Chapter 6

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"Okay, I think we should go to bed." Ryker stood up from the coach they had been sitting for about twenty minutes without talking to each other. Part of his mind had been grinning devilishly, fully aware that his plans were already falling into place, the other mind is busy blaming himself for plotting such thing against her. Well, it's for their benefits.

Chantria glanced at him and nodded positively, "Yeah we should. Take me to my room."

She stood up and followed Ryker to whatever room he was allocating to her. After passing through the corridors and many doors, they finally reached a doorstep. He unlocked the door to let her in.

Chantria gasped as she saw how wide and exotic it was. The wall were painted with beige and white, it was giving that eerie feeling. Her eyes landed on the comfy bed well tucked, she could only imagine herself laying flat, with all her muscles relaxing at the softness of the bed. She could smell peace and freedom. She walked in when she noticed how long she had been staring. Just as expected, the room's temperature was cold and a sweet sensation filled the air.

"Will you stop gawking?" Ryker smiled at her as he closed the door behind him. He noticed her embarrassment and smile.

"Well, you can sleep if you are already drowsy. I will just take my bath and join you," his mouth danced with a little smirk as he walked to the privy. He heard a loud gasp.

He turned his back to look at her expression. It was filled with embarrassment and regret. 'If only you know my plans for you,' he thought in his mind.

"This is definitely your room, right? Don't you have a guest room? I can't sleep here in the same room with you," she said. Her voices shaky and almost rushed.

He faced back at her, "We are couples, Ryna-"

"A contract!" she corrected.

He walked to her and sat down on the blue coloured sheet. She immediately adjusted so that he wasn't any closer to her. "If we sleep in different room, don't you think it is bad acting? Besides, are you scared I would just force you to do something you don't want to?" he teased her.

She nodded rather too fast, "Who knows if you are planning to just kill me in the middle of the night?  I must be so stupid to sign up this contract, what was I thinking?" she cried high pitched.

"Hush... My brother's room is at the next wall, he is the least I would want him to know that this is a contract. I have a profile to look after, why would I strangle a princess like you?"

"Okay, fine. It's just two months. After, all these will be over." she said politely with a slight yawn.

"Yes, two months." he said with a sly smirk. He immediately stood up to go and shower.

Chantria laid on her back looking at the white ceiling, her eyes rolled down to the space beside her. That is probably where Ryker would lay when he comes. She didn't expect things to turn out this way, but she didn't mind. If this was what to take to revenge Myle's death, she will.

When she was about to fall asleep, she sat uprightly on the bed and thought for a second. Then she took the two pillows and placed it vertically at the centre, in such a way that the pillows would be sharing the bed into two parts. In that way, it would be hard for the two bodies to make a connection.

After placing the two pillows well enough, she searched for other small pillows. Her fingers felt the texture of a small thick paper. She took it, It was an envelope.

Curiosity filled her inside as she read the opening on the envelope, 'Release my daughters you coward!'. She slightly opened the envelope and took the papers but when she noticed his footsteps to the bedroom, he immediately arranged the envelope, dropped it and pretended she was sleeping.

She was facing the opposite side of the bed with her hear thumping in her ribcage. What was that about? Are two daughters been kidnapped? Her police side wanted to just ask him or charge him to court, but she knew better. Her heart raised up again as she felt the side of the bed sank in.

Feelings of eyes watching her tickled her and she just forced her eyelids closed. She had the gut feeling that she was in the right place. And perhaps, she is sleeping on the same bed with a killer. She wasn't sure but she hoped it was true. What if he just stab her just like he did to the young girl? She also hoped it was true, so that it would be easy to catch up with the killer.

She was encapsuled in her ocean of thoughts, not knowing when sleep engulfed her.


The next day, she felt a pang of pain on her forehead which woke her up. She sat down on the bed while brushing with her fingers her whole hair to the back. Her back slightly turned and she smiled when she knew Ryker was already up. She walked to the other side of the bed and began to search for the envelope she saw last night. She needed to know what it was all about.

When she couldn't find it she lazily sat on the bed and stood up back. It was time to go to meet up with Ezekiel. He would have cried his eyes out.

She stretched her body and when she had heard the cracking of bubbles from her bones, she breathed in relieve.

The only information she knew was that, Ryker has a older brother who seemed to be the boss of the group or gang. What she needed is to keep her eyes on the boss. Who knows if he could be the assassin and serial killer they were searching for?

She walked slowly to the door and opened it gently so that it gave less creaking sounds compared to the way Ryker opened it last night, anything not to worsen the headache that kept increasing.

After closing the door, she yawned repeatedly and walked to wherever her feet took her. It wouldn't hurt if she looked around the so called fiance's brother's house, mansion rather.

She heard sounds of a door opening and stopped in her tracks. She saw him lock his room's door. His keys fell down and he took it effortlessly and walked away.

Surprised at the brief gesture, she ran after him. "Mister, Mister!" she called, her legs struggling to catch up with his pace. He didn't try to look back or maybe he was feigning not to hear her calling him. She kept on running after him till they got to the compound. He walked to his car and when he was about to open the car, she took the opportunity to stop him from doing so.

Still breathing hard from running, she looked at him with a frown and muttered, "I know you were ignoring me, why?" she questioned.

He didn't blink his eyes nor attempted to reply her. She waved her hands before him, "Are you deaf or something?" but unfortunately, he held her hands with much effort that she thought, if he increased the pressure, it could easily break, still squirming, he dropped her hands harshly and opened the car's door.

Annoyed, she blocked him, "I was just trying to be good. To get to know my fiance's brother..." without letting her complete her words, he pushed her away and she ended up landing on the cemented floor. Her head was banging and she injured her leg with little scratches on her elbow. The force was so strong that at that moment she couldn't think.

He entered his car and drove off. The only person aware of the incident was the gateman. She doubt he even felt pity for her.

She stood up with small effort trying not to overwork her leg. She hobbled back inside. Her legs wouldn't heal any seconds as she kept limping. When she got to his door, she hissed harshly recalling how he had throw her away like a worthless bag. After raining curses at his door, her eyes roomed the floor where the keys fell initially. She squatted to take a look at an extra key on the floor. It was between the inner floor and the outer floor and she knew any mistake could make it slip inside. She gently, drew the key out and laughed wickedly at it.

Now she could have easy access to his room.

She kept on smiling and hobbling when she caught Ryker walking towards her, her instinct immediately told her to hide the key in her pocket.

"What is that?" Ryker questioned signalling that he saw her hid something from her.

She looked at him pathetically and sighed, "It's nothing. Your brother pushed me away this morning."

He clenched  his fists and sucked his cheeks, "Why the hell would he do that?"

"I... I have no idea. I was trying to talk to him but he just ignored me." she feigned pain, "I just feel worthless here. I need to go home."

He walked to her and hug her tightly that she could hardly breathe, "Look here, Ryna. He has been like that. If you don't want trouble just stay away from him. He is more cruel than you could ever expect him to be, just stay away from him."

She lifted her head slightly so that she was staring at his eyes. They were sea- blue just like Ezekiel's own but her son's own held less mystery compared to his. "Cruel?" she asked.

"Yeah, let's not talk about it." he played with his nose for a second.

Realising that he wouldn't tell her anything, she cut the physical contact, "No physical contact," she highlighted and walked away from him.

Ryker was confused. Why would she just remind him of the rules? He wasn't ready to listen to those rules. He could feel his heart jumping as she looked into his eyes, his body was shaking at her touch. He didn't know why but he knew he was falling so hard in love. He turned back to look at her, but he noticed she was injured, he immediately ran after her and caught up with her. "Sorry about that."

"Thank you." she replied blankly.

"Should we go out on a date to somewhere cool ?"

She stopped abruptly and looked at him, "Why? The last time I checked, we had a formal date yesterday."

"Yeah, we do. But it was formal like you said. We could have more time to ourselves and get to know each other." he insisted.

It was true, she would get to know him more, but about him knowing her, that was a no go area. " Nope. I'm not interested."

"What? Did you just ignore the offer?"

"Yes, I did. You got any problem with that?"

"Yeah fine, forming hard. Well suit yourself." he walked away.

"Whatever!" she scoffed.

Why would the girl keep doing this to him? No one had ever turned him down and she just did without blinking?

Well, he wouldn't stop else she falls hard for him too, like really hard. Only this, would foster his plan.

He had other plans than getting married to her. Although, getting married to her was one of his plans but the main one would definitely shatter everyone and pull her to him like a magnet forever, he made sure of that.

Okay guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Why not vote and comment if you loved it?

What do you think Ryker's plan is and do you think Chantria's plan is working?

Well, if you wanna find out, keep reading!

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