Chapter 44

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"Normally, I would chose the top ten to be part of what is now called the Elite, but for security reasons, I will be lowering the number for the Elite to six. The following people will be staying." Alesa said." Mitch looked pale as a ghost. That's strange, why would he want to stay if he didn't have any emotional connections to Alesa? "Sir Mitch, and Sir Ty." Alesa announced. Ty pumped his fists, and Mitch let out a sigh of relief. I realized two of the six spots were already taken. Would I get one of these spots? I began to sweat nervously. "Sir Jason, and Sir Ian." Oh, she called Jason. Ugh, even if I stay I'll have to deal with him. "Sir Sub." Alesa announced. I was beginning to really get worried now. Who would be the last name she calls? "Lastly, Sir Adam." Seto began crying immediately. I gave a huge sigh of relief, and fell back in my chair. "Those who are leaving may come and speak to me in the library before departure. Trust me when I say this, I'm doing this for all of your safety. That is all." Alesa said in a dismissive tone. I tried to help comfort Seto, but he just slapped me arm and ran off crying. I felt a pang of grief. I may have made it to the final six, but at what cost?
I sat on my bed with a sigh. My maids were in my room, dusting things here or there. My hallway was so quiet now, I was the last person at the end of the hall. It was so quiet without the normal business of maids and Selected member. I heard a knock on my door. I sat up in surprise. Who would be coming to my room at this time? My maids answered it. It was Alesa. "Excuse me ladies, may I speak with Sir Adam?" "Of course your majesty!" Mango said with a small curtsy. My maids filed out the door with giggles. "Quote a bunch you have there." Alesa said. "Yeah." I replied uneasily. "I thought I was honestly getting kicked out today." I admitted. "Why?" Alesa asked me with sincere confusion. "Well, that argument we had, and-" "Okay, honesty Adam. One little argument won't set me off." Alesa said with a roll of her eyes. "In fact, in gonna apologize for that in the first place. I was under so much stress. And I hate being told how to run this stupid selection. So I'm sorry." I nodded. "I thought you hated me." "Well I don't." I laughed, and Alesa joined me. Sure, our relationship was flawed, but we were honest. "It's hard for me to decide Adam." She said with a strain in her voice. My dad is pushing for certain boys who have ties or relations with other countries, and you're still unsure of your feelings, then there's just these rebels that keep attacking... GAH! It's so stressful." Alesa said shaking her head. I gave her a hug. "You'll figure it all out." I whispered. "And I'll figure it out too. We all just need time, and right now we have plenty of that." Alesa and I leaned in closer, and kissed. Our lips pressed softly, and we stayed in each other's arms for a bit. I could've stayed there for years.
That night I heard my door creak open. "I don't think you'd stay." "Go away Dawn." I said. "I thought you didn't love her. How could you chose her over me Adam?" "Let me make this clear." I said jumping up. "I didn't chose you or Alesa. I chose me. Let me decide where my feelings lie instead of trying to force or guilt me into choosing one." "So do you love her?" Dawn asked bitterly. "Let me decide where my feelings lie." I retorted. "You're both wonderful girls. Stop trying to manipulate me." "So our whole relationship was a lie?" Dawn asked bitterly. "Don't play the victim here Dawn." I growled. "You left me. Now go before I call for a guard." Dawn gave an offended snort, and went away. I sighed. The real Selection was only just beginning. The final six. Jason. Sub. Ian. Ty. Mitch. Me. I was no longer a member of the Selection. Now I am a member of the Elite.

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