Final chapter: Taking the Last Train Home

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Radio: This is car 2 of Speedwagon foundation. We are heading North on the Al Nil expressway. Dio's body has been recovered. Repeat... Dio's body has been recovered.

Radio: Dio's body was still alive when picked up. Maintain extreme caution.

Radio 2: Understood. Noriaki Kakyoin's body is being transported by helicopter. Jean-Pierre Polnareff has lost consciousness. Car 1 is taking care of him now. By the way, number 2, why do you have Dio's body and Joseph's body in the same car ?

Jotaro: Because it's not over yet. Dio borrowed something from us... I want it back.

Medic 1: Eh ?! What are you talking about ?

Jotaro: I want a blood transfusion between the two bodies. Is that possible ?

Medic 2: You are trying to infuse Dio's blood back into Joseph ?

Medic 1: You want to bring Mr.Joestar back to life ?

Jotaro: Dio only sucked his blood 4 minutes ago. Since his upper body is gone we'll just take what's left. You guy's don't think we can make it ?

Radio: That's why. You copy that ?

Radio 2: Roger.

Medic 1: Impossible !! He has no pulse !! That means his heart stopped. The blood can't flow to the rest of his body !!

"Impossible, you say ? This entire journey has been filled with impossible things. We're tired to hear the same 'impossible' thing over and over."

Jotaro: You said you need the heart to beat again ? I can do that. Dio let me practice on myself.

Medic 1: His heart !! it's beating !! Hurry !! Transfer Dio's blood !!

Medic 2: There's a chance we can still make it !!

'Joseph': Jotaro, you idiot !! I live again !! because of you !!

Jotaro: You bastard !!

Joseph: Waa !! Hold it, Jotaro !! I was just foo-


I wasn't really listening, so I punched him in the face the instant I though Dio was back.


It was doing no effect whatsoever, and it was Jotaro who dragged me back, preventing me from killing His grandfather... Once again.

Joseph: 'Note to self, never do this kind of jokes to Y/n, noted.'

Joseph: It was just a joke !! It's really me. Joseph Joestar, born September 27, 1920. Wife is Suzi Q. I like to collect comic books.

Jotaro: the lead actress in the 1981 movie, 'Tarzan' ?

Joseph: Bo Derek.

Jotaro: Who sang 'eat it', the parody of 'Beat it' ?

Joseph: Al Yankovic.

Jotaro: Well well, it is you. Only you would know such stupids things.

"The next time you pull that off, I'll hit with Anubis. And not with the hilt."

Radio: T... This is car 2... It's a miracle !! Mr.Joestar has woken up !! Mr.Joestar has come back to life !! This is awesome !!!

Jotaro: Now... We've taken back what is ours, Dio !!!

(stop at 1:15, please)

Jotaro: Kakyoin... Iggy... Abdul... It's all over.

Kakyoin: Indeed it is. I'm sorry I couldn't help you guys more.

Joseph: he was so important to us... It's like I can hear him again...

"Do not worry about that, Kakyoin. Without you, we would probably all be dead by now."

Joseph: Even you can hear him, Y/n ? *Snirf*

Turning around, and to the general surprise of Jotaro and Mr.Joestar, there was Kakyoin, standing before us, heavily bandaged on the guts, but undeniably alive.

Joseph: And now I can even see him...

"Aren't you supposed to stay in the hospital, Kakyoin ?"

Kakyoin: Apparently no, I sustained only minor injuries, all thanks to you.

Jotaro: Don't tell me...

Joseph: Kakyoin...

Jotaro/ Joseph: IS STILL ALIVE ?!?! How ?!


Kakyoin: Take this, Dio !

Y/n/Kakyoin: The 20m, Emerald Overdrive !!!

Dio:[ZA WARUDO] !!!

Everything froze, and Dio started to move toward Kakyoin, destroying the ribbons as he gets closer.

Dio: This... Is the power of The World. But since time has stopped, you can't see or touch me. DIE !! KAKYOIN !!!

He went for punching him, but someone else blocked the strike, using a shimmering sword to do so.

"I already lost two companions. I won't allow you to kill a third one, DIO !!"

Dio: Hmph. Your efforts are pathetic. You're all going to be crushed by me.

Dio: And time resumes.

After that, the momentum made Kakyoin flew backward, certainly not dead or even fatally injured, while Y/n flew on the side, out of view.

Flashback ends:

"I didn't really had time to tell you that, sorry."

Mr.Joestar's jaw was on the floor, Jotaro was left speechless, while I and Kakyoin repeated that handshake we came with in the submarine.

Intercom: Air France flight 92 to Paris passengers now boarding. Please go to gate 18...

Joseph: So you will go to France no matter what ? You have no family there though. Why don't you come with me to New-York ?

Polnareff: Mr.Joestar, France is still my homeland even if I don't have anyone there. It doesn't matter where I go, I will always end up back there. Please contact me if anything happens. I will fly there immediately.

Joseph: What about you, Y/n ?

"I think I'll start a journey of my own. The world is vast, I want to know more about it. And I just skipped almost 2 months of school, so if I go back home now, my mom will probably kill me. She scares me way more than Dio. Kakyoin ?"

Kakyoin: I'll just go back home. My parents probably wonders where I could be. I don't want to worry them anymore.

"Perhaps you shouldn't tell them that you almost dies several times on that travel..."

Joseph: I'll be lonely...

Polnareff: A lot of bad things happened, but I am happy. It was a great adventure.

Jotaro: ......

Joseph: That's right. I had a fun time, I mean it.

The five of us embraced ourselves in a manly hug, shedding manly tears.

Polnareff: Then I'll see you guys !! Cheap old man, live long now !! And his lousy grandson !! Don't forget about me !!

Joseph: I'll see you later !! Even if you're tired of seeing my face, you forgetful idiot !!

Jotaro: I couldn't forget your ugly face even if I wanted too. Take care.

Polnareff: See ya. And Y/n...

"Don't worry. I have a feeling we'll see each other again one day."

We all parted ways, and as I exited the building, I looked up at the sky:

"Well, this was indeed, a very Bizarre Adventure."

This story... Is now over.

Or is it ?

That's right, but you'll have to wait some time to see it. After all...

... A lot of things can happen in ten years.

I'll see you all next time, to follow the bizarre adventure of Y/n, in the world of Bleach.

Coming soon.

And by "soon", I mean RIGHT NOW !!

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