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First 2 submissions for the fanart challenge!



Art by felinafrenetica  I swear this woman loves to draw and doing fanart and I can't right now.

Art by Shortyy-chan  made recently thx for the submission!

Iida's POV
The last few days have been.... interesting to say the least.

Manual just takes me and Kigarashi to patrol around Hosu but Stain won't stop bothering me.

Kigarashi acts stiff as usual as class rep I should really work on that with him after I deal with Stain and Manual is oblivious.

I guess it shouldn't come off as a big surprise to me since I remember the first time Tensei got interns.

He was so excited that he wouldn't stop talking to mom and dad about it since he was still such a new hero.

As I reminisce about Tensei, I get tapped on my shoulder.

"Ah!" I said surprised and turned to see Kigarashi was the one who tapped my shoulder.

"Kigarashi?" I said.


I notice that Kigarashi had some dark circles under his eyes but he still seemed to be perfectly in order.

(This is his hero costume just remember he's wearing the hat cosplay not mine duh also Izuku is relatively slimmer in this au for reasons revealed later)

Looking at his costume again..... I can see why his name is White Rabbit.

"We're leaving" he said pointing at a waving Manual.

"Oh..... right I apologize"

"Just make sure to pay more attention next time such an error is stupid and wastes multiple people's time come on" He said as he went to Manual.

I flinch a bit at his tone and follow.

"Tenya! Took you long enough!" Manual said. "Come on! Me and White Rabbit have been waiting!"

"I apologize sir" I said bowing.

"It's fine we'll do one more round around Hosu then I need to speak with you in private" he said.

"Of course sir" I said. "What could this be about?"

Izuku's POV
Well this has been uneventful.

You're telling me the most we did was restrain a few thugs.

Maybe I could ask Kuro to bring something to spice things up a bit for training? Training is vital to you.

Please don't.

Yeah I guess so considering it would waste resources and dear Manual probably wouldn't let you fight them anyway.

Yeah and now we're doing one more round around Hosu before doing paperwork at his agency.

Lame there's enough paperwork at home.

That's because you're the CEO.

The pains of being an adult. Uggggggggh

You'll survive.

Let's see you say that when YOU need to do it.

Manual took me and Iida to one more round of patrol before returning to his agency.

He left me to do the paperwork as he left with Iida to have a private talk.

Oh this son of a-


Oh come on he left you alone with PAPERWORK.

I thought you liked paperwork?

I tolerate it Izuku. Papers should only ever be for notes. I get paperwork is REALLY important but I swear if people were less scum then we wouldn't need this sh!t.

Sadly things aren't that easy.

How lovely.

Iida's POV (Watch me probably butcher this scene because I honestly don't want to copy it by switching back and forth)

"You won't go after the Hero Killer right?" Manual asked.

Manual figured my intentions out.

"Sh!t..... sh!t....... sh!t.......... SH!T"

"Of course sir" I said.

"That's good" he said. "Now"

He looked at the door.

"I should probably help White Rabbit with the paperwork before he screams his lungs off" he said. "I nearly did doing it myself."

Manual left the room.

"What do I do with this anger?"

I start clenching my fist.

"The only way to direct this anger....."

The Hero Killer hurt he CRIPPLED him. He destroyed his career.... a man who's inspired so many people. Saved so many lives.... he's ruined his life.

The Hero Killer.

I will NOT let him live.

I go follow Manual to see him at his cubical with Kigarashi, both hard at work.

"Say WHAT theres villains in *insert location at Hosu*" Manual said then turned to me and Kigarashi. "Let's move follow me."

He ran with Kigarashi following behind.

I follow but then saw an alleyway and....

The Hero Killer.

I look back at Manual and Kigarashi who are running and didn't notice me.

"I'm sorry Manual and Kigarashi...."

I look back at the alleyway.

"But justice must be served...."

I go in and see the Hero Killer about to kill the pro hero: Native.

"Stop right there"

10/10 in my writing I don't like writing fight scenes I wanna make dialogue scenes I need to be patient hebwhqjeqiwhehe a little more before Hifumi and Yua can get properly introduced but the contest will stop after 5 entries.

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