🥀 2. The Crash of Hearts

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Jungkook pushed open the heavy iron gate of the orphanage and excitement arose in her chest. The sharp rays of the sun cast a striking glow over the sprawling grounds, illuminating the colourful playground and the cheerful paintings on the walls.

The sound of children's laughter echoed through the air, these giggles filled Jungkook's heart with warmth. She couldn't help but smile as she watched them playing in the yard, their carefree souls lifting her mood.

Making her way towards the main building, Jungkook was greeted by the sight of flowers blooming in the garden and the sound of birds chirping in the trees.

The moment Jungkook entered the main building of the orphanage, she was immediately greeted by a group of children who rushed towards her with wide smiles and outstretched arms. Their eyes lit up as they surrounded her and their voices overlapping in a chorus of greetings and exclamations.

"Koo!" one of the older children exclaimed, reaching out to give her a tight hug.



They crowded closer, their eager chatter filling the room as they bombarded Jungkook with different nicknames.

Jungkook's heart swelled with warmth at the sight of their familiar faces. She knelt to their level, returning their hugs and smiles with equal enthusiasm.

"Hello, my munchkins!" she said, her voice filled with affection. "It's so good to see all of you again."

The children giggled and chattered excitedly, fighting for Jungkook's attention as they shared stories of their day and asked about hers. Jungkook sat beneath the tree and all the tiny tots gathered around her.

They crowded closer as they flooded Jungkook with questions and exclamations.

"What are we going to do today?"

"Can we play games?"

"Will you read us a story?"

Jungkook laughed, her heart swelling with warmth at the children's enthusiasm. "Of course! We can do whatever you'd like. Let's make today a day to remember! Okay, my little squad!"

With that, the children erupted into cheers and laughter, their faces lighting up with joy at the opportunity to spend the day with their friend. The time slipped like sand as they all played together.

Jungkook's laughter halted and faltered when she noticed a group of people with their arms laden with boxes. Frowning, she approached them.

"What's going on?" Jungkook asked, her voice tinged with concern as she surveyed the scene.

Jungkook moved toward the head lady of the orphanage.

The head lady sighed, her expression hesitated, "The orphanage is undergoing some changes," she explained, her voice soft yet resolute. "The Kims have ownership and they're planning to renovate the orphanage to provide an even better environment for the children."

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise at the revelation. "Renovations?" she repeated, her mind racing with possibilities.

"What about the children? Where will they go?"

The head lady offered Jungkook a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, dear. The Kims have made arrangements for the children to stay in temporary accommodations while the renovations are underway."

Jungkook felt relief at the news, her worries eased, knowing that the children would be taken care of during this period.

"Oh! That's a huge relief to hear."

With a final round of hugs and farewells, Jungkook reluctantly tore herself away from the children, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears as she made her way out of the orphanage.

Jungkook stepped out of the garden, she was surprised to see the head lady waiting for her. The older woman offered her a kind smile, her eyes filled with understanding as she approached.

"Are you okay, dear?" the head lady asked gently.

Jungkook nodded, grateful for the head lady's concern. "Yes. It's just hard saying goodbye to the children."

The head lady nodded in understanding, placing a comforting hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "I know it's difficult, but remember, you've made an endless impact on their lives. And they'll never forget the love and support you've shown them."

Jungkook offered the head lady a grateful smile. "Thank you,"

Jungkook stepped out of the gate, her mind still preoccupied with her recent visit to the orphanage, she didn't notice the sleek black car that pulled up nearby. Inside the car, the man leaned forward, his gaze focused on the entrance of the building.

When the black-haired male saw the head lady waiting outside, he quickly stepped out of the car and approached her.

"Good afternoon," he greeted her. "Is everything alright? Why are you standing outside?"

"My goodness, Master Taehyung,"

The head lady gasped and returned Taehyung's greeting with a warm smile.

She replied respectfully. "I was just seeing off one of our volunteers, who had been a great help to us."

Taehyung nodded, "I see. Well, thank you for all the work you do here. The orphanage means a lot to our family."

The head lady nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Mr. Kim. We appreciate your support."

Sensing the direction of the head lady's gaze, Taehyung followed it and found a figure moving away. He could see the loose black hair covering the figure's entire back.

The head lady's voice interrupted Taehyung's thoughts as she spoke highly of Jungkook's dedication and assistance at the orphanage.

"——an angel to the children of this place,"

Taehyung listened intently to the head lady's words, his gaze lingering on the figure for a moment longer. Despite being strangers, he couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about the person who had earned such praise.

With a nod of acknowledgement to the head lady, Taehyung bid her farewell before returning to his car.


An evening at Central Road

"Where are you, dummy?" Jungkook spoke through the mobile as she moved away from the crowd.

"The place where you are,"

"Really," Jungkook scoffs, "But I can't see you. Award me with your presence, Your Highness,"

"You stupid bunny, I'm in front of a jewellery stall, look behind. And did you bring the roses?"

"Yes," Jungkook looked at the plate of roses in her hands and turned back, she roamed her eyes in every direction and found Ara a few shops away. she was waving her hands for jungkook to notice. Jungkook cut the call and smiled widely.

The widely smiling human waved back with full enthusiasm. Jungkook moved forward, her one hand clutching the plate of rose petals tightly. Jungkook's attention was momentarily diverted as her eyes were fixed on her friend. She failed to notice the figure approaching from the opposite direction. Lost in view, she took a step forward, her foot nudged against an uneven crack in the pavement, causing her to stumble slightly.


Unbalanced, Jungkook wobbled forward, her arms flailing as she desperately tried to regain her posture. But before she could fall, strong hands reached out and caught her firmly by the waist, pulling her back into an upright position.

When Jungkook stumbled backwards, the roses slipped from her fingers. And now the petals were fluttering gently through the air like ethereal snowflakes painted in red.

The soft petals brushed against their cheeks and shoulders, their movements slow as they twirled in the breeze.

The moment Jungkook stumbled backwards, her hand instinctively shot out to steady herself, landing squarely on the stranger's chest. She could feel the firmness of his muscles beneath her palm.

Surprised by the unexpected collision, the stranger's eyes widened slightly as Jungkook's hand made contact with his chest.

For a moment, they remained frozen in place, their eyes locked and the cluttered street faded into the background around them. There was a magnetic pull drawing them closer together with each passing second.

Jungkook slowly regained her balance and withdrew her hand from the stranger's chest, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the intimate contact.

The height difference between them made Jungkook's heart racing. Jungkook looked up to see the mysterious stranger standing before her, his hands still resting gently on her waist as he steadied her. Their bodies were close, almost pressed together amid the crowded street.

The starry doe eyes met the blank charcoal ones and both got lost for a moment...

Reluctantly, the stranger released his hold on Jungkook, allowing her to regain her composure. By now the land around them was covered with rose petals and some were struck in their hair and clothes.

Both took a few steps back, creating a handful of distance between them.

Ara came running to Jungkook who was momentarily lost in the handsome stranger. The friend shook the beauty and removed the lone petals.
Jungkook blinked multiple times and looked around.

"Where are you lost, idiot?" Ara shook her harshly for the last time.

"What? Leave me," Jungkook spoke and tugged the hair behind her ears. She looked in the stranger's direction and found it empty.

"Huh," She frowned and glanced here and there, past the crowd.

"He's gone," Ara muttered with a teasing smile. Jungkook blinked again and her lips formed an unintentional pout.

"Lost in your little world again, huh?" Ara teased as she watched Jungkook snap out of her reverie.

Jungkook blinked, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks as she realized she had been caught. She chuckled softly, shaking her head in embarrassment as she tried to regain her composure.

Ara nudged Jungkook again, a playful glint in her eyes as she teased her friend further.

"Come on, spill the beans, Jungkook. Does he got you floating on cloud nine?"

Jungkook's cheeks flushed even deeper at Ara's teasing, her lips moulding into a shy smile as she attempted to deflect the question.

"Shut up! Don't utter nonsense," Jungkook glared at her, a futile attempt to intimidate her friend.

But Ara wasn't the one to let her off the hook that easily. She looped her arm through Jungkook's and leaned in conspiratorially, her voice dropping to a whisper.

"Oh please! I saw the way you two collided like a scene from a romantic movie. Don't tell me there wasn't a spark!"

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at Ara's teasing. With a playful roll of her eyes, she shook her head.

"That was cringy. And you are talking about sparks. That male was a big meanie, he didn't even stop so I could thank him,"  Jungkook crossed her hands on her chest and moved away with a nudging Ara trailing behind.


Later same evening

Jungkook drives her car through the parking lot, searching for the place to park her car. Due to a speed breaker, her phone fell, and she bent down to pick up the phone. Suddenly her car came to a halt with a loud crash, and she leaned forward to realise that she had hit a car with hers.

Startled, Jungkook looked up just in time to see the front of her car colliding with the rear bumper of another vehicle. Panic surged through her as she realized she had just crashed into a parked car. Her Eyes widened, and she kept her hand over her mouth.

Her hands trembled as she reached for the door handle, her heart racing with fear. With trembling baby steps, she approached the other car, her eyes widening in horror as she saw the damage she had caused. The rear bumper was dented and scratched, evidence of her careless mistake.

Just then, the owner of the car appeared, stepping out from a nearby building with a concerned expression. It was the same handsome stranger she had encountered earlier.

The same charcoal eyes.

All the shyness and fluttering of the heart evaporated away from jungkook's mind when she realised the situation she was stuck in. Jungkook's heart raced as she watched the man approach, her mind spinning with a whirlpool of worst-case scenarios.

What if he demanded compensation I couldn't afford?

What if he pressed charges and I ended up in jail?

Her palms were getting damp as she imagined herself behind bars. Jungkook cursed herself for her carelessness, for this disastrous moment.

The handsome stranger moved towards the damaged part of the car. Jungkook's eyes followed the man who standing beside the damaged area, one hand inserted in a pocket, the other hand fetching the phone, Gucci flowing down his dark blue suit, diamond-embedded watch flickering in his left wrist, veins trying to burst out from the honey tanned skin. The male was surrounded by a dangerous and dominating aura. Jungkook unconsciously moved towards the male and looked at him.

"He seems rich. What if he calls the police? No, I won't let this expensive car man do anything to me. Sorry Mr stranger," Jungkook nodded and cleared her throat before speaking.

Jungkook composed herself and squeaked, " Is this car yours?"

The black-haired male nodded and bent down to inspect the damage.

When the stranger glided his fingers over the scratches, Jungkook's mind raced with hopeless thoughts. She knew she had to say something, anything, to try and cool down the situation.

"Um, hello, Mr. Stranger," Jungkook greeted, hand fiddling with her bracelet.

"You see, it's not what it looks like! I mean, yes, I crashed into your car, but it was an accident. I swear on my banana milk! I wasn't texting or anything, I was just, uh, admiring the clouds! Yes, that's it, I got distracted by a particularly fluffy cloud and before I knew it, bam! Crash!"

Jungkook mentally gagged at her absurd explanation, knowing how ridiculous she sounded. At that moment, she wanted to dig a hole and hide deep inside it.

"And the sound of clapping doesn't come from one hand. Aren't you ashamed? Do you think you have a big car so you can do anything? Look what happened because of your mistake," jungkook dramatically pointed towards the crashed cars unknown about the person she was talking to.

"My car was parked,"

Shivers ran through jungkook's spine after listening to the deep cold voice for the first time.

"My car was parked," jungkook imitated, "If that is what you wanted to do with the car, then why buy it?"

Jungkook continued, pointing her index finger at the male in accusation, "You shouldn't have parked your car there! It's like you were just asking for trouble!"

The stubborn beauty gestured toward the spot where the man's car sat innocently parked.

"Don't play the victim card," the man said.

The response caught Jungkook off guard, his words slicing through her facade like a knife. Jungkook blinked, stunned by his blunt warning.

"I-I'm not playing the victim card," Jungkook protested weakly. "I'm just stating the facts! Your car was parked in a terrible spot, and it's only natural that accidents would happen!"

The male ignored jungkook's comment and typed something into his phone. Jungkook panicked, "Is he calling the police," she thought.

The long and slim fingers danced across the screen of his phone, and Jungkook's heart pounded in her chest. Her mind raced with panicked thoughts, scenarios of flashing police lights and stern officers questioning her about the accident, came to her mind.

Jungkook eyed the man's face, searching for any hint of his intentions, but his expression remained unreadable. his sharp features masked into concentration. With each passing second, Jungkook's anxiety mounted.

Do something you dumbhead. Otherwise, I will be behind bars...

An idea popped into her mind. Snatching the phone from the latter's hand, Jungkook shuttered, "You want compensation, right? Wait let me bring it."

The stubborn beauty went into her car pulled out two boxes and handed them to Older's arm,

"Here, two-half and two-half, total five.
Check." the beauty said.

"You carry this much cash with you," the confused male asked in his cold deep voice.

"This is not cash. Its Kilo! kilograms.
Unmistakably 5 kg of chocolate cookies," jungkook dramatically flipped her long hair.

"Look I don't want them. And as far as money is concerned—-"

"Money!" Jungkook interrupted the man, "So you finally showed your true colours. You look like the one you are.
The One who wastes his father's money blindly —spoiled son of a rich father,"

As soon as the words fell on the man's ears, his eyes became dark, his mind was fogged with thoughts and his face was covered with blankness. He shut the door of the car with a loud thud.

"You. That's enough," he said, his voice a stern warning that echoed with authority.

Jungkook barely had time to react before he closed the distance between them. In the next moment, he shoved the boxes Jungkook had handed him back into her arms. The force of the push made her flinch, and she instinctively tightened her grip on the boxes to keep them from falling.

"Don't talk about my father," he hissed, his voice colder and sharper than a knife.

His charcoal eyes, dark and mysterious, sent a shiver down her spine.

Jungkook's bravado faltered as she stared up at him, the anger in his gaze making her breath catch in her throat.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. Jungkook's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation, but the man's presence was overwhelming. But then, Jungkook suddenly found her ground, her earlier confidence returning with revenge.

With a sharp glint in her doe eyes, the stubborn beauty tilted her head and said, "You know, maybe if your father wasn't so busy spoiling you, you'd know how to park your car properly."

Jungkook's words hung in the air like a challenge, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Jungkook could see the tension in his jaw tighten, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

Before he could respond, Jungkook took a step back, her smirk returning as she added, " And one more thing, Mr. Stranger Danger, don't mess with me."

Jungkook tossed her hair back and turned on her heel, walking away with a wide smile, feeling proud of her own sass.

On the other hand, the man stood with his anger bubbling beneath the surface. His charcoal eyes twinkled with an eerie blue colour, giving a sign that his supernatural power was at its peak.

His fists clenched tightly, his knuckles whitening as he fought to maintain control. Anger bubbling like molten lava ready to erupt.

His gaze locked onto Jungkook's car, the source of his frustration. With a scowl, he took a deep breath and slammed his hand down on the car. The impact was immediate and forceful.

The strength of the angry man made the car lift off the ground. It hovered for a brief moment, its metal frame trembling. The sound of the metal grunting filled the air. Then, the car banged down onto the road directly in front of Jungkook, the crash resulted in a cloud of dust and debris in the air.

The ground shook slightly from the collision, and the car's once-polished surface was now a crumbling metal. Jungkook's eyes widened in disbelief, her breath catching in her throat. She stumbled backwards, her face paled.

Jungkook stared at the wrecked car in front of her. The sight of her car made her feel like the ground had been slipped out from under her feet. Her breath hitched, and she felt her knees give way, slumping to the ground. Tears filled her eyes as the reality of what had just happened crashed over her.

"What? how..." she whispered, her voice shaky and weak.

She couldn't tear her eyes away from the destroyed car.
Jungkook's hands trembled as she reached out. Crystal-clear Tears began to spill over, rolling down her snowy cheeks as she buried her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook with quiet muffled sobs.

"I... I didn't mean it..." she choked out, her voice muffled by her hands.

All the sass and bravado had vanished. This wasn't supposed to happen.

None of this was supposed to happen.

Kims manor

Darkness covered the sky, white clouds turned black and strong winds began to flow. The windows crackled against the frame, fragile glass making the loud haunting voice. Suddenly, the Kim mansion was surrounded by an eerie stillness.

But something was wrong—terribly wrong.

The pendulum had stopped in its tracks, frozen in place.

Every family member felt a shiver run down their spine as they stared at the clock. The workers stopped in their task. The time itself had come to a halt, a threatening omen in the air.

Soomin found herself trembling. She stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper, "Y-you were right... Mother. Jinn has returned to claim his favour. This... this is the first sign."

A heavy silence settled over the room, broken only by the soft rustling of the fabric of the curtain as the family exchanged uneasy glances.

They knew the myth well—three signs would predict Jinn's arrival.

The first sign had already manifested. Now, they had to find the others.

Determined, Soomin made her way to the pool area, his footsteps echoed in the quiet night. Soonin's breath hitched at the sight. When they reached the edge, their hearts sank. The entire pool had frozen solid, the water now a sheet of rigid ice.

"The second sign," Soomin murmured, her voice laced with fear.

Panic began to creep into their minds.
The first two signs had appeared within moments of each other—what horror awaited them next?

Without wasting another second, Grandma hurried towards the backyard. She had to see if the third sign had already manifested. Her breathing was ragged as she approached the area, her eyes scanning the surroundings frantically.

And then she heard it—a loud, terrifying crash that echoed through the night.

Her gaze went towards the source of the noise, and her blood ran cold. There, struck deep into the wall, was a massive claw mark, as if an evil entity had sliced through the very wall of the mansion.

"Oh God," she cried, her voice breaking as she stumbled back in fear.

The third sign had appeared, and one thing was crystal clear that....

The Jinn is back.

On the other hand,

Jungkook stood at the entrance of the dargah. It was the night of the full moon.

Jungkook moved ahead, dragging her tiring body towards the centre. Her eyes were still red and puffy from the tears she had shed earlier, the image of her car being crushed replaying in her mind like a nightmare she couldn't wake up from.

Jungkook had tried to put on a brave face, smiling at people whom she was familiar with. With a shaky breath, The beauty made her way to the prayer chamber, her heart heavy with sorrow. Her mind was clouded with the events of the day, and the tears she had tried to hold back began to fall once more.

Jungkook knelt down, her hands clasped together, her head bowed downward. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she poured her heart out in silence, her thoughts were a mess of confusion, fear, and misery. Jungkook wiped her tears with the back of her hand, took a deep breath and sniffled.

"Please, God," she murmured, her eyes closed tightly, tears still clinging to her lashes. "Why do I feel so lost? Who am I really? Why don't I know where I belong? Where are my parents? Why did they leave me?"

Her voice cracked as the questions she had buried deep within her heart spilt out.

"Where will I find the answers?" she pleaded, her hands clasped together in desperation.

Jungkook slowly opened her misty eyes. The wet eyelashes fluttered and Jungkook blinked to clear her vision. A tear rolled down the rosy cheeks. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw a man standing just a few feet away from her.

The charcoal-eyed man.

It was the same man she had encountered earlier, the one who had shattered her car and nearly her nerves.

Mr stranger danger!

His tall figure was still, head bowed slightly, lost in deep thought or prayer. His eyes were closed, and for the first time since their chaotic encounter, he looked almost... peaceful.

Jungkook's breath caught in her throat.

What was he doing here? Why now, of all times, did he have to show up?

But more than that, what did it mean? Had he been sent here for a reason?

A chill ran down her spine, not from fear, but from the strange fate that is hell-bent on bringing them both closer to each other.

Was this a sign?

She had just asked for answers, for guidance, and here he was, appearing before her like a knight with shining armour.

Was he connected to the puzzles that confused her? Could he have answers to the questions she had been too dying to ask for so long?

Jungkook shook her head, frustration bubbling up as she glanced upward.

"God, look! How One of your meanie creations is making your other beautiful creation cry," Jungkook pouted, her hands clasped together, appealing directly to the heavens.

She shot a quick glance at the man standing in front her, his eyes still closed in prayer. Her heart tightened, recalling the earlier incident, but the way he looked so calm now only fueled her irritation.

Jungkook's brows furrowed as she continued her complaint, her lips forming a slight pout. "I mean," she whispered, glancing up at the sky as if expecting an answer.

"How could he do this? What is the use of Handsomeness when he doesn't know how to talk with a beautiful individual like me? And Why did you have to make him so... Handsome—I mean so annoying?"

Jungkook sighed softly, her shoulders slumping in a small gesture of surrender.

"Please, God," she murmured, her tone taking on a gentler, more innocent quality, "just help me figure out what I'm supposed to do. And maybe... maybe make him a little less scary? Okay?"

Jungkook with eyes closed nodded to herself in tiny. Nodding her head for the last time, Jungkook slowly opened her teary orbs and found herself directly staring right into his.

For a moment, time seemed to freeze.

His charcoal eyes locked onto hers, and the surroundings around them faded away. The anger and frustration Jungkook had felt just moments ago faded away in his gaze. Jungkook felt her breath hitch, her earlier complaints forgotten as she got lost in the depths of his eyes. They weren't as cold as before.

In fact, there was something in them—something Jungkook couldn't quite place—that made her heart flutter.

The man didn't move, didn't speak. He just held her gaze, his expression unreadable but no longer angry.
Jungkook couldn't tear her eyes away from him.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jungkook blinked, breaking the spell. She quickly looked away, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment and confusion. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she could feel the warmth spreading through her face.

But even as she turned her gaze back to the ground, she couldn't shake the feeling that something important had just happened—something that would change everything.

But the peaceful atmosphere of the Dargah was torn apart by the sudden gusts of wind, and Jungkook's heart wildly pounded in her chest. In the next second, huge cracks began to form in the old building.
Winds flew fast, enough to flee away a human.

The place of worship was now filled with chaos as people ran in every direction, desperate to escape the crumbling structure.

Jungkook's eyes caught sight of a little boy standing alone, tears streaming down his cheeks as he cried for his mother. Without a second thought, she sprinted toward him, her protective instincts kicking in.

"It's okay, Baby. I will save you," Jungkook murmured, scooping the little boy into her arms.

The panicked beauty cradled him close to her chest as she dashed toward the exit, dodging falling debris and crying people.

Just as she reached the open courtyard, a loud voice rang out above the chaos.


Jungkook whipped her head around in the direction of the voice just to see a majestic eagle coming down, his wings cutting through the stormy skies.

Within a flash of magic, the eagle changed, shrinking and twisting until it became a black wand that flew straight into the outstretched hand of the black-haired man she had encountered earlier.

The sight of it was out of imagination. The thing a sane person could never see in real life and Jungkook could only watch in silence as the man caught the wand.

Blinking again, Jungkook carefully set the boy down, ensuring he was safe, and without a second thought, she rushed back inside the collapsing Dargah. The winds wailed louder and the old walls shook as the structure continued to fall apart.

Inside, Jungkook spotted a woman trapped beneath a heavy pillar. Jungkook didn't hesitate—racing to the woman's side, she tried to pull her free, but the pillar was too heavy.

"Please, Stay strong! I'll get you out!" Jungkook promised, her voice trembling with fear.

Before Jungkook could try again, a powerful voice echoed through the chaos. The man with the wand was chanting, his voice loud when he recited a spell. The debris that had been falling suddenly froze in mid-air, held up by his magic. Jungkook's eyes widened in disbelief.

Jungkook snapped out of her shock, quickly dragging the woman out from under the towering pillar before the spell weakened. The debris crashed down on the ground with ear piercing thud, but the woman was safe. Panting heavily, Jungkook helped the woman to her feet and led the way outside.

Her mind was racing—who was this man, and how was he able to control such powerful magic?

The cause of chaos Jinn, stood at the end and smirked in victory, " I found my prey."

the Jinn vanished into thin air, and the howling winds abruptly died down, leaving behind a weird silence. The Dargah began to rebuild itself under the man's control. With a wave of his hand, the debris lifted off the ground, returning to its rightful place. The walls and pillars straightened, cracks healed themselves, and the air was cleared of dust and debris.

The people who had been running headlessly with fear im their minds now stood still. their expressions blank and confused. they had forgotten the terrifying event. They blinked and looked around, puzzled, as if trying to remember why they were there in the first place. Some exchanged confused glances, while others simply shook their heads.

But Jungkook couldn't forget.

Her heart still raced, and her mind replayed the terrifying event over and over. The destruction that had almost claimed their lives—it was all carved into her memory. She glanced around, noticing how everyone else was unaffected, so blissfully unaware of what had just transpired.

Jungkook bit her lip, her hands trembling slightly as she looked at the man who had saved them all. His expression was calm as if what he had just done was nothing out of the ordinary. The thing he does on a daily basis.

But Jungkook knew better. What she had witnessed was impossible to ignore, impossible to forget! The man simply turned away and left the scene as if the encounter had never happened.

the crowd began to scatter, murmuring quietly to one another about ordinary and random things but Jungkook stood rooted to the spot, her mind racing.

The confused beauty didn't understand what had just happened, but she knew one thing—there was something extraordinary about that man, something that was beyond explanation.


Who is the charcoal eyes man? Any guess? *🔪act surprised*

Happy reading

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