Chapter 32

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I didn't see Alesa at dinner. While everyone chatted around me, I sighed in frustration. I must've scared her. No wonder I didn't have any friends back at home, I sucked! As I was beating myself up over this, Alesa finally made her entrance. She walked up to the front, and quietly cleared her throat. All heads turned to her, eager to hear what she had to say. "Hello everyone. I have a quick announcement before dinner. Remember at the beginning of the Selection you were told you'd be receiving a weekly paycheck to go to your families? Unfortunately, I will have to make some changes to that rule. The new rule is that if you are a natural two or three, you will no longer be receiving paychecks. Fours and fives will still get theirs, but it will be a little bit lower than what it used to be. You will hear the reason for this in the Report tomorrow, when I announce it to all of Minecraftia. If this inconveniences you in anyway, and you do not agree with the situation, you may leave after dinner. Thank you, that will be all." Alesa gave a small bow, and retreated to sit with her family. All of a sudden whispers were echoing throughout the room. "Why would she do that you think?" Mitch whispered to me. "I honestly have no clue." I responded. "I bet some people were just in it for the money." Seto whispered to Jason, while beckoning to me. I glared at them, then went back to eating. I felt like I had been smacked in the face with a diamond sword. After all I had told Alesa about everything... How our family is... How the other lower castes are... I couldn't believe she would do this. There had to be some explanation, but what exactly? I shook my head and sighed, and continued to eat while everyone chatted away noisily.
Tonight was the night of the Report. Tonight, all of us would have questions asked by Sarai about us. I was a ball of nerves. While my maids were helping me get ready, Mango was running through some practice questions with me, while Ashley was getting my suit for tonight. Suddenly, Ashley bursted in excitedly. She was jumping up and down excitedly. "Ashley, what's up?" I asked curiously. "Everyone, I have exciting news!" Everyone in the room listen closely. "So I was down in the suit making room, and I heard everyone had asked for some sort of yellow on their suit, and to make their suits not as fancy!" "Uh, what does that mean?" I asked. "Everyone knows you're Alesa's favorite Adam! Everyone's trying to copy you! So, I made up a little something last minute." Ashley winked. She pulled out a white shirt, and pants with a light blue tie. There were also white gloves, a cape, and a gold and purple amulet. "I still don't understand." I stammered. "Why do I have to wear this instead of what I was going to wear?" "So you can stand out!" Ashley squealed. "Everyone needs a chance to stand out once in a while." I backed away nervously. "I-I don't know if I want to do this." I stammered. "But you're Alesa's favorite!" Natalie protested. "Everyone knows that!" "I don't know about that...." My voice trailed off. "I agree with Ashley, you're wearing the outfit and we'll forcibly put it on you if you don't agree." Mango said. I sighed. "I guess... I guess I'll give it a shot." I sighed. My maids squealed, then quickly shoved me into my bathroom so I could change. I had to admit, when I got everything on, I looked pretty amazing. I can't believe I was wearing a freaking cape, but hey. You gotta do what you gotta do. My maids made me look nice and snazzy, then sent me off with bows and giggles. I slowly walked out of my room, and to the studio. My maids were right, everyone was wearing something yellow and trying to imitate me. Gah it was creepy! I went to the risers where we all sit. Mitch, Ty, and some guy named Sub were sitting. "Wow Adam... You look pretty good." Ty said. I shrugged, and say down. We all say awkwardly, then Sub started talking. "Let's be honest." Sub said. "We're dudes, we don't know crap about fashion. Let's just say "hey bro you look good enough for the princess!" and be done with it." We all laughed. "Jason's probably the only one who would know about this crap." "Yeah." Mitch agreed. Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around. It was Jason, looking really ticked off. Uh oh this could turn out to be pretty bad.

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