🥀 3. 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐬!

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Jungkook walked into the house, her mind still recalling the incident at the Dargah, she barely had time to compose herself before Kara's voice echoed through the living room.

"Jungkook!" Kara's tone was sharp, "What on earth happened to the car?"

Jungkook winced, bracing herself for the scolding she knew was coming. She had been so caught up in the chaos of the day that she'd forgotten about the state of her car.

Kara stood in the doorway, arms crossed, her eyes narrowed in disapproval. "I leave you alone for a few hours, and you manage to get into trouble. Again."

Jungkook tried to summon her usual charm, her pouty lips and wide, innocent eyes, but it felt half-hearted. To get away from Kara's scolding.

"Mama, it was not my fault! I swear, that man—the charcoal-eyed jerk—he just... he did something, and the car, it just... flew. Like this," Jungkook copied the flying of the car.

"Flew?" Kara raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed with Jungkook's excuse. "And then the car just happened to crash down on its own?"

"Yes! I mean, no! Ugh, mama, you don't get it," Jungkook huffed, crossing her arms defensively. "He has this weird magic or something. He just looked at the car, slammed his hand, and then... boom! It was in the air!"

Kara sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Jungkook, do you even hear yourself? Magic? Really?"

Jungkook's frustration reached its peak. Now she doesn't want to explain anything. She stomped her foot, her voice rising. "I'm telling you the truth! It's not like I asked for some random man with freaky powers to mess with me!"

"Jungkook, my dear, you need to be more responsible and practical too. You can't just keep getting into these situations and expecting everything to magically fix itself."

Jungkook's anger exploded again at the word "magically,"
she muttered under her breath, "If it were up to me, I'd give that jerk a piece of my mind... maybe even a piece of my fist."

Kara shook her head, "Jungkook. Just... try to stay out of trouble, okay?"

Jungkook rolled her eyes but couldn't resist a tiny smile of her own. Kara sighed and turned away, muttering something about needing a strong cup of tea. Jungkook flopped down on the fluffy couch, still fuming. The soft cushions sank her body. Jungkook clenched her fists, eyes glaring at a particular showpiece.

"Magic, she says," Jungkook grumbled, kicking at the air. "As if I am making something like that up. I saw it with my own pretty eyes! That guy—he thinks he's so cool with his dark look and his stupid, mysterious powers. Who does he think he is, anyway?"

She puffed her cheeks out in annoyance, "Charcoal-eyed jerk. He ruined my car and then just... disappeared! No apology, no nothing. Just poof, gone. Ugh!"

Jungkook leaned forward, grabbing a cushion and hugging it to her chest, her face scrunched up in a pout. "And now Mama thinks I'm just being irresponsible again. Troublemaker too! Like it's my fault some weirdo with magic decided to mess with me. Seriously, the nerve of that guy!"

She sighed dramatically, her fingers gripping the cushion. "Next time I see him, I'm not just gonna stand there and take it. No way. I'll give him a piece of my mind, and he won't know what hit him. Jeon Jungkook doesn't back down from a fight, especially not with some... some Stranger Danger!"

"I will....I will put him in my oven and then bake him at 100 degrees Celsius.
Next time, I won't let you off so easily, Mr. Stranger Danger."

With that final grumble, Jungkook buried her face in the cushion, letting out a long sigh. She was still mad.
And deep down, she knew she wasn't going to let this go—not until she had given that charcoal-eyed jerk a taste of his own medicine.

Kim's manor

Taehyung looked through the giant window of his room, "The clock stopping, water freezing and earthquake at the dargah, it means he is back."

"This can be a coincidence too, right?" Soomin hesitated.

"Coincidence is a one-time thing, the things that occur repeatedly are the signs that he is back," Taehyung turned to look at his mother.

A knock was heard on the royal black door of taehyung's majestic room. Grandma opened the door, letting the maid speak, " The guests have arrived."

"Son, the bride's family has come for the engagement, come-"

"Mother, are you still thinking about my engagement?" taehyung asked in disbelief, "We have to break this. I can't put a girl's life at stake to save myself."

Grandma came closer to him, "It's not just about your life and safety, the matter is about the safety of the entire family. When you change into a beast, you tend to harm anyone and take anyone's life. just for the sake of your mother, and your family, you have to protect us."

"But, still I can't ruin a girl's life."

"For nineteen years, your grandma, your mother has protected you, ignoring our happiness and desires and living in constant fear of losing you forever. If you marry this girl, our fear will come to an end," Soomin pleaded to her son, tears running from her tired eyes.

Eyes which are tired of everything, eyes which are longing to see her son's happiness, eyes which have shred millions of tears praying for her son's life.

Taehyung finally said yes to marriage unable to see her mother's vulnerable state.

Next Day

Jungkook skipped down the road, clutching the envelope containing her salary close to her chest. With each bounce in her step, she couldn't help but feel a rush of happiness bubbling up inside her.

"Finally, I got my salary!" Jungkook exclaimed to herself, unable to contain her excitement as she imagined all the things she could do with her hard-earned cash.

Her mind raced with possibilities, from treating herself to banana milk to buying that cute little butterfly pendant she had been eyeing for weeks.

With a giggle, she couldn't resist the urge to peek inside the envelope, her curiosity getting the better of her. Jungkook's steps slowed as she counted the money inside, her eyes widened in amazement, her cheeks flushing with excitement at the sight of the crisp banknotes nestled within.

"Wow, so much money!" The happy beauty squealed, her voice filled with childlike wonder.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel proud of herself and all the hard work she had put in to earn it, her spirits flying as she realized just how capable she was.

The sky darkened and the chilly wind picked up, Jungkook wrapped her arms around herself, shivering slightly as she hurried along the vacant street. The road was eerie and lonely under the vast sky at night.

Pulling her jacket tighter around her, Jungkook quickened her pace, her footsteps echoing in the empty silence. Jungkook read the time from her wristwatch.


"Oh no, I needed to walk fast," Jungkook thought as she hastened her steps.

Dark clouds loomed overhead, hiding the stars and covering the world below into shadow. The thunder echoed through the air, a warning of the upcoming storm.

Jungkook flinched when the first thunder of the night striked. her heart pounding in her chest as she hurried along the deserted streets and soon the first drops of rain began to fall. The gentle patter of droplets against the pavement soon gave way to a steady drizzle, the air filled with the scent of damp earth.

Behind the tall trees, a dark silhouette emerged, its form illuminated by the lightning formed by the stormy sky. Jungkook's breath caught in her throat as she watched, a sense of unease creeping over her.

The figure emerged out of the darkness, its presence was frightening. Jungkook couldn't tear her gaze away.
Jungkook's heart raced as she took a hesitant step backwards, her instincts screaming at her to flee.

The figure standing in front of her was not an ordinary human. It was something beyond her imagination. Jungkook gulped and moved back from the sight. She clutched her bag tightly and ran as fast as she could.

the dark silhouette smirked, his golden eyes surveyed the lonely road ahead and watched jungkook running away.

"You dare to interfere with my plans?" the dark silhouette hissed, its voice dripping with hatefulness as it glared at Jungkook.

"You are nothing but a minor obstacle in my path, and I will not hesitate to remove you."

Jungkook fliched when the voice echoed in the streets. Her heart pounded with fear. Her mind was laced with confusion as to why the creature following her.

In the distance, the headlights of an approaching car came out through the darkness, casting bright light across the deserted street.

With a wave of its hand, the magical creature summoned its powers, dark energy moved around its fingertips as it focused its gaze on the driver. With a whispered magic, it reached out and seized control of the driver's thoughts and actions.

The driver's eyes became black indicating that he was under control and within a few seconds, he became unaware of the dark influence manipulating his mind. He continued along the road, his expression blank as he neared Jungkook's position. With each passing moment, the car drew closer, the sound of its engine growing louder in the stillness of the night.

Jungkook continued to race away. But before she could react, the car deviated off course and accelerated towards her with frightening speed.

With a gasp of shock, Jungkook stumbled backwards, her heart pounding in her chest as she realized the danger she was in. Desperately, she tried to dodge out of the way, but the car was too fast, its headlights shining down on her.

Jungkook's mind raced as she searched for a way to escape. With no time to spare, she jumped to the other side of the road, her feet hitting the pavement as she tried to dodge the oncoming vehicle.

But it was no use. The car was too fast.

Just as it seemed that all hope was lost, a sudden burst of wind whipped through the air.

When Jungkook ran with frightening speed, her heart clenched in terror but she felt a sudden tug on her wrist. Startled, Jungkook looked up to see a man standing before her, his strong frame blocking the path of the oncoming vehicle.

With a reflex as fast as light, he pulled Jungkook back, shielding her from the coming danger with his own body. His grip on her wrist was firm yet gentle.

The screech of tyres filled the air as the car twisted to avoid the collision, coming to a sudden halt just inches away from where Jungkook and the man stood.

Breathless and shaken, Jungkook looked up at the man's broad back who had come to her rescue, her eyes wide with disbelief. At that moment, he was her hero, a guardian angel who had appeared out of nowhere to save her from harm.

Away from them, the dark silhouette remained unmoved. He balled his fist in anger, at the sight that his obstacle was still safe. He closed his eyes and mumbled some chants. the same car that had previously swerved towards Jungkook now again came back to do destruction. Its headlights blazed with a glare as it bore down on Jungkook and the man standing before her, a shot aimed directly at them.

With a gasp of horror, Jungkook stumbled backwards, her eyes wide with fear as she watched the car's approach. The man beside her tensed, his jaw clenched as he prepared to shield themselves from the upcoming impact.

the charcoal-eyed man unleashed his own magic. Channelling the forces, he extended his hand in the air.

"ARATHRON," the man called out a name, his deep voice echoed in the silence of the forest.

Suddenly, a majestic eagle descended from the darkened skies, its wings spread wideperced the stormy dark clouds. the eagle landed upon the man's outstretched hand, its piercing gaze locking onto his master.

With a flick of his wrist, the eagle transformed before his eyes, its feathers melting away to reveal a slender wand enclosed within its grasp.

The man's fingers closed around its smooth surface of his wand.

Jungkook from behind watched in awe. Her eyes widened with wonder as she witnessed the eagle's transformation, a sense of disbelief washing over her as it shifted into a slender wand within the stranger's grasp.

"Is he?" Jungkook thought while gripping the man's shirt from the back in tiny fists.

Her lips parted in a silent gasp, her heart pounding with fear at the sight of the magical transformation taking place before her eyes.

The man's eyes glowed as he raised the wand in response to his command.

With a mighty roar, he unleashed the spell, "Ejecenum Lightium!!"

Instantly, a beam of light erupted from the tip of the wand. With the power, the man exerted his control over the car and commanded it to halt in mid-air.

The vehicle jerked against the invisible force holding it in place, its wheels spinning futilely as it struggled against the unseen power that bound it.

Jungkook watched as the man's magic controlled the car. the car's speed slowed until finally, it came to a stop and finally, hovered motionless in the air. Breathless and trembling, Jungkook stared in disbelief at the stunt before her eyes. Her fingers tightly clutched the coat of the man from behind to gain some strength.

At last, the man gently lowered the car back to the ground, its black tyres touching the concrete road with a soft thud as soon as the magic vanished.

Jungkook's heart swelled with gratitude towards the man who protected her, the charcoal-eyed man's act of heroism will forever be etched in Jungkook's memory. Is it?

The dark silhouette trembled in anger as he watched his plan deteriorate. He chanted some spells and vanished away with an oath to destroy jungkook's life in every possible way.

Jungkook tried to catch a glimpse of her mysterious saviour's face but couldn't due to the extreme darkness of the night. For a quick moment, she saw the outline of his features, but before she could make out any details, darkness fell over once more, covering him in mysteriousness.

Jungkook's head began to spin. She felt exhaustion due to the turn of events, the adrenaline of the moment began to weaken, and her limbs became heavy with fatigue.

the world seemed to tilt and spin around her and Jungkook felt herself losing consciousness. With a soft gasp, she collapsed in the arms of her saviour, her vision blurred as darkness closed in around her.

The man's attention turned to jungkook who went unconscious. He couldn't help but be captivated by the Jungkook's ethereal beauty. Her delicate features were shined by the Golden Street light, the lashes gently resting and hovering over her baby cheeks. He held her close, his strong arms offering security.

With Jungkook cradled gently in their arms, the saviour walked toward the nearby bus stand, his steps were quick to protect themsleves from the heavy rain. The rain soaked their clothes, sticking his hair to his forehead.

In the comforting embrace, Jungkook instinctively searched for shelter in the man's arms, her delicate fingers curling tightly around the fabric of his shirt. With each breath, she nuzzled closer to him, seeking comfort in the warmth of his embrace.

They reached the shelter of the bus stand and the saviour carefully laid Jungkook down on one of the benches. He arranged her body with gentleness.

Satisfied that Jungkook was safe for the moment, the savior straightened up and cast a wary glance around the deserted bus stand. The storm was still present on the outside, but here, in the shelter of the bus stand, there was relief from the pouring rain.

His eyes narrowed as he scanned the area for any signs of danger. But apart from the sound of rain drumming against the roof and the distant rumble of thunder, all was quiet.

With a sigh of relief, the man turned his attention back to Jungkook. His usual stoic expression softened slightly with concern as he took in the sight of her drenched attire. Despite his best efforts to maintain his composure, warmth spread through his chest at the sight of her discomfort.

The tips of his ears turned red with a faint blush as he noticed the drenched fabric clinging to her body, highlighting the curves of her body.

With a quick motion, he removed his coat and draped it over Jungkook's trembling frame. The warmth of his coat enclosed the sleeping beauty in a nest of protection and comfort.

Despite his usual reserve, the man couldn't help but stay for a moment, his gaze softening as he smoothed the fabric of the coat over Jungkook's shoulders. For a quick moment, he allowed himself to be swept away by the tenderness of the moment.

When he was about to remove his hand, it was clutched by the sleeping beauty. Her grip tightened slightly on the man's hand, her eyes still closed, lost in her dream.

"Who does he think he is?" Jungkook muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Prime minister's son or some big-shot CEO... Just because he's got those gorgeous charcoal eyes doesn't mean he can go around messing with people."

She shifted a bit under the warmth of the coat, her face scrunching up in a cute, displeased expression. "I bet he thinks he's all that... just roams around like he owns the place. Well, he's not all that special."

Jungkook let out a soft huff, her tiny fist clenching as if she were preparing to punch. Her brows furrowed slightly, and she mumbled.

"Just wait," she murmured, her voice full of sleepy strength, "I'll show him... I'm stronger than I look. Just you wait and see..."

"Has he seen my muscles," Jungkook flexed her arm a little, the movement barely visible, "I walk in front of the gym 5 times a day. he is, acting all high and mighty just because he's—"


Her words were cut off abruptly as the man, gently placed a finger over her lips. Jungkook's eyes fluttered open slightly, but she remained mostly asleep. She blinked, confused, and her grumbling halted as she felt the unexpected pressure on her lips. Her eyebrows knitted in curiosity but the warmth of the man's touch made her calm.

The man's expression remained stoic, though there was a trace of something soft in his gaze. But as quickly as it had come, the moment passed, and the man retreated back into his hand, his stoic facade returned and his expression once again becoming unemotional.

The man dashed back to the deserted road where Jungkook's belongings lay scattered. The rain had drenched them off.

Bending down, the man scooped up Jungkook's belongings, his fingers searching through the wet fabric for any clues that might lead him to her address. He carefully examined each item, his eyes scanning for any sign of identification in the rain-soaked belongings.

Finally, his efforts were rewarded as he uncovered Jungkook's wallet, the leather damp but still intact. He flipped it open, his eyes quickly scanning the contents for any clue of where Jungkook lived.

And he found the address tucked away inside. Clutching the wallet tightly in his hand, he turned on his heel and made his way back to the shelter where Jungkook lay.

Arathorn was perched nearby on the bench with an eye on the sleeping Jungkook , giving heart eyes to the sleeping beauty. He tilted his head, observing Jungkook. The man glanced at Arathorn.

"Arathorn, come here," the man said.

Arathorn gazed at the man with heartful eyes and grunted softly clearly conveying a message without uttering a single word. The man's expression softened as he understood the unspoken sentiment.

With a nod, the man took action, he carefully lifted Jungkook into his arms.

With a wave of his hand, they were transported to Jungkook's bedroom. the man laid Jungkook down gently on her bed. His movements were gentle making sure not to disturb her slumber. He adjusted the covers around her, ensuring she was comfortable.

He took a final look at Jungkook and with a flick of his hands, he vanished, leaving the unconscious Jungkook on the bed.


The night of Taehyung's Engagement

Taehyung changed his clothes and went downstairs to greet the bride's family. He defended the stairs, charcoal eyes fixed on his mother who was greeting the guests.

"You're looking very beautiful, Yuna dear. We are lucky that you are going to be our daughter-in-law," Soomin smiled towards the girl, Taehyung's soon-to-be wife.

The girl smiled shyly and muttered a small thank you. Her eyes went towards taehyung who was decending the stairs.

She silently breathed in when she saw her future husband. Her heart began to beat faster and got goosebumps when she heard the deep voice of the man who was greeting them. Taehyung looked at his soon-to-be wife, receiving the greeting with a short nod. He thought about the girl who would surrender her life to save his life.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mansion, Kim Yi-jung was searching for the major sin of jinn's arrival. She searched everywhere but couldn't find it. Sighing in frustration, she dialled a number.

As soon as the call was picked up, " Rosie, did you find any solution to stop the arrival of Jinn?" Yi-Jung asked impatiently.

"No, I didn't. I'm still trying to find it. Is taehyung ready to marry Alara ?" Rosie, the magician asked.

"Yes, we convinced him to marry,"

"Good, for now marrying Alara is the only solution. I will look for more solutions to protect taehyung till he is married. Please, find the last and major sign of Jinn's arrival, try to look for them in taehyung's room." Rosie flipped the pages of the magical book.

"What is that sign? what do I need to search?" Yi-Jung asked.

Darkness comes before night, fire comes before the Jinn. look for fire circles, the same three circles which appear on taehyung's neck when he is under the dark spirit,"

Yi-Jung nodded, cutting the call as she went towards the room. She locked the door and searched everywhere. She went towards the wall of the room where the large painting was hung. Slowly removing the painting, she gasped in horror. Finally, Yi-jung found the three fire circles, and she hurriedly went to fetch water.

On the other hand,

Taehyung clutched his mother's wrist in a tight grip, knowing that the time was near. As the silver moonlight spilt through the window, he felt a hot pain rip through his body. His body twisted with each passing second, and the cracking of bones was evident. The severe pain was etched across his face as if he were being torn apart from within.

His muscles shuddered. Taehyung watched in terror as Dark, coarse patches of fur erupted from his quivering skin, creating a mosaic of the wild.

Soomin panicked as she saw taehyung. At the same time, Yi-Jung reached there, she hurriedly went towards the main switch of electricity and turned it off, when she saw Taehyung, turning into a beast. All the lights of Kim's mansion went off, and darkness surrounded.

Taehyung glanced around and took this as a chance, jumping directly onto the first floor. The transformation was complete. The man was no more, replaced by a hulking, wild beast that now roamed the night, a prisoner to the curse that had forever altered his existence.

Yi-Jung came there and sighed in relief. When the lights returned, the guests frowned to see the taehyung missing and enquired about him.

To escape the situation, Soomin closed her eyes, held her forehead with trembling fingers and fell to the floor unconscious. They all crouched down towards her.

"Soomin?" Grandma tapped her pale cheeks.

"Soomin is not feeling well. If you don't mind, can we postpone the engagement for tomorrow?" Yi-Jung asked.

"It's okay. Health comes first, engagement can be done anytime. We will take our leave. I hope Mrs Kim gets well soon," Kang Beom, the father gestured to his family. Yi-Jung smiled apologetically.

As soon as the bride's family left the Kim mansion, Grandma vacated all the maids and helpers of the mansion. Soomin woke up and held Yi-jung's hand tightly. The whole mansion quivered with the loud anger of the beast. Taehyung, now transformed into his fearsome beast, stood before his mother.

His mother, tears in her eyes, reached out to him with trembling hands, her voice quivering as she spoke words of love and desperation, attempting to reach the son she had lost.

Taehyung's breath was ragged, he lifted a wooden cabinet and threw it in Soomin's direction. She bent down and took shelter behind the sofa. Taehyung was about to throw things but his hands stopped and his body froze.

Unexpectedly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, hands wandering towards the source of pain. Taehyung looked down at his hand painted in his blood, then at the arrow in his chest. It struck Tae's side with a sickening thud, the head of the arrow burying itself into his flesh.

An agonizing howl erupted from his twisted mouth. His massive body quivered, but he did not yield.
Taehyung fought to stay on his feet, but the pain was a relentless enemy, tearing at him from the inside.

His eyes now mirrored his suffering. They pleaded for mercy amidst the chaos, a silent cry that went unanswered.

Soomin looked behind, horror in her eyes, her mother-in-law standing with an arrow and bow and her son stood on the ground bathed in his own blood.  Her face squirmed with grief and helplessness.

Tears streamed down her cheeks like rain as she watched her son, Taehyung, in his monstrous form, being hit by arrows. Her heart ached. Every agonized howl that escaped Tae's lips was a dagger to her soul, a reminder of the beloved son she had once known and the curse that had stolen him away.

She reached out towards him, her trembling hands desperate to touch the child she still loved, despite his monstrous exterior. Her voice called out to him in a desperate plea for him to find his way back to her.

Kneeling towards her unconscious son, "T-a-e, taehyung, my child," she wailed taking his head in her lap.

Tapping his face with her bloodied hands, she looked at Grandma Kim for help.

Grandma Kim took out the arrow from taehyung's body and said, "he will be alright. Just need some rest."

With great difficulty, they both lifted taehyung and carried him to the room. Yi-Jung brought metal ropes, " we have to tie him for now, I was able to save ourselves but we can't stop him if he changes once again. I had used all the magical arrows Rosie had given."

Soomin cried looking at her son's misery, "Until when will this happen? Why can't that jinn leave my son alone?"

"Dont worry, hmm. Tomorrow taehyung is going to engage. Once Alara becomes part of taehyung's life, that jinn won't be able to control him again." Yi-Jung consoled Soomin.

Other characters:

Kim Yi-Jung (age: 75)
-taehyung's grandmother

Kim soomin (age: 50)
        -taehyung's mother

Kang Yuna (age: 25)
-taehyung's soon-to-be wife


Happy reading!
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