Chapter 28

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   I woke up. As far as I could tell, I was alone. Everyone was sleeping. I turn, and see two amber eyes peering at me.

   "Are you ok?" Mewed Sparkleaf, stepping into the small patch of silver moonlight.

   "I-I think so..." I mutter, not looking at my paw.

    "I'm going to become a medicine cat I know it!!" I cried.

   Sparkleaf slid into my nest and curled up around me, twining our tails together.

   She purred in a soft voice, "How many times have you hurt your paw, and BE too stubborn to ask for help and keep hunting anyway?"

   "Ummm..... a lot....."

    "Then you'll be fine. Go back to bed." She curled up around me, resting her head on mine. I fell asleep, her warmth seeping into my bones.

   I felt tapping on my shoulder.

   "Hey, wake up," I heard Junipersoul whisper.

    I remembered last night, and a wave of happiness rushed over me. Sparkleaf actually cared about me.

   "Can you stay while I collect herbs," she asked.


   "Ok good. Sparkleaf insisted that she was going to help you, so I agreed." She meowed as she padded out.

    A brown and ginger tabby form barreled into the den. "Hellooooo!"

   "She said you were going to help me?"

    "Oh yes," she purred, "Try standing."

   I nod and push my three strong legs down under me.

   "Good, now tuck in your injured paw and walk normally, just without the injured paw."

   By that afternoon, I was walking perfectly, and almost had all the hunting moves down.

   "Ok ok Sparkleaf get out while I check Gingersnap." Junipersoul meowed, nosing her way into the den.

  She nodded and skipped out.

   "Ok show-" she started.

   "Um I'll tell you that I can walk perfectly, and I can stalk and pounce and hunt and I don't need to be a medicine cat!" I frantically meowed. "It doesn't even hurt!"

    "Ok ok. Go see your friends." She purred.

    I ran out of the den, and immediately saw Dragoncry. Scowling at him, I searched for Sparkleaf. She was alone at the side of camp.

   I ran over to her and she wound herself around me, purring.
   "Hey..... can we go out into the woods," Sparkleaf stammered.


   Once we were far out in the woods, she game me this super serious look, and meowed, "I-I l-l-lov-ve y-y-ou......"

    I stare at her, before breaking into a big smile and twined our tails together, "me too!"

   "Well then wanna be mates.....?" She asked.


   "Let's hunt," she purred.


   At the end, she had caught 4 mice and a shrew, and I caught a mouse and a finch.

    We laid down our kill and curled up in our nests together, and slept curled up closely.

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