Chapter 5

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Everyone was busy with one thing or the other. They were either piling up files, fixing appointments on calls, looking at screens or anything that could be pertained to boredom. He began to get sick of it. He wandered around the house in search of anything pleasant. Good thing, he had already scheduled to fly out. He needed to put himself in place and avoid getting his hands dirty with his brother's stints.

If in any way, he gets into trouble with his men, he would vanish into thin dust. At least that was what he thought. It is almost impermissible to think that nemesis wouldn't enmesh his brother, so he had plans. Plans that he is sure would definitely work out if the cops finally tracked them and break them into chunks. After all, Zagan was just his half brother, but that doesn't mean he detested him but it just rationalizes the fact that, self love is more critical than anything else.

He scooped his hands into his pocket and narrowly brought out the cigarette he had been willing to light but since his brother could have gotten his eyes red and stiff limbs just by perceiving it, he couldn't.

Zagan kept it personal with him. Feeling that he had too many adversaries and being asthmatic was a weakness, he is more drawn to the rule, 'No smoking!'.

He saw his brother Zagan shuffled into his car and drove out of the clan. Good thing he was gone and bad at the same time as he is definitely out to satisfy his urge.

He sighed. His eyes closely sketched the cigarette with him and then he stuffed out a lighter from his pocket and lighted the stick. He drew in the smoke and slowly blew it out. Smoking was his perfect addiction, not women. He sneered as his thoughts veered to that part.

He walked slowly around the compound with the regular puffing in and out. He stopped abruptly as he saw a lady at the gate. It was a low entrance but the lady was finding it hard to peep in.

What could the stranger be looking for? Hope it wasn't one of those spies?

His fingers caressed the pocket at his side. When he discovered it was a really gorgeous girl, he put back the gun to his pocket and effortlessly spruced up his shirt.

After walking close to the gate, he unlocked it.

The lady who he had seen with a giraffe neck quickly jotted when she noticed she had just been caught.

He strolled to the girl staying before him in shock. "What could a pretty lady be doing here ?" he asked with his arms crossed, when he noticed he wouldn't be getting any reply sooner, he entangled his arms and looked disgustingly at her, "Are you feigning to be dumb? Who the heck are you?" he snarled.

Only this made the lady before him startled more. Her dark brown eyes looked stealthily at the ground repeatedly before it gained vigor to look at his face.

He found her attractive, but at the same time was cautious. He knew any spy could come from no where, and it could be today. But it is only an impoverished guess it would be any lady. A lady wouldn't do an unnerving job as that. He enjoyed her clumsiness and took joy in seeing her bowing frequently, but he needed her to speak.

"Are you a thief?"

The lady eyes met his for the third time with a jiggling gesture, "Oh my goodness. I am not a thief. Sorry, I was actually checking if the house dwellers need a housemaid." she said with a slight awe in her voice. Her braided hair swirled across her face and she made an effort to shove it back behind her ears.

Ryker cracked up for a moment, "And is that a way to search for a job? Besides, there isn't any board that signifies that you can apply"

"I'm so sorry, sir. I would just get going. I'm so sorry for the intrusion." she said softly and turned back to walk away.

Ryker wheezed when he realised, "Stop. I didn't free you. You have committed an offence, you need to face the punishment." he said. He could swear he saw her muscles tensed up. Her fragile body intensifying every second.

"Please, Don't put me to jail." she pleaded immediately.

"Okay but on a circumstance. The condition would help both of us infact."

Her eyes lightened but she wasn't staring at him, "I will, I will do anything. I just don't want to go to court. I have no money."

"No husband nor boyfriend?" His eyes widened with a little smirk on his face. He threw the cigarette away and cleared his throat, "Strangers aren't allowed here for some reasons."

"What reasons?" Her former cool gesture immediately lightened but when he looked surprisingly at her, she immediately went back to her normal state.

"The reasons won't harm you for not knowing."

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Yes. The condition is, you would pretend to be my girlfriend..." He hadn't completed before she interrupted.

"What? I'm so sorry, It's impossible."

"Well, then get ready to be sued, beside I am rendering you a favour. That is the only way your presence would be conceded. Don't worry it's more official, I need someone to pretend to be my fianceé rather, to get some bragging rights so I can... don't worry, we will talk more on this. Are you in?"

She thought for a moment then nodded negatively, "I really don't need all that, sir. I need a job instead."

"You weren't listening?" It sounded more like a statement than a question. "It is official, you would be paid handsomely."

"I don't have other option. Thank you so much, sir."

" We are officially couples. Let go on a date so you could look more presentable." he said.

"Isn't that too early?" she asked. She was sceptical about the whole issue. Everything just seemed to happen in the twinkle of a bruised eye.

"Is it too early to earn money?" He flashed her a seductive smile. "Besides, it should be today. It is most preferably today."

"Okay sir."

"You should call me something sweet to avoid others suspecting. Like honey or..." He noticed her unusual gestures. "Well fine, just call me Ryker."

She forwarded her hands to meet his, "Well, I'm Chan..." She paused for a while and continued. "I really get nervous with strangers."

"No wonder, you have no job." He said sarcastically which made her go weary. "Ok...what's your name?"

"I'm Kathryna." she said in short.

He gestured her first entry into the big house. It was a mansion!

"You have a nice name but I will prefer calling you Ryna." He said with a smile.

She smiled a little, "That's so sweet. Mum prefers calling me that too."

"Wow, that is good. I guess that makes me special too." He said and she chuckled.

He opened the car like a perfect gentle man for her to enter and she did. He entered too and drove off.

Ryker smiled within. His plans were working out. First, he got himself a fiancee. A very gorgeous one infact. Though it was a contract, he couldn't bear to make her his already. Then start up with the marriage. His plans were going smoothly and sweet.


It was already dark when Ryker drove back to the clan with Kathryna. They enjoyed themselves but he couldn't tell if she did. She was behaving weird for the rest of the time. Maybe she was just being shy or since everything just seemed to change in a moment.

She was the perfect form of perfect. He hadn't seen any black girl that would be as pretty as that in his life. Her brown golden skin looked like it was uniquely created with special golden sands. Her smile was pure.

He took her to the boutique then they went to an eatery. Everything was fast and he was unfortunately falling in love with her so fast. He had made the documents and she had signed it too.

All, was going perfectly well. He made sure she scanned every document and explained the rules to her. She was cool with everything. But there was a strange document within that she had signed.

He intentionally made the documents heavy so it would take much time to read it carefully and since he had convinced her the official documents needed to be handled in a hurry, she had obliviously signed all.

He could only imagine the terror on her face when he later tells her what else she had signed.

He is such a tricky guy, he chided himself.

He sighed when he noticed his brother was already home.

The men were surprised as he walked in with a lady.

He made her sit on the coach.

"Theo, where is Zagan?"

Theo stopped staring at the lady on the coach and looked at him, "He is sleeping. Who the heck is she?"

"She is someone with a higher rank than you." he smiled.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"She is my fiancee. I just picked her from her house to make it known to you all."

"Sir, did you break up with that lady already? Since when have you guys started dating? You said fiancee?"

"Theo, are you deaf? She is my fiancee and that's final!"

He walked to Kathryna and she smiled back feeling a bit uncomfortable. Though she didn't hear what they were saying but knew the other guy was not buying the idea.

She felt so drowsy. She was just doing these so she could find out the people living in the house and to know if they are the Mafia gangs Myles was talking about.

Just immediately, a man walked in. He looked disturbed. When his eyes landed on her, she immediately felt nostalgic. She had seen him before but it was hard to recollect.

He broke her from her thought, "Ryker, who is she? I warned everyone not to bring in a stranger without letting me know."

Ryker frowned, "She is my fiancee."

"I see. I thought you were flying out." His brother gazed icily at the lady.

"I changed my mind, bro. Besides, we have been dating for about two years now. I just wanted to surprise you all. She isn't what you think of her."

His eyes peered at her once again. She could feel those eyes were staring into her soul. She felt weak instantly but didn't know the reason.
He walked inside without saying anything and the rest of the men left them.

They left Ryker with her. She didn't know them but she knew they were weird and they seemed more like a Mafia gang. It was getting easier than she thought, she smiled.

If actually she found out that they are the one, it would be so easy to leak his secrets.

What bothered her most was her son. She needed to talk to Yetunde, if she had gotten home and to ask about Ezekiel's welfare. She hoped Ezekiel wouldn't be annoyed with her.

Author's Note:

Thank y'all for reading. What do you think? If you like this story, why not vote and comment.

What do you think Chantria got herself into?

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