Chapter 43

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"Tell no one." Alesa whispered as she walked along to comfort the others. I thought of ways to escape if the rebels got down here as the hours crept on. I was only fooling myself, there was no way I could survive if they came down here. The hours felt like centuries as we waited for an all clear sign. After all the noise had just stopped, a guard went to investigate. About a half an hour later, he came back. "It's all clear upstairs. I want all Selected members and the royal family to go to their rooms and stay their for the rest of the day. I've spoken to the cooks, meals will be brought to all of your rooms when it is time. You are all dismissed." And just like that everyone had gotten up as if nothing had happened. My room was trashed. My mattress was on the floor, my violin was on the ground. Thankfully, it was undamaged. I noticed the pictures of my family torn up all over the floor. I began to pick them up, grief piercing my heart like a thorn. These people were heartless to tear up my pictures. My maids were very helpful, setting my room back up for me. They offered to fix my pictures, but I sent them away, and told them I would take care of it. As soon as they left I collapsed on my bed and began to cry. "I shouldn't be crying." I told myself. "I need to be tougher than this." I straightened myself up, and began looking at the pictures. As I was trying to figure out which pieces went together, I heard a knock on my door. I went to the door and opened it. It was Victoria. "Please don't tell me you're leaving too!" Victoria begged. "Um, I'm not." I told her "Three guys have already asked to leave. Alesa let them." Victoria sighed. "I brought a phone. You can call your parents to let them know you're okay." I looked at the phone in Victoria's hands. I missed my family so much, and now I could finally talk to them. I picked up the phone dizzily, and began to dial my parent's home phone number. Mom picked up after a few rings. "Hello?" "Mom?" "Adam is that you?!" My mom yelled over the phone. "Oh my gosh Adam! We were so worried! We thought rebels had gotten to you and we were so scared..." Her voice trailed off. "Hold on I need to get everyone!" Mom squealed. I heard Rachael's excited squeal, along with George and Dad cheering in the background. "Adam!" Rachael and George squealed into the phone. "We were so scared!" Rachael exclaimed. "We don't want you to die Adam! Please don't die okay? Promise me!" "I won't." I said with a smile. I had to laugh at such a vow. "Can you come back Adam?!" George begged. "We're scared!" "I can't go back now." I told George sympathetically. "Why?" He whined. "Just because." I said simply. "Wait, don't tell me. GROSS ADAM, YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ALESA?!?" George screamed into the phone. "He's in love with Alesa?!" I heard Rachael's exited squeal. "He is?!" Both my mom and dad said in unison. "Yessss!" My mom cheered. I began to blush self-consciously. "I have to go, other people need to use the phone. But I love you all and miss you guys." I said. "We love you too Adam!" My mom said. "Good luck with the princess!" I could practically feel her winking. "Bye Mom, love you." I heard a click as my mom hung up. Victoria took the phone out of my hand swiftly and gave me a nod. Then she walked off to go deliver the phone to other people. I felt a huge weight of sadness in my heart. I missed my family dearly. The phone call definitely helped. I needed to get back to the pictures. I gave myself a shake, and went back to attempting to tape these pictures together.
The next day at breakfast, I sat with Seto and Ty. We were chatting away noisily about the previous day's events. "Adam, try some of this!" Seto said, handing me a fruit. "Thanks dude!" I said grinning. Ever since the rebel attack, I feel as if we all have gotten closer bonds because of it. I suddenly realized how much I would miss these guys when they left, or I left. I hope we could all keep in touch. I noticed Alesa sitting at her table with her family looking distressed. She gave me a pleading look, and brushed her hair from her face. With a feeling of bubbling happiness, I returned the gesture. She smiled weakly and stood up. We all quieted down, and turned to her to see what her announcement was.  "Gentlemen," she began. "Yesterday, we were attacked again by rebels. I have talked with my parents and royal officials, seeing if we could improve security. After long and hard thinking, I have decided it would be best to send everyone, but six people home." The protests started immediately. "That's not fair!" Seto cried. "Quiet! My daughter is speaking!" King Luke bellowed. Everyone quieted down immediately. "I will now announce those who are staying." Alesa said. We all tensed up. Would I, a lowly five, stay here? Or would this elimination be the end of my selection career?

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