Chapter 9

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She walked into the mansion with a slight groan. She had strained her leg and it seems the injury seem to expand. How would she be able to convince Ryker that she was coming back from the hospital? How would she?

Still, in her wonderland, she bumped into the man she never wish to set her eyes on. Knowing he was the one she just bowed and muttered a sorry before trudging back into wherever her room is.

"He could have killed me with his hard glare," she muttered still walking slowly to the room.

She knocked at the door severally, when she heard no voice she walked inside.

Her gaze fell at the soft bed she always wish she could sleep on every single second. Her head was banging with numerous thoughts. The thoughts of how to seduce Ryker. It was a ridiculous idea but she just had to do it for her safety.

She immediately bounced on the bed with a slight whimper and sighed.

She adjusted the pillow to her head while closing her eyes.

Her eyes abruptly went open as she heard a message beep.

She stretched to take her phone from her bag.

Just as expected, it was from Yetunde.

Her eyes concentrated more on the screen as she saw "Urgent news!"

She immediately clicked on the message.

"Chantria. A murder just occurred not far away from the station. No one saw the killer even though it's still bright. The victim was a ten-year-old boy. I will send more details to you on WhatsApp. Be careful, it's the same yellow card." She read the message with her eyes almost teary.

People just die like it was something delightful. What the hell!

Could it be Ryker? Could it be his brother? Or anyone from the people she sees in the mansion?

It couldn't be Ryker's brother. He was at home before she arrived and Chantria made it known that it was something of a recent. Could it be Ryker?

She hastily exited the message board and dived into WhatsApp.

Chantria already sent three pictures of the victim.

He was stabbed twice in his heart and stomach. Tears immediately dropped from her eyes as she saw the lifeless boy. She could have run mad if it was her son.

A notification popped in, "Chantria, please be careful. I think you are in the right house. Ensure you don't do anything to blow your cover. It's still the same killer."

Chantria tapped and sent to her, "Yes. Please keep the children safe. The killer is targeting our young ones. But how could there be no footage for this incident? How is that even possible?"

"I do not know how the footage got ruined!"

"Oh my! When was the last murder?" she asked.

"It's... It's a week now! Exactly seven days."

"I think it's a week interval. Don't tell me we are expecting another victim seven days from now?" Chantria squeezed her eyebrows and wiped away her tears.

"You need to do something before the next victim. You are the only help right now, Chantria."

When Chantria heard a knock from the door she immediately texted back, "I need to go."

"Come in!" she said as the door already went open.

" Hey, Ryna. When did you arrive?"

"Not quite long," she muttered and adjusted so that he could sit beside her.

Ryker noticed her sad expression. "Are you sick or something? Let me see the injury."

On hearing that, Chantria gasped slightly and nodded almost immediately, "Oh no. It's embarrassing."

If he sees it, then it would be obvious that she didn't visit the doc.

"It's my fault. You know there are quack doctors out there, that would only worsen any injury. So let me have a look at it."

Chantria didn't want to seem adamant. Shy people are not stubborn. She obediently placed her leg on the bed not without wincing, " I told you, it's a small injury."

Ryker's eyes narrowed at her, "And you are sure you visited the doc?"

"Yeah... I did, right?" she asked confused trying to act silly.

"But there is no plaster and the injury seems to be unclean."

"I told the nurse not to apply plaster. My skin often reacts badly to plaster. It could eat up my skin and worsen the injury." she chuckled a little embarrassed.

Ryker stood up from the bed and walked to the wardrobe. He brought out the first aid box and walked back to her at the bed. Chantria kept on looking at him.

Honestly, he was charming. But she still had her doubt. You really can't judge by appearance.

"Why are you staring at me?" His voice brought her back to reality. Oh no! Was she staring?

"Uhm... Sorry. Was I staring?" she stuttered.

Ryker smirked, "Here you go again with replying questions with questions."

He poured the methylated spirit into a small lid and took forceps from a small black purse. He grabbed the cotton wool with forceps and picked a little from the pack.

He dipped it in the lid and brought it nearer to Chantria's leg. She unknowingly held his hand, "I'm so so so sorry, please wait." she said with her big eyes on the wool dipped into the spirit. "Does it hurt? It's not a joke, right? It hurts. Sorry, I will do that myself in the evening."

Ryker almost laughed at her fragile self. She was a perfect form of a baby. How could she be scared of a mere methylated spirit?

"It hurts a little, Ryna. Stop already let me just clean up the wound," Ryker said staring at her hand still on his.

She looked at her hands and shamefully put it down, "Sorry."

"You are so fragile. What if you were shot ?"

"Eh..." Her eyes popped out a little.

Does that mean he... Don't be too sure. Still thinking, she never knew when he applied the spirit on the wound and she screamed.

"Shit! Shit!" She jumped out of her bed with already fallen tears.

She hated anything treatment or hospital.

Those things scare her. She prefers her skin healing at its natural pace to applying some random chemicals.

She hobbled to the door and back to the bed but this time she was laying opposite him. She didn't sit beside him at all. That was too embarrassing. How could she display her weakness before a killer or before a killer's brother?

"Ryna..." he called softly.

"I...I am.sleepy." She quickly closed her eyes.

"Isn't it too early to sleep and... that's my space."

"Let's switch just for today," she mumbled.

"You can have some rest. I would like to inform you that there would be a dinner meeting by 8 pm."

"Dinner meeting?" she asked with a scoff.

"Yes. You would be introduced to the others formally and our business because you also need to play your path as my fiancee."

"Fiancee!" She secretly rolled her eyes.

"Please take care, Ryna. I love you."

I love you. It was crazy hearing it from him. Love indeed. She secretly rolled her eyes again.

Ryker walked out of the room silently.

The pain in her leg was as scorching as the sun. She could barely move the leg.

Dinner meeting?

"Well, I guess it's time to know the real business," she smiled.


April walked to the door and Ezekiel almost opened it immediately.
"Are you sure, it's a good plan?" April said as she walked to Ezekiel's bed.

"Of course it is. It's going to be interesting. I have learned some stuff about it from mother." Ezekiel answered her assuredly even though he was doubting.

April brought out her teddy bear and opened up a small place she had torn before but slightly covered. She brought out a small recorder. "I didn't want to hear it alone, so I decided to bring it here with you. Perhaps we might understand in different terms.

After she played the little recorder, she puts it in the teddy bear back. "What do you think, Zeke?"

"I have heard something similar to it. Before mum decided to go that very day, I was eavesdropping on what she was discussing with your mum. I think this man is not just someone that kills children alone."

April sighed and hugged her teddy. "About the yellow card, what does that mean? I'm really confused. We also watched that the killer killed a boy and put a yellow card in his cloth."

Ezekiel nodded in agreement. "Yes. Yellow means warning." He immediately gasped, "What if that yellow means something greater is coming next?"

"I'm so scared."

"You don't have to. Since my mum is busy fighting the bad guys, I promise to help her fight it too and you are the only one who is interested in this too. You don't know how happy I am. We can help our parents."

"Fine. I wish May could help too." April joked.

"Don't tell me you are talking about your sister. All that she cares is about Eros, Eros, Eros."

"Are you jealous?" April teased.

"Ahh no. Why would I? I'm better than him."

"Yes, you are right!" She chuckled.

"I think you need to get going before mum finds out you are not in bed with your sister," Ezekiel said.

"Yes. We will find out more about it tomorrow. Guess we are not resuming on Monday then because of all these."

"Guess I love that. School is shit!"

"I disagree!" She laughed and walked out.

Ezekiel sighed and thought for a while.

After he was done, he prayed for everyone. Including April, May, their mum and dad, and especially his mum.

"Mum, please be strong for me." He whispered and slept off.

Author's Note
Guess the children are so smart to help in search of this killer. Zagan you are so Dead!

I wanna know about you!
Yes. What made you smile today?

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