Chapter 33

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Jason was seething with rage. I braced myself, expecting him to start yelling or lashing out at me. Instead, he gave me a smile. "Hey Adam, I need some help with my suit. Mind coming and helping me out?" He didn't give me a chance to respond, and pulled me back behind the risers. "Give me your suit." He ordered. "What?" "You heard me Dalhberg." I crossed my arms. "I'm not giving you my suit." He grabbed my arm and dug his nails into it. "Give. Me. The. Suit." He said through clenched teeth. I gasped and brought my hand away swiftly. I crossed my arms again. "I'm not giving you my suit Jason. You should've dressed like yourself if you wanted to get Alesa to notice you so badly." Jason growled, and ripped off a piece of fabric off my sleeve. "Get out of my sight you nasty five!" Jason snarled, and walked away. I stormed off to my seat. "Dude, what's wrong?" Mitch asked me when I got there. "Jason dug his freaking nails into my arm, and tore part of my suit out of jealousy." "Please Adam, get him kicked out for me would ya?" Sub asked. "He's a freaking nightmare." "Here, let me fix your sleeve." Mitch said, hiding the torn fabric. I sighed. "Thanks dude." "Don't mention it." He replied. "Seriously, never mention it again. I don't need a reason to be called gay." I chuckled, and waited for the Report to start. Soon, Sarai came out onto the stage and I heard a national anthem playing. My heart was thumping in my chest. This is the Report where I would be doing a Q&A with Sarai, so everyone would know more about me. Our national anthem ended, and Sarai kicked things off with her usual greeting. "Gooooooooooooood evening Minecraftia! I hope everyone's evening is going very fine so far! I want to kick things off with an announcement from Alesa, then we will get to the questions for the nice young selected men! Now let's get started! Alesa, what would you like to say?" Alesa came over and grabbed the microphone gracefully from Sarai. Her red hair was shimmering in the stage lights, along with her light blue dress with dark blue jewels. She cleared her throat. "Thanks Sarai." She said lightly. "I have a big announcement about a new project that will be beneficial to Minecraftia. I have been informed by some members of the Selection about how the food situation for the lower castes. I have decided, enough of this!" Alesa straightened up. "The royal family is starting a program to provide free meals for those in need." I gasped in shock. Thankfully, it was small enough, so nobody heard me. "Through the selection process, I have been made aware about how life is for the lower castes. It's awful, I heard pretty terrible things. Well, I have decided, enough of this!" Alesa straightened up forcefully. "This program will provide free breakfast, lunch, and dinner for those in need! The members of the selected have generously given up some of the money from their weekly checks to fund this project." Oh. So that's why she made that announcement the other day. I looked over to Jason, who was cursing. "I gave up my weekly money, for this? This is literally the stupidest thing ever. I'll sue them!" He kept cursing and mumbling. I gave Mitch a look, and we both rolled our eyes before paying attention to Alesa again. "I encourage all of you to donate to this cause. Higher castes, acknowledge the blessings you have been born with, and donate to this cause. Thank you, that is all." Alesa finished, dipping her head, and handing the microphone back to Sarai. "Well Alesa! That is an exciting announcement indeed!" I caught Alesa's eye, and gave her an awkward thumbs up/high five signal, and she giggled, returning the gesture. "That was an exciting announcement, but now, it's time for something even more exciting. The Q&A with the members of the Selection! First person, Jason Probst!" Jason plastered on the most fake smile he could muster, and I swear he skipped to the stage. He went to sit down across from Alesa and Sarai. I didn't really pay too much attention to the conversation, I was too busy figuring out my answers, and trying to calm myself down as I awaited my turn. "Next person, Sub!" Sub squeezed passed me, and began his Q&A. I sweated nervously, tapping my foot. Mitch noticed how I was feeling, and gave me a sympathetic pat. Sub finished his turn, and Sarai called out the next person. "Next person, Adam Dalhberg!" I gulped, and slowly walked up on to the stage, as a feeling a anxiety washed over me like a tidal wave. I said a silent prayer to myself. Hey, at this point, I needed all the luck I could get.

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