Chapter 24: A familliar face

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 " ": You talking

' ': you thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Dark Void:-Power E

                     -Speed D

                     -Range E

                     -Durability A

                     -Precision C

                     -Potential A

23th and last card of the tarot, symbolize the end of everything, and the start of a new cycle.*

After our little encounter with the empress back in Varanashi, We regrouped with the rest of the gang, and quickly drove out of the city, pressed by Mr.Joestar, who was extremely eager to quit India.

Polnareff was currently driving the Jeep in the desert, with Kakyoin on the front seat, and the rest of us on the back.

"We are in the northern part of India, close to the Himalayas, that's why it's a bit cold. We are also close to the border of Pakistan."

Due to the backseat being quite crowded, I had some troubles reading the map.

The road looked clear, but apparently, someone had the idea to take the same road as us, and that someone was driving like a snail.

Polnareff: And the roads are much narrower. The car in front of us is so slow, he's blocking us.

Polnareff: Tsk, see ya later...

He proceeded to pass that car in a rather "direct" way, and by direct, I mean extremely rough, kicking some rocks in the process.

Kakyoin: Hey, Polnareff !! You're driving pretty rough !!

Polnareff: He he ! It's good to have 4 wheel drive. I can drive on a bad road like this easily !

Joseph: Polnareff.. Did you kick up those rocks on purpose ?

"Do you even have a license ?"

Polnareff: License...?

'Let's buckle that belt.'

Joseph: It's not a good idea to have an accident so soon. I'm still wanted in Varanashi for killing the doctor, I just hope we can cross the border safely.

"The accomplice agree with you."

Kakyoin: But... It's almost time to say goodbye to India.

Joseph: Mm. When we arrived in India, I first thought "What the hell ? This is such a dirty country !!" But now that we are going to leave, I miss the noise in Calcutta and water in the water in the Ganges.

Polnareff: I'm coming back again. To give Abdul a proper tombstone.

Kakyoin: Mr.Abdul...

We were all lost in our thoughts, and suddenly woke up when Polnareff braked and drifted, making us almost faceplant in whatever was in front of us.

Kakyoin: W...What the hell, Polnareff ? Why did you stop so suddenly ?!

Joseph: Uh ! I've already told you to not get into any accidents ! Don't you pay attention when you're driving ?!

"I knew it ! Polnareff, give me that damn steering wheel !!"

Polnareff: No...Look... She's there !! I don't believe it !!

We looked, and even Jotaro reacted, by getting even more annoyed.

Right in front of us, was probably the last person I would expect to run into on a road, in the middle of nowhere in India, especially when we left her in Singapore the last time we saw her.

Jotaro: Well well...

Anne: Hi !! So we meet again, you boys wanna give me a lift ?

She took off her cap, and the ones who didn't recognized her at first glance finally got it.

Kakyoin: Ah ! You are the one we left behind in Singapore !!

"I thought you were supposed to meet your father..."

Anne: That was a little lie, I'm just a girl who skipped home.

With that she climbed in the car through the window, landing in the backseat.

Joseph: Hey, hold it !! Who said you could ride with us ? Why are you in India ? How did you get into this country ?

"And how did you managed to pass us ?"

Anne: man, it doesn't matter ! Who cares ? Let's just travel together !

Polnareff: No ! Throw her out ! She'll only drag us down, and it's dangerous.

Anne: Hey ! Want to see some porno pictures ? From India ! I stole them, you like this stuff ?

Kakyoin: Hey !! Kids aren't allowed to have these !!

Anne/Joseph: Please ?! NO ! Please ?! NO ! Please ?! NO ! Please ?! NO ! Please ?! NO ! Please ?! NO ! Please ?! NO !...

Kakyoin: Even by herself, she has a strong survival instinct. We only need to take away those pictures.

Polnareff: She is only a thief, maybe a stand user ? Heh, a thief stand. Don't take her.

"Let's get rid off those pictures, does anyone have a lighter ?"

All of this while Anne and Mr.Joestar were still arguing, getting on the nerve of someone else.


We all shut our mouths, but Anne had a dreamy look on her face.

Anne: 'He's so cool...'

Jotaro: Just until the border, give her plane tickets and some money there and ship her back to Hong-Kong.

We finally started off again, and Anne started to monologue.

Anne: Hey... I am a girl, I'll be wearing a bra in a little while. I'm going to have to look nice for boys. Once I get to that age it will be harder for me to travel the world. that's why I'm doing it now, it's the best time. Don't you think ?

Absolutely no one was listening, as we were looking at the landscape, or in my case, trying to puzzle out the map.

It lasted for a few moments, until the sound of another engine coming from behind us brought us back to reality.

Jotaro: It's the car we passed earlier. Looks like he's in a hurry.

Polnareff: It was so slow before, now it's tailgating. What the hell is wrong with this guy ?!

Joseph: Polnareff, just let him pass.

Polnareff: Tsk...

The car passed, and for the first time we could get a proper look at it, and except for the fact that it was pretty dirty, something seemed off... again...

Polnareff: Hey ! What is this shit ?! Now you're driving slow again ?! I let you go first now move !!

Kakyoin: Polnareff, maybe you were too rude earlier. He might be ticked off.

Jotaro: Did you see the face of the driver ?

Polnareff: No, the windshield was pretty dirty. I couldn't see him.

Jotaro: You too...? Hmm... Maybe it's a stand user who's after us ?

Joseph: be careful Polnareff...

The driver's window slid open, giving a view of his arm.

Jotaro: The driver's side window is open.

Kakyoin: Hrmpf ! Now he's telling us to pass.

Polnareff: He probably remembered his car sucks and he can't drive that fast for too long. You should have stayed behind me, asshole !!

Joseph: Polnareff, it's your fault for taunting him.

Polnareff tried to pass once again, but figuratively stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted that truck coming from the other side.

Polnareff: WHAT ?!

Kakyoin: It's a truck !! Polnareff, turn now or we're gonna crash !!!

"Turn ? The map is positive about that, it's the good path, there's no need to turn." I responded, a little too focused on that map to notice what was going on... Until Anne snatched it from my hands, making me realize they never questioned my guidance.

It was too late, as we almost crashed into the truck. Almost, thanks to Jotaro, who summoned [STAR PLATINUM] just in time to prevent the collision, and we flew out of the road, with Jotaro looking as expressionless as always, while the rest of us was freaking out.

Joseph: If it weren't for Star Platinum, we'd all be dead by now !

Polnareff: Damn it ! Who was it ?! Who was in that car ?!?!

Said car was quickly driving away, out of our sight.

Until next time... Stand Proud everyone !!

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