Chapter 34

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I walked on to the stage as confident as possible. Alesa gave me a good luck wink as I sat in the chair opposite of her and Sarai. "Good evening mister Dalhberg." Sarai greeted me. "Um, good evening." I replied, wincing at me saying the work "um". "Alright Adam. Tonight, all of Minecraftia will get to know a little bit more about you. Are you ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be." I said with a weak smile. Sarai gave a chuckle, and moved on to drilling me with questions. "First question, though a lot of people already know this, what was your caste before you entered the Selection?" Whew, this was an easy one! "I was a five." I replied. "How does it feel to be the only person who was a five left in the group?" "Well, it's different you see. We live different lifestyles than all the rest of the castes, so this is sort of like a huge culture shock to me." "The lifestyles are different you say? How so?" "Well for one thing, our jobs is the main thing. I've spent my life on music, while all these other guys have been doing something totally different. Though I do enjoy learning about their lives back at home." I admitted. "What is your specialty in music?" Sarai asked me curiously. "I sing, play the piano, and play the violin." "My, you sure do have talent!" Sarai said, clearly impressed. Alesa leaned forward and whispered something into Sarai's ear. Sarai nodded, then looked at me. "Would you mind singing for us Adam?" She asked me. "Okay, why not." I said nonchalantly. Inside though, my insides were rearranging themselves practically. How was I going to sing in front of all these people? Sure, I have sang once for Alesa, but not in front of like millions of people. I stood up shakily, and picked the first song off the top of my head. I chose Boulevard of Broken Dreams, by Green day.

I walk a lonely road,
the only road that I have ever known.
Don't know where it goes,
but it's home to me and I walk alone.

I walk this empty street
on the boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one who walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Til' then I walk alone!

I only sang the first verse. Everyone was applauding enthusiastically. Sarai, Queen Ashleigh, and King Luke looked very impressed. "Now that was quite a show!" Sarai exclaimed. "You're right Princess, he did have a good voice!" I shot Alesa a look. So that's what she has whispered to Sarai earlier. "Now Adam, how is your damily back at home?" I thought of everyone back at home. Mom, Dad, Rachael, Katie, George, and Jeremy. I decided not to mention bad things Jeremy for the sake of viewing purposes. I would make his description short and sweet. "My mom and dad are amazing people who raised me very well, and I miss them a lot." I admitted. Sarai gave me a sympathetic look. "Then there are my siblings. George is the youngest, and he's your typical little brother. He loves to play sports a lot. Then there's my younger sister, Rachael. She's got lots of energy, and can always make you smile on a bad day. Then there's my older brother, Jeremy. He's a semi-famous sculptor, and he's a good brother." I didn't say anything else about him, there was nothing else to be said. "Then, lastly I have my older sister, Katie. She's married right now to a man named James. He's pretty cool too. That basically sums up my family." I finished. "Very nice Adam!" Sarai replied. "What is your opinion on Princess Alesa?" "I think she's going to be one of he best princesses in Minecraftia, and whoever wins this competition will be lucky to have her." I said sheepishly. Alesa legitimately looked touched, and Sarai grinned and she continued on to the next question. "Now a question about you and the Princess, what do you two like to do together?" She asked like a teenage girl trying to get the latest gossip about the cutest couple. I pondered this question for a moment. "Alesa and I like to take walks around that garden. That's probably our favorite thing to do." I heard a collective gasp throughout the room. It took me a second to process what happened. I accidentally had called Alesa by her name, instead of adding Princess before it. I don't know how it is in other countries, but here it's impolite and offensive. Forgetting to add the "Princess" title in front of Alesa was considered incredibly inappropriate. I started blushing. Sarai raised an eyebrow. "I see. So you and... Alesa are very close." She smirked like a third grader who found out her friends crush. Thankfully enough, everyone was laughing instead of pointing out my informal behavior. "Final question," Sarai said, moving on as if nothing happened? were you the one who had an outburst at the beginning of the Selection? The whole calling Princess a Alesa shallow incident?" I sighed. "Yes that was me, and right now my mom is having a heart attack." Queen Ashleigh started to laugh, but was trying to cover it up. So was Alesa. King Luke looked mildly amused. I tried not to groan, and continued to blush even more. "Well thank you for your time Adam, and good luck in the rest of the Selection!" I walked off and sat down next to Mitch. He gave me a smile, and he started to laugh. "Dude, that was insane!" He whispered. I nodded and looked down to the floor. I made a fool of myself up there. I blinked back tears and sighed. I doubt anything else will ever humiliate me again because of this.

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