Chapter 27

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I got up and stretched. I padded into the clearing, and saw Darkpool on the ground, with Junipersoul, Ebonywing, and Meadowfur sleeping pushed up against him.

Falconflight wearily pushed out of the den. "Gingersnap. Can you go hunting. The fresh kill pile is nearly empty."

I nodded and looked around. Seeing Shadowfoot pacing by the stone walls, I bounded over to him.

   "Hey, Gingersnap." He sighed.

   "Hey. Wanna go hunting?" I mewed, rubbing by cheek against his.

   Purring, he nodded, and we padded into the forest.

   We headed to the densest part of the forest, away from the river.

   "Shadowfoot? C-can I ask you something?"

   "Yeah," he mewed, ducking his head away shyly.

   "How do you feel about me. How do you REALLY feel?" I asked turning his head towards mine with my tail and looking straight into his green eyes.

   "I-I W-well I g-guess.... I......" he broke off, then continued in a soft whisper," I-I Love you, Gingersnap...."

   "I knew it.." I muttered.

   "Wait? You did?" He gawked.

   "I could tell by the way you stared at me. The way you always tried to be with me..... But.... I-I don't feel the same back...... I'm sorry. But can we still be friends?" I meowed sadly. "I try to love you, I really do but my heart keeps pulling towards someone else...."

   "Is it Drag-" he started.

   "No. Can you keep a secret?"

   He nodded quickly, and tilted his head.

   "I don't know why. I know it's probably not right. I don't know what's wrong, but I-I really like...." I trailed off, before squeaking, "Sparkleaf...."

   "Oh StarClan!" He purred. "You're gay, what am I ever going to do? You are a completely different cat now! You will probably be kicked from the territory!" He nudged me with his shoulder playfully.

   I was startled at him taking it so quickly. "Oh well. I actually kinda enjoyed WildClan. But I guess I'm going to have to be a stinky, smelly, no good TreeClan or IceClan cat!"

   "Ok let's hunt know," he purred, amusement shining in his dark green eyes. "Or are we here to gossip,"

   I nodded, and we stalked off in different directions.

   Snaking around bright green bushes, I smelled a squirrel.

    I pounded, and it fled to a tree. Without thinking I bolted up after it, and leaped from branch to branch, higher and higher, until I caught it's long furry tail between my teeth. Pulling it back, I nipped its neck.

   I set the now fresh-kill down beside me. As I looked down, I realized, I was super high. I stretched my head up over the leaves.  High over the tops of the trees, was the gray peak of the mountain we called camp.

   I felt my legs grow numb. Looking down, my hind legs were hanging in the air, and I was hanging on for dear life. I nudged the squirrel off the branch with my nose. I remember losing my grip, and screeching at the top of my lungs, and falling.

   I opened my emerald green eyes. I saw the medicine den around me.

   I groaned in pain when I tried to lift myself up.

   "You're awake!" Junipersoul purred. "Now, you landed pretty hard on your legs, but surprisingly didn't break anything.  Now let me test something. close your eyes, and tell me if you feel anything."

   She ran her paw from my paw to my flank on both of my back legs. I nodded both times.

   She did the same to one of my front legs with her muzzle. I nodded.

    Then she did it from halfway up my other front leg to my shoulder. I mewed, "Why did you only touch half?"

   A panicked expression replaced her calm one. "Which half did I not touch?"

   I was confused. "The bottom one. Actually, I can't reall-" I stopped as I looked at my paw. It was bent the wrong way, and my leg looked crushed.

   All I remember after that is a muttered, "Oh no," and then I was unconscious.

  I woke up a few times after that, to eat the occasional mouse Shadowfoot would bring in. I would always look at my paw after eating. Then, I would throw up the food and pass back out.

  At least, that's what I remembered.

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