Chapter 3

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(Luca's POV)

Ouch. My whole body hurt. I kept my eyes closed. When the pain disappeared, which was quickly, I opened my eyes, expecting heaven. But I was still on this Earth. On the pavement, in the parking lot. I looked down at myself. I was covered in blood. How am I still alive? I thought. I looked up at the people who pushed me off of the edge of the stadium. I stood up. They all ran.
When I got home, my mom was still at work. I put my clothes in the washing machine, and got a shower, wiping all of the blood off. I kept thinking of how I was still alive. It isn't, wasn't, possible. The guys who pushed me off of the stadium saw me. They had been beating me up for a while, they shoved me in the locker the other day when Jem found me.
I tried to test my ability. I grabbed a sharp knife from the kitchen. I sliced my hand open. It hurt, but the pain quickly went away as it healed rapidly. If I cut a finger off, would a new one grow back? I thought. I grabbed the knife and sliced through my finger. The detached one landed on the coffee table. Out of nowhere, a new one grew back. Huh. Pretty cool. Wait, what am I going to do with the detached one? I thought. "Shoot." I said. My mom's car was pulling into the driveway.
She came through the door and I hid the bloody detached finger behind my back. I ran up to my room as fast as I could. I wiped the blood off of my attached finger and hand, and walked to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me. I flushed the finger down the toilet. Someone will be getting a surprise when the find a decapitated finger in the sewage.

(Jemma's POV) a few days back

"How did you find me in that locker?" The annoying Luca boy asked. "For last last time I heard your voice!" I yelled at him. Everyone in the cafeteria stared at us. "I'm leaving I have a headache." I said to him. It was really loud in there, not to mention what people were thinking also. I sat outside the cafeteria in the hallway.I spent the rest of lunch in the hallway.
(A few days later)
          I asked the teacher if I could go to the nurse. All of these kids just want to get out of math. She said in her head. "Ok," she said out loud. Despite her silent comment, I went to the nurse's office. "Hi Jemma." she said. Here again, she said in her mind. "Hi." I said back to her. I always get hurt, so she knows me by first name.
"What seems to be the problem today?" She said to me.
"I have a bad headache."
"Well, I can't do anything but send you back to class. You should see the pediatrician." She said. I said okay. Then she sent me back to class where I suffered from hearing people's thoughts for the rest of the day.
When I got home I told my mom what the nurse said. She made an appointment and we drove off to the pediatrician's office.
When we got there, a nice lady named Cindy took us to a Dr. Joe's office. He came in a few minutes later. He asked me what the problem was and I told him that I have been having headaches. I usually got headaches when I was around too many people's thoughts. I hadn't told anyone about my ability yet. I was afraid that they would take me in for testing.
The doctor told me that he was going to take my temperature. He touched my arm as if to make me stand up but as soon as he did, his eyes clouded. In a few seconds they were back to normal. My mom didn't notice a thing. "Jemma, have you been hearing voices," he asked. "Uh, no," I lied, "actually I'm feeling much, much better whatever you did worked," I said then I turned to my mom, "we can go now, I feel better." We rushed away and out of that office.
Right before his eyes became unclouded I heard him think, maybe I should just keep this to myself. He's hiding something.
"Hey, mom, do you think that you could take me to the bookstore? There's a book that I want that I can't get on my Kindle." I said to my mom. Books always make me feel better, then I don't focus on the voices. "Sure," she said.

After ten minutes I still could not find my book. Oh well. Suddenly a metallic book spine caught my attention. The title was Super. I flipped to the back. It was written by Natalia Green. I read the 'about the author section'. In small, fine print at the bottom of the page it read, "If you are experiencing 'super' abilities, please come to 6887 Talo Road in Oak Ridge, Montana." Huh. Montana. Maybe I should go there, to figure out what's wrong with me. Maybe she could even fix it.
I walked up to the counter and laid the book down. "$20.34 please," the woman behind the counter said. Dang it. I forgot my money. I could try to push a thought into her head. If I was a mind reader how much stranger could it really get? I looked her in the eye. I concentrated. It took about five seconds, then she spoke.
"Thank you for shopping at Books Galore, come again soon." She put my book in a bag and I walked out the door. Wow, Jemma. You've stooped so low. I thought to myself.
When we got home I ran into my room and started packing. I packed a king sized sleeping bag, a lighter (to light fires), some clothes, a flashlight, and all of the money that I have ever saved. I would sneak out tonight.

(Luca's POV)

During dinner, I could hardly eat. I would push my food around and spread it out, making it look like I ate it. After dinner I emptied the dishwasher, because I refused to load it, and went back up to my room.
It was about midnight and I was trying to sleep, when I heard a knock on my window. It was Jemma. Somehow she had scaled the wall of the house and was hanging onto the seal of the second-story window. I opened it and let her in.
We had really become friends over the last few days, after she helped me get out of that locker. She sat at the lunch table with me and Casey as well. "What're you doing here?" I whispered. My mom and dad were both fast asleep. "I'm going to run away, but I wanted to say goodbye." She said to me.
"What?" I whisper-yelled. She couldn't do that, I only had two friends. "I'm sorry, I just have to." She said looking glum. "Wait, I need to show you something, Jem." I pulled a pocket knife out of my desk drawer and started to slice my hand.

(Jemma's POV)

"Ahh!" I whisper-screamed when he started to cut his hand. I quickly grabbed the knife out of his hand. "You suicidal maniac!" I said to him. "Calm down and look at my hand." He replied. I listened to him. I saw his cut up hand miraculously- no- impossibly, heal. All it left was a trace of blood that he washed off in the bathroom.
"You can, heal?" I said. He nodded. "That means you can come with me!" I said, suddenly happy. He looked confused. I showed him the book and the section where it gives you the address. "So will you come with me?" I asked him after explaining everything. Reluctantly, he said yes.

(Luca's POV)

There was only one condition, that I got to write a letter to my parents.

Dear mom and dad,
I'm sorry, but I have to go. Don't send anyone looking for me, they won't find me. I can't say why I'm going, but know that I love you. You can sell some of my stuff. I won't be coming back, I don't think. Please, please don't come looking for me. I'm doing this to protect you.
Love you,

"There we go. I've packed some stuff and I have all of my money. Let's go." I said, leaving the note on the kitchen table, where they would hopefully find it. Then we climbed out of my bedroom window into the night.

(Julie's POV) (Luca's mom)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. It was 7:00. Luca should be up by now. I went into his room, but no one was there. When I went downstairs he was nowhere in sight. My eye caught the piece of paper on the kitchen table. I read it and before I knew, tears were falling. I had to find him.

(Luca's POV)

We had bought four train tickets- for two separate train tracks instead of one. If we would have taken just the one straight into Oak Ridge, Montana, we would've been easier to track. It was a brilliant plan, so obviously it wasn't mine. Every time that we drove over a bridge, Jem would shut her eyes and hold onto the seat for dear life. She was obviously afraid of heights.
I got over that fear after I fell off of the stadium.
We had ditched all of our devices, phones, iPods, iPads, etcetera. We were trying to be untraceable.
During our first train ride we read the entire book by Natalia Green. She talked about how super humans were completely possible and how they could be living among us.
Jem and I laughed at that part.
Then we unloaded our stuff and got on the second train.
It was morning now, about 7:00 so we talked about what we could do in a very hushed tone. "Yesterday I pushed a woman with my mind to give me this book." She said. "What do you mean? You stole it?" I said the last part quickly and quietly. "Maybe" she said.
"Well, I was pushed off of the stadium and lived to tell the tale." I said, wanting to get our minds off of the whole 'stealing' fiasco. "Who pushed you?" She said, looking worried. "The same guys who put me in a locker." I replied. "Hey do you think you'll ever die?" She said. "I don't know, maybe if this whatever-it-is wears away. If not then I guess I'm immortal so bow down to Luca!" I said. She just laughed. A couple of people stared and one little kid ran toward me and actually bowed. That cause the whole train car to laugh.
When we finally arrived in Oak Ridge, it was around noon. We quickly got off and hailed a cab. "6887 Talo Road, please." Jem said to the driver. He took off we didn't speak until we arrived at our destination. I paid the driver and he drove away.

(Jem's POV)

I walked up to the front door of the huge house. She had a fountain in the front yard, and the house seemed to be made of elegantly carved marble. I knocked on the door three times and someone quickly opened it.
"Hello?" The maid said. "Please Lucinda, I can answer my own door," said a woman with a British accent. The maid- Lucinda- left. "Ah, hello, come in." The British woman said. We sat down on a velvet couch in a large room. "May I ask who you are?" She said.
"Um, I'm Luca, and this is Jemma." Luca said, looking uncomfortable. "But you can call me Jem." I said. "Ah, and why did you come here?" She asked, gesturing to her massive mansion, big enough to swallow a hotel.
"Ms. Green, at the end of your book it said to come here if you had any- um- abilities." I said. Her eyes went wide. "Wait, so you can do things? Can you show me?" She asked excitedly. "Pick any number at all." I said. "285,719." I said after a few seconds. She was amazed. She turned to Luca. "And what can you do?" She asked him.

(Luca's POV)

I looked around the room for something sharp. Then I noticed the fireplace. I stuck my hand in it while Natalia gasped. You could see the bone. But, the wound disappeared as quickly as it came. She looked amazed. I went and sat down again.

"So you really do have abilities?" She asked, looking astonished. "Yes ma'am" I replied. "But where are your parents?" She asked. I turned to face Jem. I gave her a look like, should we tell her, before Jem nodded and spoke. "We ran away. We figured that it was the best option for protecting our families." She said. We waited a minute before we got our response.
"That was very brave, and if you wish you could live here with me, I'll even help you train, like a British, woman, version of Professor X." I got excited. I was living a real life X-Men story. And I'm Wolverine. Minus the metal claws and bad/missing backstory.
Natalia showed us to our rooms- they were almost as large as my house. Jem went off to look at her room. I opened all of the drawers in my walk-in closet. There were casual clothes, shirts and jeans, and fancy outfits that I imagined were used for practicing our abilities. It was amazing.
I flopped down on the fluffy, marshmallow-like bed and fell asleep, engulfed in its softness.

(Jem's POV)

I walked into my massive room, it was roughly the size of my house. The closet was bigger than my room. It had only a few pairs of casual clothes, and one jumpsuit that looked like it was for training.

I crawled into bed and I felt myself sink in it was so soft that I fell asleep. But before I did one thought came to mind.

Man, this woman is loaded.

Hey guyseees sorry, it's a long chapter but longer is better than shorter! More for your brain! Anyway, I hoped that you liked it and if you did, definitely vote, comment, and follow me!

I have a question for you...
What super power would you have?

2,540 words, I can't believe it!

That's all. Love,

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