a mother who thinks schools are important, which I mean they are, but she's a little over the too about it. Then there's my father who barley listens to anyone's opinion! He thinks jails take up too much funding, and he's right, but no one has any idea how to deal with it! And then when I try to speak up I get told to be quiet and act like a lady. Gah! It's so frustrating." "That sounds tough." I sympathized. "But I know you'll have more power in the future." "I guess you're right." Alesa admitted. "I know this is probably just me overstepping my boundaries, but I think more food in lower castes could help with the whole jail situation." "I beg your pardon?" Alesa asked me. "Like I've said I've seen pretty bad things because of hunger. People who are desperate to steal, just so they can eat. Of course they end up in jail, but you said yourself jail costs a whole lot of money. I think the royal family should host some sort of food bank for the needy." I didn't realize how much this actually meant to me until now. Alesa looked at me. "I've never been starving before... How bad is it?" "Alesa, if I tell you some of the things I've seen-" "Tell me." She demanded forcefully. I took a deep breath. "I watched a kid get beaten on the streets for stealing food because he was so hungry. I saw an eight collapse from hunger and die on the spot. Trust me, hunger is an awful thing." "Have you ever been starving?" Alesa asked me seriously. "I really don't want to upset yo-" "Please tell me. I've been ignorant all these years..." Alesa trailed off. I took a deep breath, and uttered a single word. "Yes." Alesa looked shattered. "I'm so sorry." She murmured. She stood up. "I have to go now Adam, see you at dinner." She gave me a small kiss on the forehead, the walked off to finish her meeting.

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