Chapter 38

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I couldn't be gone too long, but maybe the hallways would be empty so I could clear my head. As I was walking, I noticed Reina sitting by a window watching everything going on outside. She heard me approach, and gave me a nod. "You trying to hide?" She asked me. "Yeah." I admitted. "Me too, I'm not really a fan of social gatherings myself." Reina said. "Hey you're the five, right?" She asked lazily. She didn't seem to mean it in an offensive way. "Yeah, that's me." I responded. "I remember your face on the news, you're were the one who stopped to actually greet your fans. Respect for that man. That's something that Ashleigh would probably do herself." "Yeah." I agreed. "Ashleigh is usually very caring and companionate." "She's one of the strongest most caring people I know, yet she's also very ladylike." Reina pointed out. She looked outside towards Alesa and sighed. Alesa would've been a great sister, Ashleigh had two miscarriages before Alesa, and one afterwards. I have five kids myself, and I feel guilty every time I come here." "I'm sure Ashleigh doesn't feel jealously or envy just because you have kids and she doesn't." I commented. "In fact, I'm pretty sure she's always excited to have you over." Reina grinned. "I guess that's true, I can't ever imagine Ashleigh getting jealous." Reina turned to me. "I think this selection is making her very excited. At the end of this she'll have two children, well, sort of, but you get the idea." "Yeah." I said, realizing how much that was true. I sighed. I needed to go talk to Alesa. "Excuse me." I said. "I need to talk to someone." I got up, and Reina gave me a small wave. I walked outside, and saw Alesa playing with her cousins. Our eyes met, and I reached up and brushed my hair from my face. She looked me straight in the eye, as she returned the action.
The queen's family stayed for a few more days, and the visitors from The United Nether Nations stayed an entire week. They did a segment on the Report discussing the alliance with Minecraftia. It's been about a month since I first came to the palace. I had gotten used to the atmosphere and daily scheduling of my everyday life here. Whenever we all would hang out in the Men's Room there would always be talk of the latest date with Alesa, or little bits of gossip on who was in the top 5 picks. I was faintly surprised to see I was in the top ten, while Jason, was not. He sulked about it for a while, but eventually got over it. I spent a lot of my spare time playing poker with my maids, hanging out in the Men's Room, or hanging out with Mitch and/or Ty. This particular day, I was walking around in the gardens with Mitch, who clearly had something on his mind. "Adam, if you breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll take these super uncomfortable pointed shoes and shove them up you-" "Okay Mitch, I get it. I will not tell anyone if that's what you want. Cross my heart and hope to die crap. What's wrong?" I asked. He took a deep breathe, worry glistening in his eye. "It's Alesa man, I don't think it's going to work out." He admitted shamefully. "Oh." That was actually quite the shock since Mitch was the number one pick for who was most likely to win the Selection. "Well, er, have you like, uh, tried?" "Well what do you think I've been doing this whole time! Of course I have! But it just doesn't happen. I mean yeah she's cute, but that's not all I base relationships on. When she's with you, you both just talk endlessly and sound so in love! But with me, we barley talk! All we do is like play cards, or watch a movie or something. I don't know what to do." Mitch sounded genuinely terrified, and torn. "The public loves me, and expect me to win. But... I just don't feel a connection towards Alesa. I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm still here is because the public likes me so much." Mitch sighed and looked down in despair. I felt a rush of sympathy. Maybe Mitch had a deep dark secret like mine. Maybe he too, was trying to get away from someone. Memories of Dawn and our final moments together rush through my head, sending chills down my spine. Maybe Mitch too had a story like that.

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