Chapter 23: Outsmarting your outsmarting

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 " ": you talking

' ': you thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Hermit Purple:-Power D

                             -Speed C

                             -Range D

                             -Durability A

                             -Precision D

                             -Potential E

Symbolizes introspection and contemplation.*

After getting punched in the face several times, Mr.Joestar tried to tie up and restrain that thing on his arm once again.

Joseph: Damn it !! Where is the stand user ?! She should be around here somewhere ! Where ? Where is she ?!

But all of his efforts were proved to be fruitless.

Empress: father, thank you for letting me grow and mature. But you can't tightly like this; you should let your child... HAVE SOME FREEDOM !!!

She bit his arm, making him shout in pain.

Joseph: 'No way ! My stand's ability should be able to find out where the user is, but I don't have a camera. What should I do ? How do I get this thing off my arm ? It keeps getting bigger !!'

Joseph: If this continues, not only my arm but my whole body will be replaced !!

He tried to flee, but Empress assumed some 'martial art" stance.

Empress: He he, I can kill you now ! Look, my arm can reach your neck ! Once I cut your artery, you are finished !! My strength...


She tried to rush his neck to cut it open, and would've succeeded, if I haven't stopped her punch with my hand, taking absolutely no damage.

Joseph: Y/n ?!

Empress: You idiot ! Now you'll lose that hand !!

She continuously tried to hit me, not doing any damage whatsoever.

She soon stopped her assault, looking at me with fear-dilated pupils.

Empress: W...What's happening ?! Why can't I hurt you ?!

"I already experimented it with the ship and the blob, if a stand based on a 'material' object make direct contact with me, it will not phase through me, instead it will got softer and lose all of it offensive power."

(AN: Imagine the power of "spice girl" from Part 5)

"Now, if stands can only be killed by other stands, I wonder what would happen... If I tried to crush you myself..."

I grabbed her in my fist, and started to squeeze, slowly crushing her despite her struggle.

Sadly, it didn't looked like it was really effective.

"Hmmm... looks like I can't kill you, only prevent you from moving. We still have to find the user."

Joseph: We need to find Polnareff and that girl with him. Let's get going.

"It'll be really weird to walk around with me constantly grabbing that huge wart on your arm like that..."

We tried to walk away and look for Polnareff, only to foolishly trip over a vase that was on the ground, sending Mr.Joestar crash into more of these, filled with incense dust.

Of course, Empress immediately took advantage of me letting go of her, and proceeded to continuously hit Mr.Joestar with a vase. The ruckus got noticed by the crowd, but before any of them could intervene, the face of Mr.Joestar illuminated, and he ran away.

3rd person POV:

Fleeing from the danger, and apparently running in random directions, out two protagonists almost ran into Polnareff, but Nena distracted him once again, this time completely clinging to him.

Nena: Mr.Polnareff, please listen to me. A person like me... Needs a man I can rely on.

Nena: I like you ! Because you are reliable, and you are caring and kind

Polnareff: Hey, Hey ! What's this all of a sudden ?

Polnareff: 'Is this real ? I am in love, I'm so lucky !'

He was so absorbed in his thoughts he failed to notice the other two who passed literally one meter away from him.

Your POV:

Seriously, where could that damn Polnareff be ?! Mr.Joestar may know where he is going, but we're getting farther and farther from the hotel and the others. And by the looks of it, Empress went to the same conclusion.

Empress: Joseph Joestar, you idiot !! You are getting farther and farther from Jotaro, hehehehe !!

"Just shut up already !!"

Joseph: Eh...? You think I'm running around not knowing where I'm going ?I ran because I'm trying to kill you.

He approached a barrel, filled with some black liquid, and plunged his whole arm in it.

Joseph: I've been trying to soak you in this !!

We waited anxiously, staring at the bubbles on the liquid, until something shoot up from it and impaled itself in Mr.Joestar's neck. Looking closer, it clearly was a nail, held by empress.

Joseph: ...A nail !!

Empress: Ha ha ha, I picked it up while you were rolling on the ground. I'll use it to sever your artery !

I wanted to intervene, but it was just too dangerous; one wrong move and I would cut his artery myself.

Empress: You thought you could suffocate me in that stuff ?! No way ! I am of your flesh, but I am not alive. Have you forgotten the rules ? Stands have to be killed by other stands !!

Empress: Sooner, you were saying something about the difference in our fighting experience; What were you talking about ?! What kind of tactic was this ?! You're just an old fart !!

He tried to pry the nail from getting deeper, but couldn't really do anything, due to his mechanical hand unable to properly grasp it.

Empress: If I push it forward a little bit, your sorry life ends here !!

Empress: You have no way of beating...beat...Ahh !!

She soon stopped all movement, with the liquid around her preventing her from moving.

Joseph: Huh ? Beat what ? I'm getting old, my ears aren't that great anymore ! What'd you say ? I didn't catch it, say it again...

Looking closer, I finally established what was off about that barrel.

"So that's why you were searching this whole time..."

Empress: IT'S TAR !! You put me in tar !! Not to suffocate, but to solidify me !!

Empress: But... How did you know it was there ?!!

Joseph: Hehehe, my stand. It's ability is...

Meanwhile, where Mr.Joestar knocked over the vase, the dust he spread on the ground had a strange pattern, as a map of the city, with a big cross at where we were right now !

"Doing it with such speed and accuracy while you were rolling around is really impressive."

Empress: You... You used your ability !! You found out where the tar is ! You used your ability on the dust ?!

Joseph: Hey... Now do you see the difference in our experience ? Opponents are always happy when they are winning, when in fact they've already lost. That's the Joseph Joestar way. I may be old but I still got it.

Joseph: And stands can only be killed by other stands.

He used his hermit purple, tying one extremity to a metal rod on the wall, and to bind Empress.

Joseph: You are going to say, "Don't do this !"

Empress: Don't do this !! Ah !!

Joseph: He he... No, I don't like it myself, but kids can't always rely on their parents. Now that you are grown up... You have to take care of yourself !!!

he put all his weight to pull, and his stand soon teared apart that wart, completely getting rid of it.

"We're finally finished with her, but please, stop referring at this thing like she was your child."

Joseph: He he, sorry. Now all that is left is to find the user.

Meanwhile with Polnareff, 3rd person POV:

Polnareff: Then... Nena, let us kiss, to prove our love to each other...

He was about to kiss her, but she started to vomit a strange liquid, like she was agonizing.

Polnareff: YAAAAAAA !!! What's this ? What's going on ? Nena !

Soon, her body literally shot open, and an extremely ugly woman came out, already bleeding from everywhere.

Polnareff: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ?!!!

Y/n: The woman you were trying to seduce and kiss.

Joseph: So she really was the user of the stand, "The Empress"...

Joseph: An ugly woman like her used her stand to assimilate other people. Trying to pose as a beautiful girl. You were too naive. You were tricked too easily, Polnareff.

Y/n: I wonder if Hol Horse knew about her real appearance... You should really stop to fall for every single girl you come across.

It looked like Polnareff just got PTSD from what just happened.

Until next time... Stand Proud everyone !!

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