Chapter 2

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(Melody's POV)

"Mom, the computer's not working!" I yelled. Our computer was an old Dell that always shut down after 5 minutes. "Try fixing it!" my mom yelled back. I didnt want to fix it. I'll just leave it go. I went back to my room and turned on my IPad. I was trying to get on a website but I had no WiFi. When I tried to connect to it, it wouldn't work. My Pad couldn't connect to the WiFi unless my door was open.

I didn't want to have my door opened, I just wanted to be alone. So I tried something crazy. I put my hand on the screen of my IPad and thought of the WiFi router. I pictured it in my head, and imagined all of the cords that must be hooked up to it. When I opened my eyes the WiFi was connected. Strange. I walked over to the computer and put my hand on it. I imagined it turning on and logging me in. When I opened my eyes it had already logged me on and was loading things faster than I had ever seen a computer load.

(Joe's POV)

"Cindy, who's my next patient?" I asked my secretary. "A girl who's complaining of awful headaches" Cindy replied. "Okay, bring her in." I said. A girl with medium length brown hair and blue eyes came into my office, along with her mother.

"What's your name?" I ask the girl. "Jemma," she replies. "Okay, Jemma, im going to take your temperature." I grabbed a thermometer and walked over to her. When I touched her arm i could see every health issue that she had ever had. I could even see her temperature. It was normal. It was like accessing a patient log that is being updated every second. She seemed to have been hearing voices. I had never had this feeling before, and I have a feeling that this should be kept secret. "Have you been hearing voices, Jemma?' I asked her. Her eyes went wide before she shook her head and said that she was feeling much better. She and her mother left before I could ask if they wanted a checkup.
(Madison's POV)
          I was in the kitchen when I heard a sound. I heard a loud bang, so I open the door just so much that I could peek out. I saw a tall man wearing all black and a ski mask. I gently closed the door  I ran and hid in the pantry. I took my cell phone with me. I dialed 911.
"Hello, 911, what is your emergency?" A woman over the phone said.
"Um, there's a man dressed all in black at 216 Smallton Street in Latrobe Pennsylvania." I said.
"Okay, we will send someone to help." She responded.
I said okay before I hung up.
The man walked into the kitchen.
"Funny, I think I heard someone call 911 in here." The man said.
I tried to control my breathing to make it softer. He opened up the pantry and saw me. He chuckled. My eyes opened wide as I saw one of the drawers to the cabinets fling out. It hit him square in the head and he was knocked out. Or dead. I heard the police cars coming up the street. I decided to run as fast as I could. I caught my reflection in the mirror. I noticed something different. My irises, usually an ugly shade of blue, were jet black. I heard the sirens getting closer and then I ran.

Hey, guyseees now that you have met everyone, it's time to get a move on with the chapters! And if you were wondering how old these people were...

Yeah sorry, they are all young but I wanted them to be around the same age... anyway, if you are excited for the next chapter please vote!!! And I changed the last chapter. Neil doesn't jump after a woman and a baby, but just a woman.

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