Chapter 39

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Mitch continued to look at the ground in utter despair. "Maybe you should.... Well if you're really that unhappy Mitch... Well, uh, maybe you should ask Alesa if you can leave." I suggested awkwardly. Mitch flinched. Then randomly smiled again all happily. Obviously it was faked, but I was too stunned to mention it. "Hey you know what buddy, you're right. It will be all great! Thanks for the talk! Hahahha...." Mitch gave a wave and ran off nervously. "Well I wonder what that was all about..." I muttered to myself. I shook my head. I don't know what that was all about. The next few days Mitch avoided me. I let him, giving small gestures letting him know I was here if he needed it. Finally I realized that small conversation was all I would hear about what was going on in Mitch's life.
The next day while we were all hanging out in the Men's Room, Alesa called for me. I couldn't lie, I was really excited to see her. Back at the party with the Queen's family, I confessed all my worries to Alesa, who in return gave me comfort and reassurance. She even promised us a movie when she had the time. "Adam!" Alesa greeted me cheerfully. "You ready to see a movie in the palace theater?" "I sure am!" I said cheerfully, high-fiving Alesa. "Gosh, my parents would kill me if they saw how I was informal I was acting. "Who cares! I won't tell. You just have to deliver me a pound of chocolate cake everyday then I won't tell." "You're an idiot." Alesa snorted. We held hands and walked over to theater happily. "What type of movie do you want to see Alesa?" "Something romantic actually." Alesa responded. "Hmm, how about... Fifty Shades of Grey?" I asked mischievously. Alesa bursted out laughing. I joined her. "Don't let my dad hear you say that!" Alesa managed to say in between laughs. As we walked there were a group of palace maids chatting as we walked by. I normally wouldn't give them a passing glance, but I heard a gasp from the crowd. I looked over and gasped too. One of the maids in the group looked exactly like Dawn! But, it wasn't just a lookalike. It was the real one. Alesa gave me a look. "What is it Adam?" She asked. I didn't look away from Dawn. I hadn't seen her in about a month now. Should she be married to the guy with the really high caste by now? I've forgotten his name at this point, it's been so long. Dawn gulped. "W-w-well you're highness, I know this person from my hometown." Dawn said quietly. "I didn't think I would see him." Alesa grinned. "That's cool! You too know each other! I bet you're hoping Adam will win won't you?" Alesa asked Dawn excitedly. "Well, I guess you could say that." Dawn said trying to sound excited. I said nothing. "Well, what's you're name?" Alesa asked Dawn. "They-they call me Dawn." Dawn stammered nervously, eyeing me. My thoughts were swirling. I had mentioned her to Alesa, but not by name. If Alesa found out this was the same person who had hurt me, things could go pretty bad. "Dawn huh, what a nice name! Well, see you around Dawn!" Alesa grabbed my hand again and we went back towards the movie theater. I could take my eyes off Dawn. How'd she get here? What is she doing here? I forced myself to look away and engage myself in this date with Alesa. We ended up choosing a movie I've never seen, but every teenage girl has seen, called Pitch Perfect. I didn't really pay attention that much. I was too shocked about seeing Dawn in the palace. "Did you enjoy that movie?" Alesa asked me. "It was pretty good." I said distractedly. "Okay I get it, it's kind of a girly movie." "No it's fine!" I said smiling. "Sorry if I wasted your afternoon." "You didn't waste it." Alesa told me. "It's okay you didn't like the movie. Any moment spent with you is a good moment. See you later!" Alesa said giving me a kiss on the check. I returned the action, and went to my room to comprehend everything that has just happened.

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