Chapter 26

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"Gingersnap, wanna go hunting?" Shadowfoot purred.

It was two days after the IceClan skirmish and everyone had pretty much recovered. The heavy rain started again.

"S-sorry.... Sparkleaf was going to show me the best way to catch owls," I mewed, "But I'm sure you could come if you wanted," I added with a sly grin.

His eyes widened and he tucked what remained of his tail between his legs. "Uhhhh..... Maybe I'll ask Dragoncry..." he murmured, scampering towards the warriors den.

I heard a chuckle behind me, "He'll never get over losing his tail, will he!"

We were about to head out when Falconflight stopped us. "Can you two, Meadowfur, and Riverear go patrol the twolegplace border- and stay out of the pines. We just want to see if any kittypets are coming to our territory, drawn in by the warm weather."

"Sure!" purred Sparkleaf.

We saw Riverear and Meadowfur waiting by the entrance. We carefully stepped down the path of rocks. One wrong step on the rain soaked stones, and we'd fall and injure ourselves.

Despite the rain, we made it past the pines pretty quick. Following the twoleg fences, we marked the trees beside them.

"I think I smell cat scent heading that way!" Sparkleaf whispered, while pointing into the trees with her tail. "Wanna come with me Gingersnap?"

"Uhhh.... Sure! You two go ahead, and meet us at the bridge over the river, if you make it before we catch up." I purred.

Sparkleaf's amber eyes glittered with excitement as we followed the cat's scent. "From what I can smell, it's a she-cat, and its still fresh. She is moving at a slow walk."

I nod in agreement as we silently slide through the bushes.

"Hello young'ns" a hoarse voice meowed behind us.

Sparkleaf squealed and spun around, falling over in the process.

I looked at the cat who spoke. It was an old she-cat, the one we were following..... She was an orange tabby, her fur missing in some areas, one of her light green eyes were cloudy, and she was thin and scrawny.

"What, never seen a house cat before?" She purred teasingly.

"You're a KITTYPET?" Sparkleaf gawked.

"What? Sparkleaf o-of course shes a-a k-kittypet... c-can't you tell.." I stammered.

"Well.. I'm bored. And tired. Ima go curl up in my cozy twoleg nest." she croaked.

"Wait! We never got your name.." Sparkleaf chided.

"Its Mama Kitty. Now goodbye." she grunted as she stalked away.

I flicked my tail, "Lets go catch up."

Sparkleaf nodded and we raced towards the twoleg bridge.

"What took so long!" Riverear mewed.

"You gave me time to catch two mice!" Meadowfur purred.

"Lets head back."


When we finally scrambled up the rocks and past the waterfall, I was limping.

I made my way to the medicine den, and inside I saw Juniperpaw fizzing with excitement.

"I'm gunna be a full medicine cat tonight!" she yelped.

I looked over at Darkpool. I saw the fur around his muzzle and eyes were gray.

"Whats wrong?" Darkpool mewed hoarsely.

"I sprained my paw." I winced.

He started to walk towards me, when he fell over and started madly twitching. His sides convulsed, and his legs kicked out. His green eyes were glazed with pain. Only then it occurred to me how old he was. 180 moons. 15 years..

Juniperpaw's nose twitched and she started to chew herbs. "Restrain him!" she wailed.

I nodded and started trying to hold down his paws. He convulsed and kicked me hard in the leg. I pushed him down, just as Juniperpaw started trickling herbs into Darkpool's gaping jaws.

He thrashed a few more times, before laying still.

"Is he..." I started.

"Not yet. I don't know if he will make it through the night." She whispered.

   Oh no! Darkpool....... And on the night the medicine cats go to moontree...

   Suddenly, Darkpool's started gasping, "Juniperpaw, Juniperpaw!"

   "What is it! I'm here Darkpool!"

   "No! You can't leave yet! I still have trouble with chervil and comfrey! You can't die!" Her voice faltered.

   "It's time. I can see StarClan gathering around me. I have to make this quick." He stopped and had a coughing fit.

   "I, Darkpool, medicine cat of WildClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice.  She has trained hard to understand the ways of the medicine cat and with your help, she will serve her Clan for many moons.

   Juniperpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"

   Juniperpaw squeezed her blind blue eyes shut before whispering, "I do..."

   Darkpool's voice took on a new authority and strength as he mewed the next words.

   "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Juniperpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Junipersoul. StarClan honors your kindness and strength under pressure, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of WildClan."

   Darkpool sat up shakily and rested his muzzle on the new medicine cats head. Junipersoul then licked Darkpool's shoulder shakily.

   The den was silent as Darkpool's head slid off Junipersoul's and flopped to the ground, eyes glazed with death.

   Junipersoul's eyes were brimmed with tears as she buried her muzzle in his quickly cooling fur.

   I blinked, and started meowing, "Junipersoul, Junipersoul."

   She sat up and looked at me gratefully.

   "Ebonywing's going to be sad. Darkpool was his mother's brother." Junipersoul finally croaked. "I better not go to moontree tonight..." She padded out of the den, her tail dropping sadly.

   I licked Darkpool's black fur one last time, before heading to my nest and curling up. I noticed with a jolt of pain that my paw was still sprained, but I knew Junipersoul had just been through a lot, and didn't want to bother her.

   Squeezing my eyes shut, I curled up tighter. I felt a rush of happiness as I felt Sparkleaf's fur brush against mine.

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