Chapter 55: Final battle, entering Dio's World !!

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 " ": you talking

' ': you thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: narrator/voice-off

3rd Person POV:

*???/ dark Void, act 2:-Power ???

                                            -Speed ???

                                            -Range ???

                                            -Durability ???

                                            -Precision ???

                                            -Potential ???

...It finally revealed itself...*

Idiot: Vanilla Ice... Kenny G... The younger D'arby... ha ! You are the dumb ones !

Idiot: the laughter of happiness fills my head !! they called me an idiot... You are the ones who were beaten, Vanilla Ice ! it's you fools !!!

Ice: You idiot, you can't beat them with your ability. Just stay out of our way and hide. You are just a vampire.

Kenny G.: We'll kill you if you try to interfere. You got that ?!

D'arby: Just stay behind, idiot

Idiot: L... Let me do something...

Idiot: I am the one that's going to kill Jotaro.

Kakyoin: Hold it !! Someone's just ahead of us...

Joseph: it's a woman...

'Woman': WAAAA !! P... Please let me go !! Don't suck my blood !! Don't kill me !!! I'll do anything you say !! just let me go !!

Joseph: Hey... Hold on, calm down !

'Woman': I won't run away ever again ! Please don't kill me...

Joseph: Hold it ! We're not Dio's men. we're not vampires either. Calm down; we're here to save you, we're friends.

'Woman': F... Friends ? Are you really friends ? Are you really going to save me ?

Jotaro: yes. We are friends.

Jotaro: friends of justice.

Joseph: that's right, we'll help you ! Help you get to hell, that is. Ain't that right, Kakyoin ?

Idiot: Ungh.. Grrr...

Idiot: Impossible !!! Why ?! Why ?! Why ?! Why ?! How did you see through it ?! My unstoppable ability !!!

Kakyoin: Growing a face on the back of your head is your ability ?

Joseph: If you use the back of your head... You also have to turn your arms and legs the right way.

Idiot: ???... That's right ! Damn, I always forget about that part.

Jotaro: Hey, idiot... Tell us where Dio's room is.

Kakyoin: Jotaro, don't injure him too badly, let him lead us.

Idiot: Damn it ! You called me an idiot ?! -(How did he know?)- Don't underestimate me !!! I'll kill you !! I already have Dio's blood !! I can't be kil-ACK !!!

From behind, another hand grabbed him by the neck. The owner of this hand walked forward, revealing Y/n.

Y/n: So you are another vampire, like Dio ? Jotaro, want to use him as a test, to see how invincible he is ?

Jotaro: Gladly.

Idiot: Uh oh.

Joseph: Oh ! My ! God !

Star Platinum's rush launched that Idiot through several pillars, and he landed on the ground, still alive.

Jotaro: You really are still alive. But I can still cut you down into pieces. Bring us to Dio. The sun is about to go down.

Idiot: Y... yes. Can I ask you a question though ? How did you know I was known as "Idiot" ?

Polnareff: the quality of the curtains here is really nice.

Polnareff: It's easier to walk now. Still hurts like a bitch... But I don't have time for it. Even less time to get upset.

He noticed something, or, more accurately, he 'felt' something; on the floor just above him, at the end of the stairs, he finally revealed himself. The ultimate enemy, the very goal of that journey.

Dio: Hm, Polnareff. Long time no see.

Polnareff: Dio... So you finally show your face ?

Dio: Congratulation, Polnareff. You've finally avenged your sister and somehow managed to make it here without dying.

Polnareff: If you want to give me a present, give me your life.

Dio: Hm hm hm. I'll give you one more chance. Step down two stairs, then I'll allow you to serve me again. On the other hand, if you want to die... Just climb the stairs.

Polnareff: When I first saw you... I submitted to your curse and the evil strength you have. I became a dog without a home. It was even worse than death !! I only felt compelled to be used by you.

Polnareff: But now I don't feel any fear at all. I only have the will to fight. I met Mr.Joestar and company. The 45 days of journey, and the death of my friends have swept away all my fear of you.

Dio: Really ? Is that so , Well then... Climb the stairs.

Dio: Hm hm hm... See, Polnareff. You went down the stairs. So you want to come to my side now.

It shocked Polnareff, to see that he went down the stairs, even though he was trying to climb them. So he tried again, with the same result, him going down by climbing up.

Polnareff: W... What ?! What the hell ?! I took a step up !!

Dio: What's wrong ? You haven't made up your mind yet ? doesn't that mean you are scared of me ? Maybe you were thinking of coming up in your mind... But your body is too afraid to ascend and went down the stairs on it's own ?

Polnareff: Impossible !! I DID try to climb the stairs !!!

A third time he tried, and a third time, it has no effect.

Polnareff: 'What the hell did he do ?! Is this his stand ?! It this... "The World" ?'

Dio: Polnareff... have you ever thought why people try to survive ? Every single person tries to survive because they want peace of mind. To get fame, power to rule others, and money are all for that. Marrying and making friends are also fro that. To serve others, to fight for love and peace are all for peace of mind. Looking for peace of mind is human being's ultimate goal. In your group, Y/n is the best example of that.

Dio: So... what's wrong with you serving me , If you serve me you can easily get everything else.. Aren't you having no peace now that you are fighting me knowing you are going to die ? You are a very god stand user. It would be a shame to kill you. How about ditching Joestar and joining me ? I'll give you peace of mind that will last forever.

Polnareff: 'M... maybe I submitted to him unconsciously ? This is bad. I have to hold on. Abdul, Iggy, give me strength !!!'

Polnareff: S... Shut the hell up, Dio !! I'm not dead yet !!! I'll die only after I see your stand !!!

He rushed, and summoned Silver Chariot by his side.

Dio: HMPH !! Well, if that's the case, then you will die here, Polnareff !!!

Polnareff: So that's "The World" ? Bring it on !!!

Dio: Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda !!!

They were about to make contact with each other, when the wall behind Polnareff got busted, revealing the remaining members of the gang, standing there menacingly

Dio: Eh ?!

Polnareff: M... Mr.Joestar ! Y/n !!!

Joseph: No worries... Polnareff.

Your POV:

With those new reinforcements here, Dio Decided to jump away, more likely trying to avoid the sunlight coming from the hole.

"T... That was... Dio, wasn't it ?!"

Joseph: Yes, that was definitely him !!

Polnareff: Before we go after him, I have something to say... I have experienced his stand.

"I take it that wasn't really golden..."

Polnareff: No. I have experienced it, but I don't understand what it is. Let me tell you what happened. I was trying to climb the stairs to get him but somehow I ended up lower than where I started.

Polnareff: You guys think I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't know what's going on at all. It's not something like hypnosis or super fast speed; What I experienced was just the tip of the iceberg.

Polnareff: And... About the others...

Joseph: We know, Y/n already told us.

Kakyoin: Mr.Joestar, the sun is setting... If we don't hurry...

Joseph: Right, all we know is that Dio is afraid of sunlight.

Kakyoin took that big duffel bag he was dragging along.

Kakyoin: hey, idiot. We don't have time to waste. Answer me when I ask, got it ? What is above this floor ?

Idiot that was in the bag: A... A tower... There is a room at the top. Lord Dio sometimes goes there during the day.

Kakyoin: is there any other way up ?

Idiot: No. This is the only way.

Joseph: Fine. take us there.

He seemed really hesitant about climbing up the stairs, so I had to push him forward myself, taking a head start from the group.

Joseph: Hey Polnareff, I wanted to ask you something, but it may be crude: What really happened after Iggy died ?

Polnareff: Why are you asking, didn't Y/n told you already ?

Joseph: He did, but apparently he had a blackout when coming about this part.

Polnareff: that was strange, the Hamon he was producing turned red, and he made the enemy stand disappear. Do you have something in mind ?

Joseph: Did he killed the enemy ?

Polnareff: Yes, he literally disintegrated him.

Joseph: I was just wondering... from all of us, Y/n is probably the less violent of the group, and his stand is growing up depending on his mindset... It's not a powerful stand, but even like that, It's easily the mightiest stand to ever exist... So what would happen, if his will to fight went to increase... ?

"Hey ! You coming or what ?!"

We finally entered the room at the top of the tower, and as soon as we get here, Jotaro smashed open the window, allowing sunlight to flow in.

Joseph: be careful... He may not be in the casket. He may be hiding somewhere in this room. The man we are about to see...

Joseph: 'Although I'm only seeing him for the first time, I've known him for a long time. that's right, I've known him since before I was born... the same goes for Jotaro... All of us with the blood of the Joestar know that we'll meet him someday. Not as a friend, but as an enemy who must be defeated.'

Kakyoin: 'No regrets about anything that has happened on this journey or will happen from this point on. I will not regret it.'

Polnareff: 'This feeling... I am on the light side. Dio is the dark ! Mr.Joestar is the light ! I can clearly feel the distinction between black and white ! My body may be hurt, but my mind is overflowing with courage ! I am the one in the light !!'

'The second Dio appears, I'll blast him into nothingness... This journey made me understand, I can't always rely on others when it comes to fights and violence. To makes this journey end... I'll have to stain my own hands.'

Joseph: Jotaro, take the right of the casket. Polnareff, you go left. Kakyoin and I will stay here. Y/n, get over the casket and prepare to strike. Idiot, go open the casket. We'll attack when he gets out

Idiot: M... Meeeeee ?! Uh... Uh... L... lord Dio, I am not betraying you. I believe in your strength so I brought them here. Please understand. This is not the end of the road for you, is it ? I brought them here so you could kill them all !!

Joseph: Shut the hell up !! Just open it !!!

Idiot: Lord Dio !! Hee hee, please kill them !!! lord Dio...

Joseph: He's coming out !!!

Everyone: EH ?!

Idiot: I... I am the one inside ? I was just opening the casket...

Joseph: Why is that idiot in the casket ?! I didn't take my eyes off of him !!!

Polnareff: You see ?! it's not ultra speed or hypnosis !! It's just like what happened to me !!!

Kakyoin: "The World" ?!

Jotaro: Son of a bitch. Things are getting interesting...

Joseph: Did anyone see how that idiot walked into the casket ? No... Did anyone see how he was PUT into the casket ?

Polnareff: No... I didn't see anything. I was staring right at it but he was already inside.

Kakyoin: Po... Polnareff is right. This is not some sort of superhuman speed.

"I don't know if it counts, but everything went blurry for a second for me, and after I blinked, he was inside already."

Jotaro: Wait ! Something is... a bit strange...

We felt it... a pulse of murderous intent, penetrating our bones to the marrow, seemingly freezing our souls.

Everyone: LET'S GET OUT OF HERE !!!

Polnareff: Ugh... Damn it !!!

Joseph: What the hell are you doing, Polnareff ?!

Out of fear, we all jumped out of the window, to avoid the killing intent filling the room.

Polnareff: I felt it too. A very strong intention to kill.

Joseph: it feels like something cold running down your back. If we had stayed, we'd probably be dead by now.

Kakyoin: What was that ? It's the first time I've felt it ! We didn't actually see it, but it feels more terrible than any of the stands we've encountered before.

"J... Just like how you know a truck is coming by the sound of its engine."

Everyone used their stands to grab a hold of the building, and with a little help from Kakyoin's Hierophant green, I was able to get up too.

Joseph: this is bad ! Very bad ! The sun is almost gone !!

Kakyoin: His time has come.

"We're not the ones chasing anymore, we just became the prey."

Polnareff: Mr.Joestar... You aren't going to retreat and wait for the sunrise, aren't you ?! I'll tell you this, Mr.Joestar... Day or night there is no way I'm running away now !!!

Kakyoin: I feel the same as Polnareff.

Joseph: And I feel the same as all of you. But the situation has changed ! We've encountered his "The World", but we have no idea what it does. When you climb a mountain, if you don't know where the top is, you will run into trouble. You absolutely will !! Like how you burp when you drink a coke, it's inevitable !!!

"That's... Some weird way to say it..."

Joseph: Dio is going to come after us ! he's going to try to kill us before sunrise ! We have to find out the secret of his stand before then ! We'll wait for that chance !!!

Polnareff: No !! I can't run away !! Iggy and Abdul died because of me !!! Mr.Joestar, I respect you, but I will not follow your way !!! Why did we come here ,! It doesn't matter whet we do, but running away... Is not acceptable !!!

He ran the other side, heading for the door of the mansion.

Joseph: Hold it, Polnareff !!!

Jotaro: You can't stop him, grandpa.

Kakyoin: What do you have in mind, Jotaro ?!

Jotaro: Polnareff is fighting while chasing him; We are fighting while running away.

"We're attacking from both sides. This gives us an advantage."

Joseph: Hey, you... Sell me this truck !!!

Driver: Uh... Wait... Y... You just can't... Holy shit, I'm rich !! This must be my lucky day !!

Joseph: Let's go !!!

Me, Joseph and Kakyoin got in the truck and started to drive, unaware of Dio's eyes, focused on us from the mansion's roof.

Polnareff: There you are Dio !! Running until sunrise ? I've overestimated you, Mr.Joestar. You too, Jotaro ! Kakyoin ! Y/n !! I'll just go by myself !!! It doesn't matter if we don't know the secret of his stand; There are other ways to kill him, like an ambush !

Jotaro: Don't be in such a rush, Polnareff.

Jotaro: I told them to leave you alone.. But grandpa, Kakyoin and Y/n insisted on me following you.

Polnareff: Jotaro !!!

Jotaro: Good grief... let's go ! Dio is chasing grandpa and the others...

Speaking of Dio:

Dio: Automobiles... Such power and speed... there were only horse drawn carriages when I was born.

Bodyguard: Hey, you !! What are you doing ?! Don't you touch this car !!! It belongs to Senator Wilson Phillips !! Do you know who your dealing with ?!

He put his arm on Dio's shoulder, so Dio crushed, broke and shattered his arm in every way possible.

he then entered the car, sitting next to the aforementioned senator Phillips.

Senator: hello, young man... You shouldn't be so rude. Hohoho...

He annoyed him too, so Dio grabbed and teared off his front teeth.

Dio: Shut up... Get in the front seat and drive !

Senator: YAAAAAAAA !!! Who the hell do you think you are ?! Do you think I'll let you go for this ?!

Senator: 'That's right, this is unforgivable; No one does this to me and gets away with it ! I've been first in all my classes since Highschool. I was the captain of the wrestling team in college; I became a famous politician, I have a 1000 acre estate in Hawaii, and a supermodel wife who's 25 years younger than I am to go with it. I've crushed all my enemies, I will become president one day !! I am senator Wilson Phillips !!!'

Senator: Listen, kid !! Do you know who you're dealing with ?! I can put you away for the rest of your life !!!

Dio: I'll tell you one more time...

Dio: ... Drive.

Senator: 'Who is this guy ?! he's going to kill me ! If I don't run, I'll die !!!'

He immediately opened the door curtain, and tried to leave the car, but reappeared in the car.

Senator: Wha ?! Wh... Wh... AAAAAAAAAAA !!! Help...

Same thing, again...

Senator: ... Me ?! W... W... W... What ?! What the hell !!! I though I got away !! How did I end up in the car ?!?! What happened ?!

Dio: Follow the red pickup truck. Hurry, or I'll kill you.

Senator: Y... Yessir !!! 'Why am I still in the car ?! Why ?! Is it because I'm a senator ?! Huh huh !! That's right !! There's nothing I can't do !! Hehehehe !!!'

Joseph: His dark aura hasn't left... he's following us.

Kakyoin: Dio knows exactly whee you are ?

Joseph: No. His body is my Grandfather's, Jonathan Joestar. That body is emitting a wavelength, it can feel my presence. It only knows approximately where I am. Not the exact position. Just like at Dio's mansion he didn't know where I was, he just felt a Joestar was in the area. He can't tell if it's me or Jotaro. He probably doesn't know we've split up.

"If we can corner him, it'll be easier for us."

Polnareff: Looks like they're gone already. You got any money, Jotaro ?

Jotaro: None whatsoever.

Polnareff: Oh well, we'll just have to take this bike.

He disconnected two cables from the bike, trying to use them to make it start without the key.

Polnareff: Weird, they do it a lot easier on TV and in movies.

Jotaro: Look out, let me try.

This time, it worked on the first try.

Jotaro: it's running now, get on. Polnareff... ?

Polnareff: Uh... Yeah...

Dio: Go.

Senator: Sir, it's a traffic jam. This is rush hour. Even you must understand...

Dio: Drive.

Senator: You say "drive", but it's impossible.

Dio: The sidewalk is pretty wide, isn't it ? Go.

Senator: The sidewalk ?! But there are a lot of people coming home from work on the sidewalk !!!

Dio: Doesn't matter. Go.

Senator: Y... Y... Yes...

Dio: Full speed.

Senator: Y... Yes sir... AAAAAA !!!

Senator: HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH !! I've done all you asked me to !! Will you let me live now ?!

Dio: No.

Senator: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! 'Of course !! This is a dream ! A senator like me won't die !!!'

the red pickup was now on sight.

Dio: There they are. Get closer, closer. I can't use The World if we don't get close.

Through the window of the car, Kakyoin's Hierophant Green appeared, strangely coated in lightning, making it even more shiny.

Dio: Kakyoin !!!

Kakyoin: Dio !!! Take this !!! *HAMON EMERALD SPLASH* !!!

Not impressed in the slightest, Dio lifted one of his fingers, and hit one of the rocks with a flick, making it hit another one, and by ricochet effect, deflecting the emerald splash and leaving his finger slightly burnt.

Kakyoin: what ?! His body never left the seat ! He blocked my Emerald Splash with one finger !!!

Kakyoin: How's this, then ?!

He fired a concentrated blast, aiming precisely at Dio's head.

he only needed his hand this time, and still deflected the Emerald Splash without sustaining real damage.

Kakyoin: he even blocked the concentrated Splash !!! What the... ?!

What Kakyoin could only assume was Dio's stand, "The World", appeared just above him, ready to strike.

Kakyoin: When did he call his stand ?! When did it get in front of me ?! I didn't even realize it !

Hierophant Green was barely able to block the hit, and went flying backward after that.

Dio: The distance is still too far. He's out of my range now...

senator: Uhhh... What hapenned ?!

Dio: What's the point of telling you ? Keep your eyes on the road.

Joseph: Watch it, Kakyoin !!! That was close !!!

Kakyoin: Sorry... He surprised me.

"Did the Hamon wound him at least ?"

Kakyoin: Not really, I think it wasn't concentrated enough to hurt him.

Kakyoin: 'Dio said to me a few months before... "Don't be so scared that you throw up, relax." Damn it, I won't fear anymore !! I won't lose a gain !!!'

Joseph: Kakyoin, you're bleeding. Are you alright ? Did you see The World ?

Kakyoin: I saw it. I attacked it just outside of 10m; Any closer and I'd be dead. But Mr.Joestar, it's just like you suspected. His stand is a short-ranged power type.

"So kinda similar to Jotaro's Star Platinum then..."

Kakyoin: Kind off, his stand also has some secrets behind it. But I've found out 2 things:

1- He can't extend his stand far like my Hierophant or your hermit. Only about 10m

2- He has no projectiles. He attacks with his fists.

I was thinking if we sneak up on him there's a chance we can beat him.

Joseph: Let's do this step by step. The more careful we are, the better off we'll be.

Glancing behind us, I spotted Dio's car, parked on the sidewalk, not chasing us anymore.

"Hey... Dio's car stopped."

Kakyoin: Look out !! Something's flying this way !!

The body of the now dead senator Phillips came crashing into our truck from behind, making Mr.Joestar loose control of it and crashing into a building.

Dio approached the crash site, looking for his enemy in the car, only finding the body of the senator inside. Looking up, he spotted Mr.Joestar and Kakyoin, using their stand to escape by the roof, carrying me at the same time.

Joseph: What are you doing, Kakyoin ?!

Kakyoin: I've got it. The way to reveal his stand.

Joseph: What ?! You've found a way to reveal Dio's stand, Kakyoin ?

*Whenever Kakyoin sees hierophant Green, it brings back a lot of memories.

"Mrs.Kakyoin, your son doesn't plan to have any friends at all. He is not disliked by others, he just doesn't want to be around anyone. I am very worried about him."

"I feel ashamed. I don't know why even though I am his mother."

He has been thinking since he was young: You are going to meet a lot of people in the city. But how many of those people would really know how you feel ? My schoolmates have how many people's phone numbers ? 50 people ? 100 people ? Mom has dad and dad has mom, but I have nothing. People on TV or rock stars probably have a few thousand people, but I have nothing.

"I am probably never going to meet anyone ever in my life."

"No one can see Hierophant. Because of that, no one can understand me."*

Kakyoin: 'Before meeting each other, Mr.Joestar, Jotaro, Polnareff, Abdul and Y/n probably felt this way too. Whenever I think of Abdul and Iggy I get goosebumps, because they are my comrades who share our goals on this journey to defeat Dio !!! The time in between may be short, but we know each other perfectly.'

Kakyoin: 'I have to blend in again. That's right ! To reveal Dio's secret, I must hide myself to beat him.'

Polnareff: Hey, Jotaro ! These two cars are pretty messed up !

Jotaro: Up there ! They seem to have gone that way...

*Hierophant green:-Power C

                                        -Speed B

                                        -Range A

                                        -Durability B

                                        -Precision C

                                        -Potential D*

Dio: Only Kakyoin, Joseph and Y/n are in front of me. Jotaro and Polnareff are coming up behind me... I see. They are attacking from both sides. A waste of time...

He went to land on a roof, but the second his feet touched a green ribbon on the ground, green rocks were launched at him from below, giving off some Hamon too.

Dio: this is... Kakyoin's hierophant !!

After deflecting the shots, he jumped backward, but ended up hitting another ribbon, leading to more rocks being thrown at him, from behind this time.

Dio: Hierophant's barrier !!!

He parried the shots, but one of them managed to directly hit, making a hole in his shoulder, where the skin started to slightly melt away. He then stopped to move, now aware of the net of the strings surrounding him in every directions.

Dio: This is...

Kakyoin: A Hamon-charged barrier that will fire if you touch it !

Kakyoin was revealed to be standing on top of another building, in front of Dio, with me holding on one of Hierophant's ribbon, constantly letting Hamon flowing through it, charging the barrier.

Kakyoin: It has spread itself around you in the radius of 20m. It can detect anything that you or The World does !!! Take this, Dio !!!

Kakyoin/Y/n: The 20m EMERALD OVERDRIVE !!!

Dio: Idiots.. I will show you... The power of "The World" Is indeed the power that rules over the world !!!

Dio: [ZA WARUDO] !!!

(stop at 2:00, please)

3rd person POV:

*Hermit Purple:-Power D

                                 -Speed C

                                 -Range D

                                 -Durability A

                                 -Precision D

                                 -Potential E*

Strangely, after Kakyoin got punched away by Dio, something else went flying in another direction, landing somewhere in the city. But Mr.Joestar currently had other things in mind.

Joseph: What Happened ?! He... he just flew by all of a sudden !! KAKYOIN !!!

Kakyoin: 'What happened ? I was beat ? I can't move a finger... I can't even make a sound...'

Kakyoin: It's a quarter past 5 here in Cairo. So it's about 12A.m in Japan now... I wonder what mom and dad are doing right now ? Probably sleeping. I'm sorry you have to worry about me.

*The last thing Kakyoin worries about isn't his parents. He does love them but the last question totally erased his thoughts.*

Kakyoin: 'My barrier can tell a lot about anything it touches, but it was severed at the same time !! Why ? Why weren't they gone one by one ? Why wasn't there any difference in time ? Not even 1/10000 of a seconds difference. 20m of barrier all cut at the same time... At the same time... same time... Same time... Time... TIME...'

Kakyoin: 'That's... that's it !! It's impossible !!! But it's the only explanation... It's time... he can stop time...'

Kakyoin: 'I have to tell everyone this !! I have to try, no matter how !!! I have to tell Mr.Joestar and Y/n... Or we are all going to lose !!!'

Dio: Joseph... it's your turn...

Dio: I think for Jonathan's body... the best blood to assimilate it would be Joestar blood, right ?

Joseph: DIO !!!

Dio: I'll predict this... You are going to get your blood sucked dry !!!

The last Emerald Splash... It hit nothing but the tower's clock, destroying it.

Dio: Emerald Splash ? He missed by a mile... he probably lost control of his stand as he died... Hm.

Joseph: 'This is meaningless ? Impossible ! Kakyoin isn't like that... Why in that direction ? Does this mean anything ? What are you trying to tell me ? Kakyoin !!'

Joseph: [HERMIT PURPLE] !!!

throwing his thorns, using them to tie up Dio and restrain him.

Joseph: Take this !! The power of the Sun !! Hamon !!!

Dio: Old man !! Your stand is the worst !!!

He effortlessly broke free of Hermit Purple, forcing Mr.Joestar to retreat for the time being.

Dio: You're not going anywhere...

Joseph: 'It must mean something ! Kakyoin, why did you attack the clock tower ?! Why did you destroy the clock with your emerald splash ? What were you trying to tell me ?'

Polnareff: M... Mr.Joestar !! Dio is chasing him !!!

Joseph: 'Are you trying to tell me you've figured out the secret behind Dio's stand ? You destroyed the hands of the clock... You've stopped the clock...'

Joseph: Is that Dio's secret ?! The ability to stop time ?! I've got it, Kakyoin ! I've got the message you gave up your life for !

Joseph: you said time stopped... You mean that stand can move while time is stopped ?! This is terrible !! this stand is incredibly powerful !!!

Joseph: 'All right... Calm down... Think... I don't know the meaning of the word "anxiety". I have to figure out a way to beat him... But where did Y/n go ?'

Looking behind him, he noticed that Dio wasn't here anymore.

Joseph: Hm ?! He's gone !!!

but no, he just stopped time, to go past him, and now The World was ready to punch him into Oblivion. But stopped inches away of Mr.Joestar's body.

Joseph: W... what's wrong ? You're not attacking ? Don't you want my blood, Dio ?

Dio: You are using your Hamon to protect you. You wrapped yourself with Hermit Purple and Hamon. You are smart. I can't underestimate you.

Joseph: I could say the same about you... you saw through my plan and didn't attack me. Very cautious... However, I know the weakness of your stand. there's a limit to the amount of time you can stop, right ? About 3 to 4 seconds ? If you could stop it longer, we would have been killed in the mansion. You would not have to come after us like this.

Dio: So now you know. My stand's power. You are good.

Joseph: The one who got it was Kakyoin. I am not going to waste his death !!!

Dio: So what ?! What does it matter if you know ? What can you do ?


Dio: You are really persistent !! I don't have to touch your Hamon to attack you !!!

Using The World, Dio broke a part of the roof they were standing on, sending rocks hitting Mr.Joestar, who went flying away and landed in the middle of a street, under the dumbfounded looks of some people.

Guy: What's that guy doing ?

Guy: Dude, he just fell from the sky !

Girl: It's Santa Claus !

Guy: Hey old man ! What were you doing up there ? Spying on young girls ?

Looking back, Dio was already on sight. Looking back forward, there was Jotaro, standing not that far away from Mr.Joestar.

Jotaro: Grandpa...

Joseph: J... Jotaro !!! Get away !! Don't come any closer !!!

Dio: Jotaro... Good... But he's a bit out of my range at the moment... I'll deal with Joseph first.

Joseph: The secret behind his stand is time !!! His stand is able to stop ti-!

Dio: at first I was only able to stop time for one second. As the scar on my neck healed. I could stop it for two seconds... Three at most...

Dio: Now I can stop it for five seconds. It's odd that you can still count time after it has stopped, but it's about five seconds. Sooner or later I'll be able to stop it for one minute... Ten minutes... One hour... Then possibly indefinitely... I am awaiting that day very much...

Dio: Joseph... There is Hamon all over you... That which gave me trouble 100 years ago, is useless in front of The World !!

Dio: Jotaro !!! You are next !!!

Jotaro: ... Dio... You son of a bitch...

Joseph: R... Run... Jotaro... Don't get... Too close.. S... Stay away... Go... Go find Y/n... You... You can't... Beat... Him...

Someone else stepped on the scene. Y/n, finally back from whatever happened, slightly out of breath, with Anubis out of it's sheath, Dark Void and Hamon both activated.

Y/n: M... Mr.Joestar...

Your POV:

*Star Platinum:-Power A

                                -Speed A

                                -Range C

                                -Durability A

                                -Precision A

                                -Potential A

The World:-Power A

                       -Speed A

                       -Range C

                       -Durability A

                       -Precision B

                       -Potential B*

Dio: So you survived. I've abandoned the idea of having you join me, you're just too troublesome to deal with. I'll just kill you all here and now.

Dio: Kakyoin has been taken care of... Polnareff... Went into hiding, maybe ? It doesn't matter. You're next, Jotaro.

Jotaro: You bastard... Dio...

"You'll pay for that."

Dio: Oh ? You're walking towards me ? Why aren't you running away ? Why aren't you listening to Joseph, who tried so hard to tell you the secret of my stand before he died ?

"We can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer..."

Dio: Ho ho !! Then... Come as close as you want..."


Dio: Too slow, too slow !! The World is the strongest stand. It's strength and speed is better then Star Platinum's, even without stopping time.

Jotaro: It works the same as my Star Platinum. It can't move too far but it's strong and precise.

Dio: That was just a test to see how strong your stand is. Heh, not even worth the effort.

Jotaro: A test... ? You mean that little scratch ? You ruined a 200$ pair of pants.

Dio: Don't you Joestars ever give up ? Fine, I'll bit on your little taunt.

(same video, 1:50-2:40)

It was completely overwhelming... I may be immune to direct hits, but the sheer air pressure and shock-waves provoked by each of they hit was enough to blow me back. I can't approach them like that.

Dio: Hm Hm Hm. I am stronger and more precise !! I am satisfied now, playtime is over. It's time for you to die, Jotaro. Because of the century old destiny, I will have to kill you for sure. This last attack will be The World's true power !!!


Everything froze in place, including Jotaro, As I was now stuck on the ground, unable to jump high enough to get at their level.

Dio: Now... the Joestar's bloodline will terminate. To the nemesis that appeared in my life, goodbye...

He went for delivering the fatal blow, but the instant his hand approached Jotaro's head...

His fingers twitched, making Dio immediately recoil.

Dio: Wha.. ?! W... What is this ?! He moved !! Impossible !! His fingers twitched !!! Impossible !! this is impossible !!

Dio: 'It's the same... The same kind of stand ! The World and Star Platinum are the same kind of stand !!!'

Dio: This guy... Can he see ? Or is he just moving his finger without knowing it ? Hm. Time's up.

He turned around Jotaro, and as time resumed itself, Star Platinum's punches did the same, but without any target.

Dio: Could you see.. ?

Jotaro: .........

Dio: I asked if you could see, Jotaro !!!

Jotaro: I... Don't know what you're talking about... Dio..

Jotaro dived to the ground, with Dio following closely behind, finally getting down enough for me.

Dio: This is not a problem !! It doesn't mater !! It doesn't matter if you can see when time is stopped !!! If you can move like The World does then do it !!!

Dio: 'To be able to see when time is stopped... That's right, it was about half a year ago when I first experienced the stoppage of time... I wanted to see how strong and fast my stand was, so I ordered my men to fire their weapons at me. The moment I tried to catch the bullet, just for a moment, everything stopped. At first I thought it was just an illusion. Trained boxers are able to see punches thrown at them in slow motion. When surprised, the body will generate something called adrenaline, which makes a second feel like a minute. I thought it was something like that.'

Dio: 'However, my stand was able to pass by all the bullets and even touch them. That was most definitely not an illusion. After losing her son, Enya said this to me...'

Enya: Lord Dio !! You will be able to control time !!! You have to want yourself to be able to move when time is stopped ! Just like breathing ! You have to will these things !! You have to allow them to happen too !!! You need this kind of will to control your stand. You are the ruler of the world !! It is right for to rule time !! YAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!

Dio: 'From that day, I could feel the wheels of time fitting together with The World. It felt like light penetrating the darkness, it felt wonderful...'

Dio: I am stronger than all the creatures of this Earth including stand users !! It's five seconds now, and it will continue to grow !!! Jotaro !! Show me how much you can move in the stillness !!!


Everything froze once again, and once again, Jotaro's hand twitched when Dio approached, but strangely enough, it only happened when Dio moved his own left hand closer.

Looking at his own wrist, he discovered a magnet, sticking to him, and when he approached it to Jotaro's wrist, it stuck to another magnet.

Dio: So you planted a magnet... ? You did it while we exchanged punches, didn't you ? This is something from a notebook or a purse. Your hand will move when I get too close...

Dio: Hmpf !! And I was fooled !! I can't take this one too lightly. He couldn't pull off this trick if he wasn't calm and brave enough. You deserve my praise.

Dio: However, a trick like this... Proves you can't move when time is stopped !!! This only extends your life a few seconds !! This is it !!! DIE, JOTARO !!!

But the second he got closer for attacking, Jotaro's arm moved, for real this time, and Star Platinum appeared, punching The World the same way The World punched Kakyoin. With a hole through it's stomach.

After throwing that attack, Jotaro remained frozen in the stillness.

Dio: What.. !!! he... He really can move !! Just for a moment !! The magnet wasn't here so I would believe he could move, it was there so I would believe he CAN'T move !! He tricked me into getting close to him !! He fooled me again... !!! Damn it... that Joestar successor... He learned how to move in my world !!

This time, his body acted on his own, out of pure instinct, and narrowly dodged the slash about to cut him in two, only losing his leg, and crashing in a store on the other side of the street.

"Dammit, I almost got him..."

Jotaro: I could move... Just for a moment... Well well...

"Be careful, he's certainly not dead yet. If we don't destroy his brain, we won't see the end of it."

Obviously, the sudden appearance of a man, flying through the window greatly frightened the shopkeeper, not to mention the gaping hole in the stomach and the missing leg.

Dio: Hey you ! Go get my leg.

Too scared to move, she only cried for help.

Dio: Move it !! Fetch it quickly like a first class flight attendant !!!

Jotaro: I used the magnet trick to get you to move close to me. When you were in range, I got you with a punch. But without smashing your head, it won't do much damage.

"Hm... You already got a recharge... Your wounds are almost gone."

Stopping and resuming time continuously, he seemed to teleport around us, even if we were now both able to follow his movements clearly.

Dio: You followed me with your eyes when time stopped. I'm not really surprised to see Y/n doing it. You can both see my actions clearly.

Jotaro: ... All thanks to you...

Dio: Kakyoin did well... After he found out what was going on, you knew it was possible to move in the stillness. Then Jotaro learned how to move in my world. that's why I've been thinking... Exactly how long can you move when time is stopped, Jotaro ? Two seconds ? Three ? Y/n should already able to move a full five seconds like me, how about you ?

Jotaro: 'Damn it... I could probably move more if I had the time to practice. But I can only move a moment for now. If he finds that out, I'm screwed. This is bad, I have to drag this out.'

'What I got was a lucky shot. He won't let me approach me again since he knows I can move freely in the stillness.'

Dio: Ha ha !! Of course you don't want to tell me. I still think you can only move for a moment. However... You have learned how to move in the stillness. It would be wise not to get close to any of you.

'Called it.'

Dio: Even though I still have the advantage... That's why, I've thought of a way to figure it out !!!

Dio: Oh ? A little scared are we ? You probably know what I'm going to do being as smart as you are. I took these from that shop. Seeing these you know you're going to die a worse death than that old Joseph.

Jotaro: 'Son of a bitch... You thought of something like this... This is bad...'

Dio: Hm ! You can't get away !! Checkmate !!! [ZA WARUDO] !!! Five seconds !!

Dio: When time moves again... With that many knives... Can you really parry them all with Star Platinum ? Four seconds.

Dio: You are even more scared now because you can see. If you don't get rid of the knives now it will be too late ! Three seconds.

Moving for a split second, Star Platinum managed to deflect some knifes, but couldn't make more, letting most of the knives untouched

Dio: Two seconds left !! This is how much you can move ? This proves you can only move a short while; One second left... Zero. And time resumes !!

The exact moment time and the knives started moving again, more knives came from under, deflecting some of them.

Dio: Of course you'd try to help him.

Looking down at me, as I was holding more knives, charging them with Hamon before throwing them. But even with Star Platinum's speed, there was just too many knives, and Jotaro got skewered by several of them.

Dio: This is it... One more to finish you off.

One more knife he threw. One more time Jotaro tried to deflect it, but only making it ricochet on Star Platinum's gauntlets, as it impaled his head directly.

Dio: To tell you the truth, I'm relieved to have killed you now. People with the blood of the Joestars are very difficult to deal with. I didn't think anyone else could move in the stillness. There can only be one who can do it. It's like how cars are convenient, but if everyone has one it becomes crowded. Once I'll kill Y/n, I'll be the only one who is able to move when time is stopped.

3rd Person POV:

*Silver Chariot:-Power C

                               -Speed A

                               -Range C

                               -Durability B

                               -Precision B

                               -Potential C*

Jotaro's body crashed on the ground, seemingly dead. On the meantime, Y/n apparently found a way to disappear.

But was Jotaro really dead ?

Jotaro: Ugh... Good grief... He threw so many. There are holes in my favorite uniform. To prevent an ambush, I grabbed some magazines to stuff my shirt and cap when he fell into the shop. I didn't think he would throw so many knives. Gonna have to thanks Y/n later, if it wasn't for him, I'd probably be really dead.

Jotaro: Three in my arms, one in my leg. All of them are pretty deep. He thought he finished me. Then I'll play dead and wait for another chance. If he throws knives again, I don't think I can escape it again. I have to smash his head in, otherwise he won't die.

Dio landed a few meters away.

Dio: I have to be more careful. People of the Joestar line have very good luck. Maybe he's just playing dead. I have to make sure he is dead !!

He choped off a traffic sign, intending to use it as an axe.

Dio: I'll use this, to cut off his head. You die here, Jotaro !!!

From behind, two figures lunged at him, each one wielding a sword, the first one aiming directly for the head, while the second one pierced his chest.

Y/n/Polnareff: DIE !! DIO !!!

Jotaro: 'Polnareff !! Y/n !!'

Both attackers froze.

Dio: The World... Time has stopped again... So it's Polnareff and Y/n... You had to temporarily deactivate your own stand to get the physical boost from Anubis.

Dio: And time resumes. Too bad, when you ambushed me, just a split second more time, and you'd have send your Hamon directly through your sword, and killed me.

Polnareff: But... I... Ugh... You bastard...

Y/n: 'S-H-I-T.'

He got slapped across the face by the traffic sign, throwing him into another building, knocking him out.

Dio: It's impossible to kill me. After I kill you both, everyone will be dead...

Jotaro: 'How is this happening ?! Now Polnareff and maybe even Y/n will die... I was going to play dead until the very end, then surprise him. This is bad ! This is very bad !!'

Jotaro: 'This is it.. I have to do something dangerous. It would be easy to save them. I just have to stand up and yell, "Hey, Dio !! I'm not dead yet !! You won't get away with it !!!" He will turn towards me and leave them alone. However, Dio will not come into Star Platinum's range... If he knows I'm still alive his The World will attack me from a distance, stopping time... Throwing knives... If he does that again, I'm as good as dead. I can't let him see that I'm still alive. As long as he doesn't know I'm still alive, I have a chance to get close to him !! This is ironic. When time was stopped, I tried so hard to move. Now I'm doing my damn best to stay still.'

Dio: Goodnight, Polnareff.

He jolted back, observing carefully Jotaro from a distance, completely forgetting about the other two for a moment.

Dio: Jotaro... You... Is he still... Alive... ? Did he start breathing... ?

Police 1: Halt !! Police !! Don't move !!

Police 2: We don't know what happened, but move and we'll shoot !

Dio: Ah !! Excellent ! I needed to shoot at something. Aim at that guy lying over there. It doesn't matter where. I just want to make sure he's dead.

*BANG !*

Dio: There was a sound coming from Jotaro. Or maybe it's just me...

Unknown to him, Jotaro used Star Platinum to stop the bullet.

Jotaro: That son of a bitch... I used Star Platinum to stop the bullet. But now, I've got his full attention. He's not sure now... He wants to know if I'm really dead. Bad things are going to happen...'

Dio: Is he breathing... ?

Dio: ... I can't hear it... He's not. Then... His heartbeat...

Jotaro: G... God... This is r... Really p... Painful... I'll l... Lose consciousness s... Soon... I'm dying... Th... This is n... No joke... I'm going to be k... Killed by my own s... Stand...'

Dio: ... His heart stopped. He is totally dead. I am just hearing things. But I'll chop off his head anyway, just to be sure. I'm sure you won't mind, Jotaro.

Jotaro: That was a lot of trouble you put me through. If you're going to stop time, let me cave your skull in first, Dio !!!

Jotaro: Finally... I got him in the head... That was really close... I didn't think I would have to stop my own heart; But Dio is a monster who has lived over 100 years, he won't die this easily. I can't relax yet.

Y/n: L... Leave it to me... I'll finish him off.

Jotaro: You're awake ?

Y/n I was coated in Hamon the whole time, it helped me sustain the blow.

Dio: I'm... Going... To kill... You...

Dio: W.. ?! What ?! What's going on ?! This is impossible !! My... My legs... ! They have no power !! I can't stand up !! My head hurts and I feel nauseous... Why do I feel like this... ? Is it because Jotaro damaged my head so badly ? Damn it...

Dio: 'I have to get away now, damn it !! I have to try to run !! I have to outsmart them !!'

Jotaro: I've just covered you with gasoline. It's kind of sad I am kicking you when you're down. No... It's not sad at all. Because of you, a lot of my friends and innocent people died.

Y/n: Burning you to ashes and waiting for the sunrise to turn you to dust is the smart way to do this.

To their surprise, Dio started to laugh at them, and the instant a car showed up in the street:

Dio: [ZA WARUDO] !!!

Dio: I have to get there..

he tried to grab the passing car's bumper; Only tried, because Y/n embedded Anubis directly through his leg, preventing him to move any further.

Y/n: And where exactly do you think you're going ?

The second time resumes itself, a fist entered Dio's face, phasing through Y/n, followed by many other ones, completely destroying him, and launching him back in the street.

Dio: Heh heh !!I got you, Jotaro !! Y/n !! This is my escape route !! You lose !! Do you remember this street ? Or do they all look the same to you tourists ?

Jotaro: This street ? No...

Y/n: T... This is.. !!

Dio: That's right. This is where Joseph Joestar died... And I can take his blood.

Jotaro: Damn you... DIO !!!

Dio: Hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm. As I expected. Joseph's blood is perfect. It fits this body well. I am much stronger than before.

Dio: Heh heh heh. This is Jonathan Joestar's body from 100 years ago. I just took the blood of his grandson, Joseph. And the one who brought it to me was you, Jotaro !! Ha ha !! The Joestar family line has always been in my way. But in the end, they've all come to my use. This is the destiny of the Joestars !!!

Y/n was frozen in shock, not even moving a finger.

Jotaro: Y... You...

Jotaro: An... Illusion ?

Dio: Hey !! What are you looking at ?

Jotaro: B... Bastard...

Dio: That is all that's left of him. HA HA HA HA HA !!!

Jotaro: 'Grandpa... I know you told me not to get angry...But that's not possible !!!' No one can stay calm after seeing this !!!

Dio: Hey, hey... This is the final battle. Come on !!!

Jotaro and Dio ran at each other, then Dio got at his level... Then he... Passed him, heading straight for Y/n, still frozen from what he witnessed.

Dio: He is the most dangerous, if I take him out now, the rest will be a piece of cake !!

He summoned The World, who went for punching Y/n, until... It suddenly disappeared into nothing, before even reaching him.

That's when they noticed it, the thin line of dark fog Dio was almost stepping on, entirely surrounding Y/n in a giant bubble of some sort.

Your POV:

*Dark Void Act 2/Darker Void:-Power E

-Speed D

-Range D

-Durability A

-Precision C

-Potential A

Takes the form of a two-meters radius bubble centered on the user. Inside this bubble, ALL stands and stand effects are canceled.*

Not really understanding what was happening, only one though crossed my mind: destroy Dio, at all costs.

Dio: W... What happened ? What is that power... ?

Jotaro: It's just like grandpa said...

Joseph: What would happen if his will to fight went to increase ?

"The evolution of my stand... Dark Void, phase 2, [DARKER VOID] !!!"

The bubble became even more visible, now engulfing Dio to.

Dio: It doesn't matter ! The World !!!

"You're inside of it ! You can't use your stand anymore !! Jotaro, go get him !! OVERDRIVE !!"

Punching and sending him back to Jotaro, who sent him up with a kick before following him in the air.

Dio: Damn it !! [ZA WARUDO] Toki wo tomare !!

Dio: This is the power of my stand, Jotaro !! You said you were angry ?! Ha !!! is that all your anger is worth ?!

Just as he went for another combo, a dark bubble surged from under, completely disintegrating The World in it's track, before lunging at Dio, wielding a glowering sword.

Dio: What ?!

Strangely enough, seeing that scene, it was Dio's turn to freeze in shock, as something he hasn't felt in a century started to resurface, a feeling he though he vanquished long ago. The terror, the terror of seeing his death right in front of him, as another image superimposed itself.

Y/n/???: THIS IS THE END, DIO !!!

Snapping out just in time, Dio managed to partially counter the attack, but still got a deep slash, almost cutting him in two, As I continued on my throw, landing a little father.

Dio: W... What was that... ? It couldn't be...

Dio: ... I have no time to rest or care about that. My next attack will be the last !! the last time stop !!! Nine seconds from now in the stillness, this will be all over !!!! [ZA WARUDO]

Dio: This is it !! I've beaten Star Platinum !!! I cannot be defeated ! The immortality !! The stand !! Now no one is stronger than I, Dio !! Stupid humans !! I am here to rule you all !! Bow beneath my wisdom and strength !!

Dio: But that's strange... What happened with Y/n ? And why do I get the feeling that I've seen him somewhere... ?

Dio: It doesn't matter, I'll check Jotaro's body and suck his blood dry, then I'll deal with Y/n... That is, if there's anything left to suck...

Dio: What the... ? My body's movements have slowed down...

Dio: No... I'm not slowing down... I... I can't move at all !!! This is impossible !! Why can't I move ?!?!

Jotaro: 11 seconds have passed. Looks like this is your limit, Dio !!!

Dio: W... WHAT ?!

Jotaro: The one who stopped time was me. I did it at nine seconds, that's why I was able to get away. Well well... how does it feels ? Not being able to turn and face your enemy when he is standing behind you ? It wouldn't take a second for me to kill you !!!!

Dio: J... Jotaro !!! Impossible !! You said you've stopped time ?!?! Jotaro stopped time after my nine second limit ?!?!

Jotaro: How does it feel ? Dio... The feeling of not being able to move while I can walk freely around you. It's like how a person can hold their breath underwater for one minute. And when they try to surface after that minute someone pulls them back down by the legs !! How does it feels now that you've been dragged under , Hmm ?

Jotaro: But... I don't feel sorry for you... At all.

Jotaro: And time resumes.

Jotaro: I don't feel the need to be kind at all. I don't even feel pity for you. But... If I just torture and kill you I won't be very satisfied with myself. How long will it take for your leg to heal ? 3 seconds ? 4 seconds ? When you heal, I'll smash you with my Star Platinum !! Let's go !! just like how they do in the Wild West... 'Draw, pilgrim.' Or something like that.

Dio: 'You... You are just toying with me... However, Jotaro. You are still just a human. You only think the things that humans think. 'I don't want to feel sorry... I don't want to be unjust...' These are the idea that will get you killed !!! I don't have these kinds of thoughts. I just have one, 'To win and to rule.' That's it. That's the only thing that will satisfy me !!! How I... Do it...


Dio: How's that blood in your eye ?! Now that you're blind, I won !! DIE !!!

Star platinum's fist and The World's leg collided with each other, resulting on Star Platinum's hand being broken after a few seconds of standoff, comforting Dio in his insured victory.

Until a sword pierced his chest from behind, just below his neck.

"You were right, Dio. This will be... The last moment you ever stop time !!"

"Trembling heart !! Unrelenting heat !!! Blood as sharp as a razor blade !! METAL SILVER OVERDRIVE !!!!"

The Hamon surged, spreading through the vampire's body, added with Star Platinum's impact, ended on Dio's body to split in half and explode.

However, in his last seconds of existence, Dio started to remember forgotten events, that happened over a century ago, understanding:

???: Welcome, Dio. I hope you and Jonathan will get along.

???: What were you trying to do to Erina ?!!

???: This is it, Dio, we have proofs against you.

???: Mark my words, Dio !! One day, me or one of my descendants will make you pay for what you've done !!!

Dio: T... This is impossible !! I am Dio !!! I... Am... Dioooooooo... !!!

"When the Sun comes up, you will turn to dust."

Jotaro: There is a reason for your defeat, Dio... A single, simple reason...

Y/n/Jotaro: You pissed us off.

-Dio... The World... Completely destroyed... Dead-

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