Chapter 10

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"Ryna!" A voice as calm as the sea went through her earlobes but she refused to blink.

"Wake up, Ryna." She lifted her head slightly and was confused to see a strange man standing before her. Fears gripped her as she recalled the accident. She staggered back preparing for defense before the voice came again, "What's wrong?"

She blinked for some seconds before gasping at his sight. "Ryker..." Her voice came out slowly with little traces of awareness.

She wasn't used to being woken up by a man. When would this image stop to tempt her? The images of being trapped and overpowered. The image of her being powerless.

Ryker straddled beside her, his face looking stressed but bottled up with curiosity, "What just happened? You looked like you were about to beat me up or something. Is anything wrong?"

"Sorry. It's nothing. I was just scared," she replied to him, as soon as she realized what she just said she bit her lips regretting saying that.

He pierced his eyes into hers. His chin appeared more sharp showing his manly features. His blue eyes tempt her to say the truth. It looked like in his eyes were people standing in circles frowning at her and whispering to her, to tell the truth. "Kathryna, why would you be scared? Did someone torture you?"

She thought for a moment of what she would say. Should she tell her that she was actually raped at the age of sixteen and since then her hatred for men has grown or should she just... "Why would you think so?"

"You acted like one. Anyway, I was here to call on you. The dinner is about to take place and you haven't even dressed?"

"Dress? It's just a dinner right?"

"Yes, Ryna. It's a dinner and I'm formally introducing you as my fiancee. It's one of the things you would have to do. It's in the marriage contract right?" He asked her with a little smile, knowing fully that she didn't read it.

"Yes huh... It is. Such a long contract." She acknowledged playfully. "I would just get dressed."

"Of course, you would get dressed beautifully. There is a family outing or clubbing after the dinner."

"What?" Her heart raced in her ribcage. What has she gotten herself into? What other things have she signed up for the contract?

"Comm'n. It's part of the things we would discuss. So hurry up, the maids would be here to get you dressed up in a few minutes. I can't wait to see your face because I have never seen you on one."

She nodded.

Her mind wandered. Club? Why were they going to the club by this time?

"I will get going. Everyone would be waiting." He walked out of the room.

"Oh my God!" She groaned as she checked her phone. It was 7:30 pm. How would she cope with tonnes of men? Especially those who would be fully covered in beers?

She heard a few knocks knowing who it was, she ordered them in.

Two slim ladies came in with different boxes. One is bigger than the other.

"I'm Agnes." The first who walked in smiling. The smile looked awkward and a bit more forced.

Just by looking at her, she hated her already. She looked like those dolls children love buying. Her face was just too bright with the ugly makeup she was wearing. Though she had a round face it looked like she was around forty but her young body and skin proved that wrong.

She was as thin as the air. One could imagine giving her a slight push and hitting the ground so hard like she was shot. Her brown eyebrows did nothing but outline her owl eyes. Nothing looked more ugly than very big, plump, red lips. They looked tired like they had undergone numerous surgery.

Yes, she looked that ugly.

Talking about her dress. Too fashionable and the opposite of gorgeous.

"I'm Rachael." The other girl smiled. Luckily, her smile was worse. Her grin looked like someone who was actually for the first time smiling.

Gosh! Chantria calm down! She told herself.

"Welcome. I guess you know my name already, Rachel, and... Agnes."

They both looked at themselves and chuckled.

"Yes, ma'am. We are here to dress you for the club. I bet Mr. Ryker would even forget ever knowing you when we are done." Rachael exclaimed with a cheerful nod.

What the hell! She wasn't planning for that! Are they going to mold her into something like them?

She returned their smiles, "Of course yes. I would love to see him tripping all over again."

Agnes slightly pulled her to the dress seat. She put the small shiny box with her on the makeup desk, "You know ma'am you are so lucky. How I wish I was in your shoes. I would have never had any reason to cry until death. Why would I when everything is in my control? Like I could have everything I desire. Oh my..."

'Just wait till you go in labor!' she hissed within.

Rachael's glare hardened as she stare at her colleague. As if, warning her not to bite more than she can chew.

"Uhm...I'm so sorry ma'am." Agnes pleaded.

"Sorry. Oh no! I love your compliments. It makes me feel really special," she said while staring at her in the full mirror. Agnes saw her smile and returned the smile to her looking at the mirror. "You should have a bath before we can dress you up and remake your awesome face."

"Yeah, I should," Chantria replied as she stood up to walk to the privy but both of them trailed behind her.

She turned back slightly annoyed, "Why?"

"We are to help, ma'am."

Bath her? She was an adult for Christ's sake! Was this how princesses were treated like?

If that question was right, then to hell with princesses!

She wasted all her childhood thinking of becoming a princess because of the way they were treated. Beautiful, handled with care, shattered with luxurious things and so much more. She could have rejected it then if someone tells her she would become a cop fighting criminals. But here she is.

"I love my privacy," she replied, sternly.

"No problem, ma'am," they chorused.

After what seemed to be hours, Chantria was finally dressed.

She never knew that a dress could be in that big box one of the girls held.

Wearing the dress and all the makeup, she could feel she has been transformed.

"Now turn, ma'am," Agnes told her as she slowly turned the chair to the mirror. They wanted to surprise her, so she was told not to look at the mirror until ...

Until now. She could swear she looked breathtaking. Her braided hair was packed into two doughnuts with the rest braids falling from each of them. Just like an African Queen.

Her facial features were more gorgeous than she could ever imagine.

"What a gorgeous dress on you, ma'am," Rachael complimented her, strands of jealousy could be seen on her oval-shaped face. Chantria smiled within enjoying the look but the only thing she hated was the dress.

Wait! WTF! Was that looking like a dress?

The dress only covered her inner thighs, it was held a few inches before her knees. She looked like a witch as the dress had no extra color than black except the white dots that were on the chest. She felt exposed. Half of her back wasn't covered and her cleavage was staring at the two unfortunate ladies. "Uhmmm Rachael, Agnes, do you not think the dress isn't good ?"

Rachael smiled, "It is. Mr. Ryker chose the perfect match."

"I guess we should be expecting a baby from the couple very soon," Agnes chuckled, as she faced Rachael.

She had had no choice but to wear it.

"Ah, baby... We aren't married yet."

"It doesn't matter." Rachael winked. "I would prefer Monalisa for the baby's name."

"No... Clarissa." Agnes cut in.

"Maybe both of you should choose Lisa." Chantria joked with them. Maybe they weren't bad anyway. But about giving birth, it's not possible! Not after the hell, she went through in the labor room.

They helped her with her glassy heels and she was ready. She could tell that she was looking like a slut.

A knock came in, then the door went open.

Ryker walked in slowly with a big 'wow' on his lips.

He was dressed in the perfect gentleman's wear while she was dressed like a prostitute! Oh jeez!

He was looking cute with those lovely smiles. He looked like those business tycoons on tv.

The two ladies bowed and ran outside with giggles.

Dolls! She blurted.

"I guess you like them. They are such lousy hens." Ryker called her attention.

She was feeling awkward. What... What should she utter? "Ugh...right."

"You look breathtaking, Ryna."

'Do you mean sexy? I hate those words' her subconsciousness answered.

"You too. I honestly feel exposed. Are you sure it's okay?" Chantria asked.

" are just so perfect. I'm wordless right now."

"Funny," She acknowledged.

They both walked out of the room.

They walked to the dining area.

"Wow!" A man complimented as she walked in slowly, making sure not to fall, so as not to call disgrace upon her Fiance. Her supposed Fiance.

She didn't know who he was but she returned the compliment with a smile.

She sat down just beside her supposed fiance.

They were about ten. They were dressed majestically. Four ladies, she eye-counted. They looked great.

The dinner went slowly with little talks before Ryker cleared his throat. "Everyone, this is my fiancee, Kathryna. I would love everyone to introduce themselves too."

"I'm Tristan." The guy who complimented her was previously introduced first.

The lady beside her looked at her with hatred. Chantria knew she would be despised by many ladies, thanks to Ryker. "I'm Maya Lee."



"Hey... beauty. I'm Ria. Chantria in full." Another lady smiled.


Was that a dream or something? What sort of coincidence was this? She didn't know how to react.

She coughed slightly and Ryker pulled the glass of water to her.

She took several gulps. "Thank you." She muttered to him.




She couldn't take all the names fully. But she surely knew three new faces already. The girl called Chantria. Like why should she be? The angry bird, Maya Lee. What a combination. The angelic man, Tristan.

But there was one person she was waiting for. The leader. The one who may turn out to be the assassin.

He wasn't saying anything throughout not until he stopped and muttered, "Zagan."



His voice echoed unleashing thousands of fireballs in her. She had no idea why his name frightened her.

After every single one was done eating. They waited patiently for the boss.

Zagan looked at Chantria for the very first time in the dining room. "Ryker. I would love you to walk your fiancee out. The meeting is about to begin."

Chantria's eyes lowered to the little green grains in her dish. She stood up and was about to walk away before Ryker held her hand, "She is my fiancee. And she is allowed. No secrets from her."

She could actually imagine Zagan slapping him because of his hot red eyes.

And she could feel that Maya Lee was enjoying the cool conversation.

"No. Don't worry, Honey. I would just get going." She stood up and walked away, disgraced. What was the meeting about?

Hell! Did she just call him, Honey?

Chantria! Why are you behaving this way?

'I'm marking my territory," her subconsciousness answered.


There was more to it.

Guess their job wasn't legal, after all. She could tell Ryker followed her by the fast walking steps she could hear. She could recall his weird face when she called him, honey. Oh no! How would she face him?

"I'm sorry about that, Ryna."

"It's no need. But what is the club about? You know at least I should know little things about you." She pouted.

Ryker smiled. "Ryna, Zagan isn't free with new faces. He was just going to talk about the business. The main reason we are going to the club is to have a meeting with a few clients and enjoy ourselves. That's just it."

"Sorry but...huh...meeting in clubs?"

"Anything wrong? Some clients love the club and it's a benefit to us."

How could it be a benefit? She was confused.


"Uh..." she answered.

"Did I tell you you look gorgeous today," he said staring at her.

She couldn't catch up with his gaze anymore, "No..."

"Did you mean what you called me there?" He asked again.

She didn't reply.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked in a sweeter voice.

Her eyes immediately rolled upwards to stare at his cute eyes and pink seducing lips.


Author's Note;

How was this chapter? What do you think it's gonna happen next?

Comment if you enjoyed it.
Love ya🙈

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